Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1407 Kuroba Kaito was tricked

\u003c!--go--\u003e Higong Ming was a little confused.

How could you hear Kudo Shinichi's voice?

Didn't Conan have a battle of wits and courage with Kaitou Kidd these past two days? There shouldn't be any need to change back to Kudo Shinichi, right?

With countless speculations flashing through his mind, Yu Gongming came to the door and opened the door.


A figure rushed in through the door and closed the door with lightning speed.

Yu Gongming took a quick look and saw a young man with a handsome face. Yu Gongming was also quite familiar with that face.

"Are you...Kuroba Kaito?" Akira Hanomiya probed.

The young man was stunned when he heard this: "You were recognized at a glance?"

As he spoke, his voice had returned to its original voice. It was none other than Kuroba Kaito, that is... Kaitou Kidd!

Akira Hanomiya raised an eyebrow: "You admit it so simply? Well, you are probably being chased by Officer Nakamori, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong voice came from downstairs.

"What? Didn't you see Kidd? Impossible! I clearly saw him running this way! He must be hiding nearby. You guys guard every intersection! I'll ask the residents nearby!"

"This it Officer Zhongmori?" Meng Yu also walked over and looked at Kuroba Kaito in front of him with a playful expression.

The corner of Yu Gongming's mouth also curled up: "No wonder you are so straightforward. It turns out that you know that you can't hide your identity when Officer Zhongmori comes!"

Kaito wiped the sweat off his head, adjusted his breathing, and said, "Yes! Originally, I was a little happy that I didn't see you during this operation, but in the end, that brat didn't know what kind of stimulation he got. , caused me a lot of trouble!"

Mengyu blinked: "In other words, you just ran over from the Suzuki Library?"

"Yes!" Kaito said helplessly: 'After returning the moonstone, I hid in the library and planned to retreat when their defenses were lax. ’

"Who knew that Officer Zhongsen seemed to be unusually persistent this time? It's been almost a day since the incident ended and the police force has not yet been withdrawn."

"I finally made it through last night. Officer Nakamori was about to give up, but Detective Mori and his family passed by the library again while taking a walk."

"I don't know if I was unlucky, but Detective Maori threw a drink bottle casually as if it was a joke, and it happened to hit my hiding place."

"Then the kid heard something unusual about the sound of the drink bottle and guided Officer Zhongmori to find me."

"So you were forced to break out of the encirclement, but in the end you still didn't get rid of the police and escaped here in embarrassment?" Akira Hanamiya took over the conversation with a slightly weird expression.

Kidd was actually tricked by his uncle this time?

He didn't believe that it was just a coincidence that Uncle Maori threw the drink bottle.

He must have discovered Kidd's whereabouts, and then quietly exposed the clues to Conan.

As a result, Kidd placed the blame on Conan.

Tsk tsk! Sure enough, ginger is still spicy!

"Don't say it so harshly!" Kaito put on his trademark poker face again: "If the librarian hadn't been hiding for a day and a night, he was sleepy and hungry, and his hang glider was broken by that kid's football, how could he have been Did the police bite?"

Meng Yu heard this and looked at him in surprise: "I remember that the device you control the glider is in your belt, right? You can still jump around after being hit by Conan's football on your waist. You are worthy of being Kaitou Kidd!"

When Kaito heard this, his poker face instantly broke, and he said angrily: "You have the nerve to say that? Who gave that kid such a dangerous thing? The power of that football can almost kill someone!"

Meng Yu chuckled: "Aren't you still alive and well?"

At this time, a burst of rapid footsteps sounded.

Kaito's expression changed: "You guys let me hide for a while, this time I owe you a favor!"

Without waiting for Yu Gongming and the others to reply, he quickly ran into the house.

After taking a glance, Yu Gongming found that he just ran into the bathroom, hesitated for a while, and ultimately took no action.

A few seconds later, there was a knock on the door.

Yu Gongming opened the door.

As expected, it was Officer Zhongmori outside the door.

But what is surprising is that Officer Nakamori is also accompanied by Conan.

Akira Hanomiya looked puzzled: "Officer Nakamori? And Conan? Why are you here?"

Officer Nakamori coughed lightly: "We are chasing Kaitou Kidd. He disappeared after escaping nearby. I wanted to ask Detective Hanomiya if you noticed anything unusual."

Yu Gongming recalled for a while and shook his head slightly: "Sorry, Meng Yu and I were having breakfast just now. If there is anything abnormal, it was probably the sound of Officer Zhongmori shouting to arrest Kidd."

"That's it!" A look of disappointment flashed in Officer Zhongmori's eyes, then he cheered up and shouted behind him: "Let's go! Let's go look elsewhere!"

Then he left with a group of police officers.

A police officer asked in a low voice: "Officer, why don't we go in and take a look like other residents?"

Officer Nakamori glared at him: "Idiot! Detective Hanomiya and Miss Mengyu are both here. They were having breakfast just now. There is no way Kaitou Kidd can disguise himself as them."

"And didn't you notice when you came up? Detective Hanomiya's office and the living room on the third floor are all equipped with anti-theft nets. It's impossible for Kidd to sneak in in such a short time!"

"I came up just to ask Detective Hanomiya if he found anything unusual. After all, he was the one who foiled Kidd's plans several times before... Okay! Stop talking nonsense and go to the next house!"


On the other side, Conan glanced at the backs of the police officers leaving, pushed up his glasses, and stepped into the living room.

Yu Gongming didn't say anything, just closed the door silently.

The three of them came to the dining table and sat down. Yu Gongming turned his head and looked at the toilet: "Okay! Come out!"

The toilet door slowly opened, and Kaitou Kid, who was back in a white dress, wearing a white top hat and a monocle, stepped out.

There was not much surprise on Conan's face: "You are indeed here!"

Kidd raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Do you know I'm here?"

Conan snorted: "Officer Nakamori didn't see it, but I could see it very clearly. The row of footprints extended all the way to the toilet."

"Footprints?" Kidd was stunned. He looked down and saw a row of faint traces extending from the door.

"Huh? This color..." Kidd's eyes drifted to the door, and his heart moved slightly: "Is it the carpet outside the door?"

Yu Gongming noticed the change in his eyes and said with a smile: "In order to confirm whether the home was sneaked into, I did some tricks on the carpet outside the door."

Conan nodded lightly: "So when I saw that footprint, I knew someone had come in just now, and from the pace of the footprints, it was not difficult to see that the owner of the footsteps was in a hurry."

"With a little reasoning, the answer will be obvious."\u003c!--over--\u003e

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