Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1434 Comprehensive Plan

Tokyo, Toru Amuro's residence.

At this time, the whole room was already dark.

This is actually not an abnormality. After all, it is almost three o'clock in the morning, and people with normal sleep should be lying in bed at this time.

In most cases, Toru Amuro's schedule is relatively regular and healthy.

I would wash up and rest at around 11pm, and get up around 6:30am the next morning.

However, today is undoubtedly an exception.

Toru Amuro was lying on the bed, but he was not sleepy at all.

He is waiting for a result.

Although he knew the entire plan, he was excluded from the role of executor in this plan.

Because this plan needs to achieve two main purposes.

First, prevent Curacao from obtaining real undercover information.

Second, reduce your suspicion on Rum's side.

The first goal was easily achieved with the support of intelligence provided by Akira Hagong.

The simplest and crudest method is to ambush people in advance and arrest them directly before they find the files in Curacao.

But in this way, Rum will realize that the public security already knew the action plan in advance and took precautions.

He originally suspected that he was related to the police, so he sent someone to steal undercover information, and the police happened to be on guard.

Then Rum's suspicion of him is bound to increase further.

Even if there is no evidence, he will basically be cut off from the possibility of accessing the core secrets of the organization in the future.

This is definitely not what he wants to see.

Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the suspicion on Rum's side while stopping Curacao.

Toru Amuro and his superiors had two ideas.

First, create the illusion of prior knowledge, allowing Curaçao to steal the wrong undercover list, and make the list appear credible, freeing itself from suspicion.

Second, complicate the situation and draw Rum's attention elsewhere.

Regarding the first point, it is not difficult for the police to give the illusion of being unprepared, especially since they have already discovered the identity of the undercover agent installed within the organization.

Just put on a show in front of the undercover and let the undercover pass on what they want him to see to Rum.

The key is still the list.

How do you make a list credible?

First, the list must be sent by Curacao himself.

This is not difficult. Once the plan is known, it can be completely controlled by the police.

The contents of the list must also withstand verification.

After some discussion, it was decided to populate the list with half-truths and half-truths.

First of all, it must include their undercover police officers, and they must occupy a large position.

However, it is impossible for the police to only focus on the black organization as an underground force, so it is completely reasonable that the list will include undercover agents who have infiltrated other organizations.

Of course, this is also true.

But the names they filled in on the list were definitely not real.

They will put enough urgent pressure on Curacao at that time. Curacao will only send organization-related content in a desperate situation, so it is not difficult to forge this part of the list.

Then there are the undercover lists within the organization.

There cannot be any complete fraud in the list, otherwise Rum will definitely find out.

Therefore, there must really be undercover agents inside their organization who have infiltrated the organization, and even undercover agents from other organizations they control.

Then new problems arise.

How to balance authenticity and security?

For the safety of undercover agents, once true undercover information is provided, the undercover agents must be notified and allowed to evacuate in time.

As for undercover agents from other forces, if they have cooperated with them and have a relatively good relationship, they will be notified as soon as possible after the operation.

As for those forces that have bad relations or are even hostile, they will naturally not be good guys.

Finally, Rum is sure to catch some real undercover agents.

But this is not enough.

Let's wait until Rum has arrested all the criminals on the list, eh? Why did all the undercover police officers "evacuate in time"? Is this too much of a coincidence?

Once there is this suspicion, then a series of previous disguises may be at risk of being exposed.

Therefore, the police must also suffer "losses", but they cannot really sacrifice their companions.

Toru Amuro had been having a headache about how to achieve this effect, but Kuroda already knew it well and told him that he could solve the problem. However, when Toru Amuro asked, Kuroda kept silent.

Toru Amuro had no choice but to trust his superiors.

At this point, the plan for the list is finalized.

Then there's "complicating the situation and drawing Rum's attention."

Kuroda immediately thought of Akira Hanomiya and the "mysterious force" behind him.

Yu Gongming and others will intervene in this operation as a third party force to muddy the water!

In fact, the two parties are in a cooperative relationship.

Such an overt and dark relationship, as long as it is operated properly, can definitely achieve more benefits!

As a result, there was a midway attack from the men in black robes.

With the participation of Akira Hanomiya and others, Curacao will become "missing" in the organization.

In fact, she had secretly fallen into the hands of the police.

Lacking organizational intelligence and being blinded by the illusion deliberately created by both parties, they would only focus on the man in black robe.

Of course, after the incident, the public security will also send a large number of manpower to "track down" Curacao's whereabouts, further releasing smoke bombs for the organization, making the organization believe that the public security also does not know the whereabouts of Curacao.

In fact, the public security has launched a secret interrogation in Curacao.

If everything goes well, the organization will be able to master a large amount of information without them realizing it!

Toru Amuro also promised to share some of this information with Akira Hanomiya as appropriate.

This is also the "reward" they paid to Yu Gongming.

Finally, the plan was settled.

However, Toru Amuro, as the main planner and liaison between both parties, cannot directly participate in the execution of the plan.

They did not forget that Rum had sent people to monitor Toru Amuro's residence.

Tohru Amuro needs to stay at his residence during the operation to create an alibi.

Combined with the list of names sent out from Curacao, he could lower or even clear himself of the suspicion of being an undercover agent.

To be honest, Toru Amuro felt somewhat regretful that he could not personally execute the plan and ensure its smooth progress.

But there is no way, after all, we still have to focus on the overall situation.

Therefore, from the time he got off work at the dessert shop until now, he has almost always stayed in his house without any form of contact with the outside world.

Therefore, he had no way of knowing what the action would be like and whether the plan would go smoothly.

Therefore, he has not slept until now, just waiting for the final result.

Buzz! Buzz!

The phone suddenly vibrated twice.

Amuro Toru suddenly became energetic and immediately looked at the mobile phone.

A message appeared on the phone screen.

[The operation went smoothly, Curacao is under control]

Toru Amuro stared at the message and read it silently several times before finally confirming the content of the message.


He took a long breath and gradually relaxed his body.

He could finally get a good night's sleep.

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