Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1414 Obtaining Information

After handing the number to Akira Hanomiya, Toru Amuro said goodbye and left.

Yu Gongming took the number slip and said with a smile: "Then it's time to test your skills!"

"Don't overturn the car!" Meng Yu smiled and gave Yu Gongming an encouraging look.

Yu Gongming smiled confidently: "Don't worry, I will make a move with just one word, steady!"

Meng Yu chuckled: "Then I'll wait and see!"


The next morning, ten o'clock, Café Poirot.

Mouri Kogoro opened the door and walked in.

"Eh? Mr. Mouri is here?" Miss Azusa immediately noticed the arrival of Kogoro Mouri.

"Teacher Mori! Good morning!" Wakita also poked his head out of the kitchen and greeted warmly.

Mouri Kogoro responded politely and came to the front desk, his eyes falling on the menu posted on the wall.

"Isn't Mr. Maori opening today? Why do you have the time to come to the coffee shop at this time?" Miss Xiao Zi asked with a smile.

"It's nothing, I just didn't sleep well yesterday. I felt like falling asleep just sitting in the office, so I wanted to come to the cafe and drink a cup of coffee to wake up."

Hearing this, Miss Azusa looked at Mouri Kogoro up and down and found that he did look a little listless.

So she said, "Mr. Mori, would you like to try our specialty espresso?"

"Uh! The espresso may be a bit too bitter, so give me a latte." Maori Xiaowu replied.

"Okay! No problem! Do you need anything else?" Miss Xiao Zi asked.

Mouri Kogoro touched his chin and thought for a while, then said: "Then let's have two more sandwiches! It will be lunch later!"

"Okay!" Miss Zizi smiled and said, "The meal you want will be delivered as soon as possible. Mr. Maori, please sit down wherever you like."

Mouri Kogoro nodded, then put his hands in his pockets and shuffled towards one of the empty tables.

And his hand hidden in his pocket lightly touched the phone screen.

A message was sent.


Hanomiya Detective Agency.

Mengyu looked at the message on the phone screen and smiled: "Rum is busy in the coffee shop now, we can start!"

"Okay!" Yu Gongming nodded, took out the voice changer, and quickly clicked on the phone with his fingers to dial a number.

And the number on his mobile phone has been adjusted by Mengyu to Rum's number provided by Toru Amuro.

After a while, the call was answered.

"Hey!" A slightly lazy female voice came from the opposite side, and Yu Gongming instantly confirmed that this was Belmode.

Yumiya Ming secretly adjusted his mentality and said with a somewhat joking tone: "This number is really yours! Belmod."

"Rum?" Belmode's tone changed slightly!

Yes, Akira Hanamiya's voice at this time was no different from that of Kaneri Wakida.

However, compared to the Wakita they had come into contact with, he deliberately lowered his voice, and his tone also had a gloomy tone.

Hearing Belmode's inquiry, Akira Hanomiya continued: "You seem surprised? Do you think I won't call this number, or do you think it shouldn't be me who calls this number?"

Belmode was silent for a while, and then said: "I don't know what you are talking about. This is a mobile phone card I recently applied for for a mission, so I haven't had time to report it yet."

"I'm a little surprised, why did you call this number?"

Yu Gongming's eyes flashed slightly, and he quickly sorted out the information in Belmod's words in his mind, and said: "It's just a reminder."

"Reminder?" Belmode sounded slightly confused.

Yu Gongming said calmly: "That adult asked me to remind you that he can pretend that he doesn't know some things, but his tolerance has limits."

The person on the other side was silent again for a while, and then replied: "Is there anything else? If not, I'll hang up."

There was a hint of smile in Yu Gongming's tone, and he said casually: "How is the progress at the police station?"

Belmode chuckled: "Everything went well. The internal security system and personnel activities have been basically figured out. I have also obtained the database opening key from the undercover over there."

"What? Do you need it now?"

"Curaçao arrived in Japan yesterday." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

"I see. Well, at eight o'clock tonight, on the rooftop of the Rice Krispy Hotel, you ask Curaçao to come over and hand over the information and keys."

"No problem!" Yu Gongming replied.

"Then let's do this for now." Belmode said calmly.

"I hope you can keep this reminder in mind." Yumiya said clearly and hung up the phone directly.

He reached out and touched his back and found that his clothes had been soaked with sweat at some point.

The pressure on his conversation with Belmod this time was even greater than that of the previous White Horse Director.

Although Director Hakuba is a powerful figure, the information advantage is on his own side. Akira Hanomiya only needs to be careful not to expose his own information, and he will be able to deal with it with ease.

But this time facing Belmode was completely different.

Both Belmod and Rum are old men in the organization. Even though Belmod has always acted alone, he must have had many interactions with Rum over the years.

As for Hanemiya Akira, his understanding of Rum is limited to the plot of the original work, personal contact with Wakada, and some brief descriptions from Toru Amuro and Subaru Okiya.

And this information alone is obviously not enough compared to Belmode, who he has worked with for many years.

If you want to prevent Belmode from discovering obvious flaws, you not only need to carefully plan the dialogue in advance, but you also have to adapt to circumstances.

The strategy chosen by Yu Gongming was to turn passivity into initiative and put pressure on Belmode.

What Belmode concealed from them, and the information he allowed the two of them to sneak into the Black Sakura Base to steal, are secrets that cannot be known by the organization.

Akira Hanomiya used this to make Belmode a passive responder and reduce his own information pressure.

Of course, after being initially at a loss, Belmod would definitely conduct a test. After all, Rum would probably not call this number under normal circumstances.

At this time, Akira Hanomiya asked about the progress at the Police Department and told what happened in Curacao.

This is an element of gambling. Belmod's participation in the preliminary preparations for this operation is just speculation by Akira Hanomiya and cannot be 100% certain.

Even if she did participate in the preparations for her ex-wife, it is still unknown whether she has contacted Rum and how far it has progressed.

Fortunately, judging from Belmod's reaction, he should have passed the test.

"Thank you for your hard work." Meng Yu gently wiped the sweat from Yu Gongming's forehead with a towel.

Yu Gongming responded with a grateful smile and exhaled: "Fortunately, I finally got some valuable information, and there may be additional gains."

He told Dream Whisper everything about his conversation with Belmode.

Meng Yu listened silently. When Yu Gongming stopped talking, she frowned slightly and said with some worry: "Tell me, will Sister Bei notice something?"

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