Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1342 Awakening

Conan looked away from the man and continued walking forward as if nothing had happened, and soon passed by the man.

He came to sit on a chair in the corridor, tilted his head slightly, and looked at the man's retreating back.

After seeing the man turn into another corridor, he stood up, walked quickly to the corner, and stuck his head out to look at the other corridor.

I saw the man holding the file bag, coming to a three-way intersection in the middle of the corridor, and turning to the left.

"That the direction to the brain department?" Conan looked at the sign hanging above the corridor and nodded secretly in his mind.

It seems that the police brought Curacao here for a brain examination, and the file bag should contain the brain CT examination results belonging to Curacao.

"It's strange. Why are they examining Curaçao's head for no reason? Could it be..." A guess flashed through Conan's mind, and he quickly walked towards the brain clinic.

Just as he was about to reach the three-way intersection, there was a sudden commotion ahead.

Conan's expression changed and he immediately quickened his pace. ,

Following the man holding the file, he turned to the left. Before Conan could find the source of the commotion, a figure rushed towards him!


Curacao regained consciousness twenty minutes ago.

She resisted the urge to open her eyes and listened carefully to what was going on around her.

"Okay, you take the patient back first. The brain CT results will be ready soon." came a female voice.

"Brain CT...have they sent me to the hospital for examination?" This thought flashed through Curacao's mind, and his heart beat a beat faster.

This was the moment she had been planning for a long time!

As No. 1 initially suspected, Curaçao was indeed pretending to have amnesia.

Ever since she woke up in the basement and realized her situation, she began planning her escape.

First and most important, you must get out of the basement.

However, she was still very weak when she just woke up, and she was firmly fixed on the iron chair. The situation outside was unknown, and it was not easy to escape.

In the end, she chose to fake her amnesia.

The inspiration for this method came from the bruises on the back of her head from being hit by those men in black robes.

With this wound and his performance, he might not be able to deceive those men in black robes.

Of course, the premise is that the interrogation of these men in black robes is "observant of rules" and will not be tortured to extract confessions.

If torture is really used to extract confessions, Curaçao dare not say that he can really survive it.

Fortunately, the other party prefers to use words and various behavioral traps to deal with themselves instead of using torture to extract confessions.

After understanding this, Curacao breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, her life has not been easy these two days. She must always maintain the words and deeds that an "amnesia person" should have, even if the other person leaves her, she cannot relax.

Although he didn't see it, Curacao couldn't help but suspect that the other party was still secretly spying on him.

Fortunately, when she was alone, she didn't need to behave as she did when she was face to face with the man in black robe. As long as she adjusted her eyes and expression appropriately, she could lie down on the table and rest if she couldn't hold it any longer.

However, the interrogating man in black robe was indeed a powerful character. He never stopped testing him, and even deliberately exposed obvious flaws on several occasions. As long as he was willing, he seemed to be able to easily succeed in a sneak attack.

However, she knew that these were all traps!

Once he takes action, all the previous disguises will be meaningless. Even if he really subdues the man in black robe who is interrogating in front of him, who knows if there are others waiting outside?

Once the illusion of amnesia is exposed, it will be difficult for him to create another chance to leave!

So Curacao endured.

Finally, she waited until the man in black robe made the decision to send her to the hospital.

But the other party's caution exceeded her expectations, and he actually injected her with an anesthetic before taking her out of the villa!

How could he escape when he was in a coma?

Wouldn't he just close his eyes and open them again and find himself back in the basement again?

Once the brain examination results come out and no abnormalities are found, no matter how hard he disguises himself, the man in black robe will probably not believe him easily again.

Your own pretense can never be compared with professional medical conclusions.

Before the man in black robe injected her with anesthetic, Curaçao wanted to explode countless times.

But in the end she endured it.

Once the resistance fails, she will be greeted by stricter detention measures.

This is definitely not what she wants to see.

She decided to take a gamble.

Bet that your body is resistant enough to the anesthetic and that you can wake up before the other party's estimated time for the drug to take effect.

Bet that even if you don't wake up, the man in black robe may be noticed by the organization's people when he takes you out.

Therefore, after being injected with anesthetic, Curaçao's consciousness quickly became blurred. At the last moment before coma, a thought crazily circled in her mind - she must not open her eyes after waking up!

This is another use of her ability. As long as her will is strong enough, she can influence her subconscious to a certain extent and adjust certain unconscious behaviors.

For example, you won’t subconsciously open your eyes after waking up.

Now Curacao has made it, and the results are even better than she expected!

She actually woke up during the examination in the hospital!

She originally considered that even if she woke up early, she might already be in the car returning to the basement.

When she really got to that point, she could only choose to give it a try.

But now in the hospital, the situation is very different.

The hospital is crowded with people and the terrain is complex. There are not many places to make a fuss. The chance of escaping is undoubtedly much greater than waking up in the car.

"Maybe it was because I was injected with powerful anesthetics twice in just two days, which made my body more resistant to similar drugs?" Curacao speculated on the reason.

Of course, this is just a passing thought, the top priority is to find a way to escape from here!

After understanding the current environment, Curaçao felt his physical condition.

"It seems that the effect of the anesthetic has not completely worn off, and the body is still a little weak... It seems that we have to wait for the opportunity."

With the plan in mind, Curacao continued to pretend to be asleep.

She felt herself being carried from the testing bed to the transfer bed, and pushed to another place.

She was moved to another hospital bed, with one hand handcuffed and the other handcuffs appearing to be fixed to a bracket on the edge of the bed.

"It's really troublesome..." Curacao muttered in his heart, and began to quietly recover his strength. His eyes secretly revealed a slit from time to time, observing the surrounding situation.

She was currently in an empty room. It didn't look like a ward, but more like a utility room.

Wherever she looked, she could see three guards, two of whom were firmly guarding the door, and the other was sitting on a chair in front of the left side of the bed where she was lying.

Curacao's heart sank slightly, one against three, the other party was still firmly guarding the door, it was difficult to handle...

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