after an hour.

Yu Gongming and his party left the box together, chatting about some insignificant topics, and left the hotel all the way.

During this hour, Akira Hanomiya listened to Kogoro Mouri describing in detail his understanding of the [mysterious force].

Of course, most of the content is of little value to Akira Hanomiya and others. After all, they only know a lot more information than Kogoro Mori.

What interested him most was what the [mysterious force] looked like in the eyes of Mouri Kogoro.

As the liaison between the [mysterious forces] and the police represented by Director White Horse, his attitude and opinions also represent the director's will to a certain extent.

The results of the inquiry were generally satisfactory to Yu Gongming.

The director still has relatively good intentions towards the [mysterious forces] and has a clear tendency to recruit them.

This is not surprising. Director Baima had clearly expressed similar thoughts in previous communications with them.

However, Yu Gongming is not easy to grasp the thoughts of such a big shot, and due to the [undercover] concerns that Meng Yu mentioned before, they will not agree to the director's solicitation, at least for now.

From some information revealed by Kogoro Mouri, Akira Hanamiya believed that Director Hakuba's recruitment should be somewhat sincere.

After all, Mouri Kogoro should be Director Hakuba's old subordinate, and he is deeply trusted by the director. With the same attitude, the credibility of the latter is naturally higher when talking to them and talking to Mouri Kogoro.

As for after listening to Mouri Kogoro's description of the [mysterious force], Akira Hanomiya naturally decided to "pretend" to be a mysterious force.

From the moment he said this proposal, he had already made a decision in his heart.

He was really interested in Director Hakuba actively seeking cooperation with the organization, and Kogoro Mouri's erroneous report gave them the opportunity to participate.

Not only him, but Mengyu and Conan probably don't intend to let go of this opportunity to attack the organization. This can be easily seen from their expressions.

Of course, Akira Hanomiya also considered the risks of participating in the operation. After some thinking, he believed that the risks of this operation were within an acceptable range.

Because of Mouri Kogoro's previous [report], Director Hakuba believed that those involved in the operation were [mysterious forces] who had cooperated with them many times.

In the view of Mouri Kogoro, they are "pretending" to be a mysterious force, but they are also juniors fighting against the black organization.

With previous cooperation experience, Director Baima will probably not deliberately pursue their clues after the operation is over, and because they are actually that [mysterious force], there will be no tampering when they actually negotiate as a mysterious force. possible.

And Mouri Kogoro, the only one who thinks they are "fake", is absolutely trustworthy and will do his best to help them cover up.

The final result was actually no different from the previous cooperation with Director Hakuba, except that Kogoro Mouri was slightly misled.

After this operation, the only person who may have doubts about their identity will be Mouri Kogoro, which is completely acceptable to them.

As for asking Mouri Kogoro to describe his views on the mysterious forces, it was just a small trick to distance himself and others from the mysterious forces.

Although I was prepared to be discovered by Kogoro Mori, I could hide it for a while.

After confirming that they would "pretend" to be a mysterious force to participate in the operation, Akira Hanomiya asked Mouri Kogoro to contact his superiors tomorrow.

After all, they didn't know how Director Baima was going to cooperate with them this time, and they still needed some time to prepare some plans.

Mouri Kogoro also understood this and readily agreed.

That's how things settled.


The next afternoon, Hanomiya Detective Agency.

Akira Hanamiya received a phone call from Kogoro Mori.

"It's already the appointed time, you can call over." Mouri Kogoro said.

After a pause, he warned with some worry: "You remember to do a good job in anti-tracking, don't let anyone find out the real number, and remember to change to the voice I provided, and pay attention to your tone..."

As Hanomiya Akira listened to Mouri Kogoro's slightly verbose instructions, his heart felt warm and funny at the same time. Even if Mouri Kogoro didn't remind him, they were already familiar with it.

Of course, he looked like he was open-minded and willing to be taught, and repeatedly said that he would pay careful attention.

After giving some more details, Mouri Kogoro stopped the call.

The rest of the time can only be left to Yu Gongming and the others.

"I hope these brats can be more reliable..." Mouri Kogoro muttered in his heart.

On the other side, Yu Gongming put down his phone and looked at Meng Yu.

Meng Yu understood it and handed him the debugged mobile phone.

Akira Hanomiya took the phone and adjusted the voice changer while dialing the number belonging to the Hakuba Police Director.

Within two seconds, the call was answered: "Hello!"

Akira Hanomiya adjusted his breathing secretly, and said in the strong and deep voice that he used to communicate with Director Hakuba: "Director, are you okay?"

"Haha! Thanks to you, I've been doing pretty well lately!" Director Baima chuckled, seemingly in a good mood.

Seeing the director's attitude, Yu Gongming also said a few polite words before turning to the topic: "I heard that the director wants to cooperate with us to deal with the black organization?"

"Yes." Director Baima replied: "Thanks also to you for helping us capture Curacao, which gave us the absolute initiative."

Akira Hanomiya chuckled: "It seems that handing over Curacao to the director is a wise decision. So, how does the director want to cooperate?"

"That's it..." Director Baima slowly revealed his plan.

Yu Gongming listened silently and did not interrupt rashly. It was not until Director Baima finished speaking that he said playfully: "Director, in addition to the organization, you will not pretend to be real in the end, and bring our people along with you." Have you packed it up?"

"Of course not." Director Baima said with a smile: "We have cooperated many times, so we should still have this trust, right?"

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "Okay, then I am also willing to believe in the director's character, so... it will be a pleasure to cooperate."

"It's a pleasure to cooperate. You can contact Mao Li for relevant details." Director Baima's tone was obviously much lighter.

Afterwards, after a few more pleasantries, the call ended.

"How is it?" Meng Yu cast a curious look.

Akira Hanomiya relayed the director's plan to her.

After listening, Meng Yu's expression became a little weird: "Director Baima actually asked us to do this?"

"Yes, I was quite surprised when I heard it." Yu Gongming replied.

Meng Yu tilted her head: "So that's what you just meant by [pretending to be a real person [cleaning us up together]]!"

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