Soon, the call was made.

Belmode put the phone to his ear.

Instead of holding the phone to her ear, she pulled away slightly.

In this way, she believed that even if the speakerphone was not turned on, with Yu Gongming's ears, she could still hear the content on the other end of the phone.

This is her sincerity.

After a busy tone, the call was connected.

"Hey!" A low and cold female voice came from the other side.

"Oh my! I haven't heard your voice for a long time! Curacao!" Belmode chuckled.

"Belmod?" The voice on the other side was obviously cold.

"I'm so glad you still remember my voice!" Belmode smiled.

"...If possible, I don't want to hear your voice." The other person replied.

Hearing this, the smile on Belmod's face became stronger: "Actually, I am also very willing to be considerate, but it was Rum who asked me to cooperate with your actions. If you want to blame, blame him. "

The person on the other side was silent for two seconds and said, "Stop talking nonsense. What's the matter? Tell me."

After hearing this, Belmode stopped teasing her and said with a smile: "I have obtained the information you need from the hidden stake in the police station. Let's meet tonight and I will give the information to you."

"Okay, time and place?" Curacao asked concisely.

Just as Belmod was about to reply, a note appeared in front of her eyes.

[Twelve o'clock tonight, the first observation deck of the rockery in Mihua Park]

Belmod glanced at it and said in a normal tone: "At twelve o'clock tonight, it will be at the first viewing platform of the rockery in Mihua Park. I think you should know where it is."

"Okay, I'll see you then." Curacao said and hung up the phone.

Belmod put down the phone and smiled: "How's it going? Is it as you wished?"

"It seems that Curacao really doesn't like you very much!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

Belmode shrugged: "You should know the specific reason. Okay, there are still more than ten hours before the agreed time, how are you going to kill the time?"

Yu Gongming chuckled: "Don't worry, you should have a very fulfilling life in the next time!"

"Oh?" Belmode became interested.

Akira Hanomiya took out two photos from his arms and handed them to Bermod: "Can you please help us disguise ourselves as the two people in the photos?"

Belmod subconsciously looked at the two photos, and saw that they were a man and a woman. Neither of them looked outstanding. The man had a scar on his right cheek, while the woman had a very conspicuous tear under her eye. mole.

Undoubtedly, these two people have extremely distinctive appearance characteristics, as if they are afraid that others will not remember them.

As a master of disguise, Bermod instantly understood what Hanomiya Akira meant by doing this, and said with a smile: "You guys are really good at summoning people!"

Yu Gongming said calmly: "For the Thousand-Faced Witch, this shouldn't be a difficult thing, right?"

"It's indeed not difficult." Belmode smiled and said, "It's just that I don't have the tools I need to disguise myself right now, so I need to go back to my residence to get them."

"But I'm not sure if there are organized spies around my residence. Do you dare to go with me?"

"Don't worry about this." Yu Gongming looked like he had expected it: "We have been prepared for a long time!"

"Oh?" Belmode was really surprised this time: "Are you ready?"

"Come with us." Yu Gongming said and restarted the car.


Cupido Hotel.

After a simple disguise, the two of them did not interact with the front desk, and went directly to the door of room 515 through the safety stairs.

Yu Gongming took out the key preparedly, opened the door and walked in. .

This room was opened yesterday by Yu Gongming while Kidd was helping Meng Yu disguise himself. Of course, his appearance was disguised when he opened the room, so his identity was naturally not real.

Fortunately, the Aipido Hotel is not very strict about identity verification, so Akira Hanamiya was able to get a room using a fake identity very smoothly.

Several people entered the room. It was a standard double room, and there was a suitcase placed on one of the beds.

Yu Gongming took out the key again and opened the suitcase. A pile of bottles and cans suddenly appeared in front of Belmod's eyes.

"These should be what you need." Yu Gongming turned sideways and motioned for Belmod to check.

Belmod raised his eyebrows slightly, stepped forward, picked up the bottles and looked at them.

The more she looked, the weirder her expression became. After a long time, she finally couldn't help but ask:

"You... where did you get these things from?"

But she felt a little uneasy in her heart.

The bottles and jars in front of her were the things she needed to disguise herself.

But that wasn't what surprised her. Since they were able to disguise Dreamspeaker into Curaçao yesterday, it wasn't surprising that they had prepared relevant supplies.

Belmode was surprised that these bottles and jars were very similar to the formula she usually used.

Although the art of disguise is rare, as an insider, Belmod naturally knows that the same face-changing technique and raw materials may be completely different.

And what she sees in front of her can almost be said to be in the same vein as her disguise technique.

"Is it Yukiko?" Belmod immediately thought of Kudo Yukiko, who was from the same school as her.

But then she thought about it and felt something was wrong. If Yukiko provided help, then why didn't Hanomiya Akira and others simply ask Yukiko for help, but asked her to disguise herself?

"How's it going? These things should be enough, right?" Yu Gongming's questioning voice brought her back from her thoughts.

Belmod pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "It's indeed more than enough, you are really getting more and more surprising!"

Yu Gongming smiled slightly: "In that case, let's start right now, let me do it first."

Belmode looked deeply at the two of them, said nothing, and just silently picked up the items in the box.


At midnight, Mihua Park rockery.

Belmode, who still maintained her [ordinary female] attire, was already waiting at the first observation deck of the rockery.

Da da da--

The sound of high heels hitting the ground was particularly harsh in the silence.

Belmod followed the sound and saw first a flashlight, and then the silver-haired figure behind the flashlight.

The flashlight swept across Belmod's face, and the silver-haired figure paused instantly.

The corners of Belmod's mouth curled up slightly, his hand reached behind his ear, and he gently tore it off, and the disguised mask fell off instantly.

She once again regained her image of a Western beauty with blond hair and a charming face.

Upon seeing this, the silver-haired figure started moving forward again, and finally stopped about two meters away from Belmode.

Belmod also turned on the flashlight and shined it on the other party.

The two faced each other in silence for a moment.

Finally, it was Belmo who spoke first: "Long time no see, Curaçao."

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