Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1452 Same as this time

Everyone stared at the circles marked with question marks on the big screen and fell into thinking.

After a while, Feng Jian spoke up: "Then let me tell you some of my thoughts. First of all, the three people chasing the suspect in the hospital belong to the same group that kidnapped her a few days ago. Everyone should have no objection, right? ?”

"Yes!" All the participants nodded, and no one raised any objection.

In the past two days, both the public security and the police have been looking for the whereabouts of Curacao and have been paying attention to relevant news. If Curacao has changed hands during this period and is in the hands of another group of people, they cannot have any information. Can't receive any.

Seeing that everyone recognized this, Feng Jian continued: "Then, I think the person who called the police is not the same as them."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Officer Megure asked.

"It's very simple!" Feng Jian replied calmly: "A few days ago, when the other party robbed the suspect, they not only threw tear gas at the police, they even shot and injured one of our police officers."

"This not only shows that the other party has a clear hostile attitude towards us, but also shows that the other party has quite sophisticated weapons and equipment."

"But today, during the commotion in the hospital, the other party did not use firearms throughout the whole process. They took the risk to bring Curacao to the hospital. None of the guards carried firearms. This is somewhat unjustifiable."

"Therefore, the reason why they did not use their guns was probably because they were afraid of attracting the attention of the public security and the Metropolitan Police Department prematurely. They were obviously wary of us and did not want the suspect to fall into our hands."

"So, I judge from this that the person who called the police is not the same as them."

When Feng Jian said this, he stopped talking and gave others time to digest.

Many people nodded in agreement after hearing this, agreeing with Feng Jian's guess.

A few seconds later, Feng Jian continued: "Next is the group of people who pretended to be me and drove a red BMW to cooperate with the police to surround the suspect."

"I want to confirm first. The red BMW didn't give the suspect any help during the whole journey, right?"

Officer Megure nodded: "Everyone involved in the chase said that the other party intercepted the suspect on the bridge at the right time, forming a tight encirclement with the patrol car behind him."

"Strictly speaking, it was our police who made a mistake that allowed the suspect to break through the siege and escape into the water. I think that under the circumstances at that time, there should be no possibility of helping the suspect."

Feng Jian nodded slightly and did not raise any objection to Officer Megure's judgment.

His opinion is the same.

Under the circumstances at that time, Curacao obviously broke out by force, and there was no sign of any conspiracy.

Furthermore, if the other party is a companion of Curacao, or another force that has its own agenda against Curacao, it should not cooperate with the police in besieging Curacao.

At that time, police and public security personnel were arriving in a steady stream. Once Curacao was forced to stop, it would be very difficult for a mere car to take Curacao away.

If it was a companion, it should not have hindered Curacao at that time. If it was not a companion, it should not have chosen that moment to take action.

"Perhaps they are just a group of enthusiastic citizens who do not want to leave their names?" Kuroda Bingwei said leisurely.

Feng Jianwenyan was startled for a moment, then his eyes lit up: "That's right!"

Many people couldn't help but look at him. Although the police officer Feng Jian was not very polite at times, he still had a good mind and the reasoning he just made was quite high-level.

Feng Jian considered his words and said, "The people in that red BMW may be the same group of people who called the Metropolitan Police!"

"Well..." Officer Megure rubbed his chin: "In this way, they do have many similarities. They are all helping our police arrest suspects, but they all hide their identities and seem to not want to be investigated by us. arrive."

The number of the person who called the police was disguised, pretending to be Feng Jian to contact the police, which was also a means of concealing his identity.

"Assuming that they are the same group of people, then there is one thing that is worth worrying about." Feng Jian said again: "We have not found the whereabouts of the red BMW until now. Except that the other party's anti-tracking methods are quite clever, then There should be quite a few problems with the car itself."

"It is not an easy task to prepare such a car temporarily."

"Indeed." Officer Megure frowned slightly: "If those [enthusiastic citizens] just accidentally discovered the suspect's traces and called the police, and then immediately dispatched such a car to cooperate with the operation when our police were dispatched, it would be too late. .”

Officer Megure's words are quite confident, because in an emergency, the only people who can quickly obtain an untraceable car can do this are the Metropolitan Police Department, which has nearly 10,000 police personnel spread across Tokyo. Official violence agency.

It is obviously impossible for the other party to have such power.

In other words, the other party had already planned to prepare that car!

"Maybe there is such a possibility." Kuroda Bei said: "They are also looking for the suspect's whereabouts, and they even found the suspect before us."

"Perhaps they were planning to take some action, but the suspect's unexpected escape disrupted their plan, so they notified our police of the incident."

"In their view, letting the suspect fall into the hands of our officials is an acceptable outcome for them rather than letting the suspect escape. From this perspective, they should have a certain degree of goodwill towards us."

"Strange, why do I always feel a little familiar..." Officer Takagi suddenly said hesitantly.

"When you put it like that, I actually feel the same way." Officer Sato sitting next to him also looked thoughtful.

After a while, Officer Sato suddenly raised his head: "I remembered! It was what happened to Yoshino last time!"

"Huh?" Everyone looked over immediately.

With everyone watching like this, Officer Sato didn't show any stage fright at all, and explained with a serious expression: "The matter starts with the last series of sniping incidents caused by Hunter. A group of mysterious people appeared in that case... "

Officer Sato recounted a series of incidents that occurred when the police protected Mr. Anyuan, who was suspected to be the next victim.

Most of the police officers here had experienced the incident at that time, and their faces were relatively calm, while Feng Jian and Kuroda listened very seriously.

After a long time, Officer Sato finally finished his narration and finally said: "The mysterious man who appeared at that time was also like this. He not only stopped the sniper, but also helped us arrest Hunter."

"However, apart from knowing that they act with restraint, have some goodwill toward us, and don't mind cooperating with us, we can't find any clues about them at all... Just like this time."

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