Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1428 Hijacking and Incident

Curacao quickly looked at the phone.

A text message appeared on the phone.

Curacao quickly browsed the content of the text message and his expression moved slightly.

She immediately deleted the message, took back her phone, and continued to focus on escaping.

Behind him, the police and public security personnel were still in hot pursuit.

The two parties went around in circles and finally came to a construction site.

Although the construction site is still under construction, it is already early in the morning. In order not to affect the surrounding residents, the construction site is naturally suspended.

At this time, there was no one else on the construction site except a worker responsible for guarding the equipment.

The worker was dozing off. He was awakened by the sound of rapid footsteps.

He opened the window of the duty room, poked his head in and complained: "Why are you making so much noise in the middle of the night!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a man appeared in front of him and showed his ID: "The police are investigating the case, hide now!"

The man didn't care whether the worker had seen it clearly. After speaking, he took back his ID and continued to follow the others to chase the suspect.

When the worker heard this, he didn't dare to question the authenticity of the other party's identity, so he retracted his head obediently.

If he hadn't been dazzled just now, that man had a gun in his hand!

No matter what the identity of the other party is, this matter is beyond his control!

Just pretend that nothing happened and continue sleeping...

On the other side, Curacao was about to rush to a corner not far away, when several figures suddenly flashed out in front of him!

A series of dazzling flashlight lights shone over, followed by an angry shout: "Don't move!"

Curacao's expression changed, and his eyes quickly glanced around.

Soon, her eyes were fixed on a pile of construction materials on the left.

She suddenly turned around and rushed towards the building materials!

Just when the two sides were about to collide, Curacao suddenly jumped up!


She stepped on a water pipe, then used the strength to jump again!


She reached the top of the pile of construction materials, and then her legs used force again, making a big jump.

And her target was the window above the warehouse near the building materials!


She accurately landed on the window edge of the warehouse, then jumped up again and reached out to grab it!

Her hands successfully climbed to the edge of the warehouse roof!

Using her arms, she easily climbed onto the roof.

This series of operations is complicated to describe, but actually only takes a few seconds.

Many people below looked at this scene and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and they were a little at a loss for a while.

"Quick! Go around to the other side of the warehouse and block her!" someone with quick reactions shouted.

Everyone came to their senses and quickly began to take action.

However, they needed to take a detour after all, which was much slower than walking directly to the roof in Curacao. By the time everyone reached the other side, Curacao had already jumped off the roof and ran some distance away.

Everyone had no choice but to continue the pursuit.

Thankfully, new reinforcements soon arrived.

In front of Curacao, several figures flashed out again, followed by a burst of gunfire!

Curacao's pupils shrank and he quickly dodged to avoid it.

In the end, although she was not hit, her progress was greatly delayed.

A group of public security and police personnel behind her also followed up, gradually forming an encirclement with her companions in front.

Curacao quickly swept over all the pursuers, a cold light flashed across his eyes, and his figure flashed suddenly!


In a moment, she came to the nearest police officer in front of her.

The man's expression suddenly changed, and he was about to raise his gun to shoot, but Curacao had already snatched the opponent's pistol with lightning speed, and then hit the opponent's head with the butt of the gun!

The opponent's originally violent struggle suddenly slowed down.

Curacao took this opportunity to capture the opponent, with the muzzle of the gun firmly pressed against the opponent's head!

"No one is allowed to move! Otherwise I will kill him!" Curacao shouted while dragging the hostages away from his companions.

This sudden change immediately stunned everyone around them, and no one dared to make any move for a while.

Curacao dragged the hostage against a nearby wall that had just been built to avoid being attacked from behind. At the same time, his entire body was hidden behind the hostage, but the muzzle of the gun was still pressed against the opponent's head.

"Please calm down! Don't be impulsive!" A police officer stood up and comforted him.

He is one of the on-site commanders leading the team this time - Kazami Yuya.

At this time, he looked at the hostage with Curacao's gun pressed tightly against his head. His face remained calm, but his heart was extremely anxious.

He couldn't help but secretly curse the other party for being so lucky, and he could just catch their important person.

This police officer's rank is higher than mine. If something happens to him, the consequences will be disastrous!

In desperation, he could only calm down the suspect's emotions first and prevent the other party from taking drastic actions.

"Prepare a car for me! Let me leave. I will naturally let him go after it is safe!" Curacao said coldly.

"This...don't get excited first, we..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Curaçao interrupted directly: "I'll count to five. If you don't agree, then I'll shoot. At worst, we'll both die!"

"Five! Four! Three..."

"Okay, okay! We agree! Don't be impulsive!" Feng Jian said quickly, fearing that the other party would really be defeated.

He turned to one of his men and said, "Quick! Go and bring a car over!"

"We really want to..." The subordinate seemed to hesitate.

"Stop talking nonsense! Go quickly!" Feng Jian shouted.

The subordinates shrank their necks in fear and ran away immediately without daring to say anything more.

Feng Jian turned back to look in the direction of Curacao, trying to calm down his expression: "The car will be here soon, you must not..."

However, before he could finish his words, something unexpected happened!


A round thing fell between the two parties.

Curacao and Kazami's eyes were focused on it at the same time.

The next moment, their expressions changed!

"Grenade! Everyone, hide!" Feng Jian shouted, and his body reacted immediately.

Unfortunately, it's too late.


There was an explosion, and the imaginary fire did not light up, but a hazy gas began to spread around.

"Ah sneeze!"

"Cough cough cough!"

"my eyes!"

Listening to the sounds around him, Feng Jian still didn't understand. This was a tear gas bomb!

At the same time, two figures appeared in his sight.

They were all dressed in black robes, with gas masks on their faces and pistols in their hands. They looked like they were coming with bad intentions.

When Feng saw this, he immediately shouted: "Enemy attack! Hurry and take cover...ahem!"

Because he was busy giving instructions, Feng Jian accidentally inhaled a large mouthful of tear gas and immediately coughed continuously.

The two figures, protected by gas masks, were not affected at all and rushed directly into the original encirclement formed by a group of public security and police officers.

However, the man in black didn't seem to have any intention of entangled with the surrounding people, and his purpose was very clear... towards Curacao!

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