Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1461 Tired Rum

Tohru Amuro just had a conversation with Rum and revealed that Rum had sent people to spy on him, which was just a gesture.

I already knew that you were sending people to monitor me, and I also knew why you were sending people to monitor me.

I didn't say it before, but that doesn't mean I don't mind.

Now you are doubting me while arranging such an obviously dangerous and high-risk task for me. Isn't it a bit unreasonable?

This was an attitude he passed on to Rum.

As an organizational cadre with outstanding abilities and who has been conscientiously completing the tasks assigned by the organization, but he is inexplicably suspected, he would feel uncomfortable under normal circumstances.

Toru Amuro chose to make things clear and express this uncomfortable emotion directly.

This makes him feel magnanimous.

Of course, it would be best to get rid of the people who are watching you.

As long as the person monitoring him leaves, he can carry out activities relatively freely, and it will be more convenient for Rum to arrange this task.

As for whether expressing his attitude like this would make Rum hang up the phone in anger and find someone else, Toru Amuro wasn't worried at all.

First of all, although Rum is sometimes impatient, he will not be easily swayed by emotions if he is able to achieve this position. The emotions expressed by such people are often not necessarily a true reflection of their inner feelings, but are just to achieve a certain purpose. .

Therefore, Tohru Amuro believes that Rum will not be angered by his expression of dissatisfaction.

As long as Rum remained sane, he wouldn't just hang up the phone.

Because if he wanted to test himself through this task, then it was impossible for him to really stay out of it like this.

And if he really wants to rescue Curacao, he won't have many choices, and he is probably the best candidate he can find at the moment.

Rum should know very well that the person who can rob Curacao is by no means a simple person. Ordinary organization members like this person would probably not be able to accomplish anything in the past.

At least one top operator who can take charge of the task alone is needed to lead the team and coordinate the operation, so that the operation can be more certain.

Originally there were some people like this in Tokyo, such as Gin, him, and Belmod all met the requirements.

But Gin is now "dead" in the eyes of the organization, and Bellmode heard that he also suffered serious injuries during the operation to infiltrate the police station in Curacao, and he could not recover at all in just a few days.

The options for rum are already quite narrow.

First of all, it might be inconvenient for him to take action. On the one hand, although he has rich experience, his age is there after all, and his body is no longer in its prime.

Knowing that the target is not simple, directly participating in the action cannot guarantee that there will be no accidents.

Regardless of his own safety or his importance to the organization, Rum will not choose to take risks personally.

And since Rum has already called himself, I'm afraid he really can't find any other suitable candidates.

If he had a choice, how could he let himself, a person he still had doubts about, carry out such a mission?

Therefore, he was not afraid to express his dissatisfaction.

In terms of results, his decision was quite wise.

Of course, he believed that it was impossible for Rum to completely cancel the surveillance on him, but the almost 24-hour uninterrupted surveillance like now would probably not exist.

Toru Amuro flexed his wrist and curled his lips: "When the surveillance over Rum relaxes a little, let's go get some information..."

On the other side, after Rum ended the call with Toru Amuro, he frowned slightly: "Am I really worrying too much? Is Bourbon really innocent?"

After thinking about the details of the call just now, Rum still didn't come to a definite conclusion.

Bourbon behaved exactly like a member of an organization with outstanding abilities who was inexplicably being monitored.

That look of reluctance could not be judged to be true or false based on Rum's experience.

After thinking for a while, Rum's brows relaxed slightly: "Forget it, let's take a look at his performance on this mission."

Then, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hello! Rum?" A slightly lazy female voice came from the other side.

"Belmod, how are you recovering from your injuries?" Rum asked.

Belmode chuckled: "It's okay, normal movements are basically fine, but it's best not to let me do too intense exercise!"

Rum was unfazed by Belmod's slightly provocative words and said calmly: "Don't worry, it's not a support mission like last time."

"Tell me about it? I'll accept it or not depending on the situation." Belmod smiled.

Rum suddenly felt a little tired.

Everyone is working hard for the great cause of the organization, but in the end, one or two people are reluctant to give out a task.

The most disturbing thing is that I can’t even have an attack!

There is no doubt about Bourbon's ability, and it's really difficult for me to find other suitable candidates besides him.

There are really only a handful of people in the organization who can match Bourbon's ability. Each one has his own tasks. Even if he is the second-in-command of the organization, he can't just call people over if he wants to. It will take a certain amount of time.

Not to mention that after coming to Tokyo, it also takes time to get familiar with the people in Tokyo.

And Rum obviously didn't have enough time.

After all, they indirectly learned about the whereabouts of the group and Curacao through the public security and police. No matter how fast the undercover information was transmitted, there would still be a certain lag.

When it's time to take action, the timing must be extremely precise in order to take Curacao away before the official.

All of the above made him have to choose Bourbon, and he could only choose to appease the other party's dissatisfaction.

Not to mention Belmode, she would only obey that person's orders. Without that person's will, even her second-in-command could not force her to do anything.

Although in most cases she would give herself some face, if she really didn't want to, there was nothing Rum could do.

Sighing in his heart, Rum patiently explained: "It's like this..."

He recounted the mission assigned to Bourbon, and then said: "I need you to secretly monitor Bourbon's actions."

"You don't have anyone else under your command? Are you looking for me as a wounded person?" Belmode asked.

Rum replied: "I promised Bourbon that I would lift the surveillance on him."

"Oh~" Belmod said suddenly: "But in fact, you didn't want to fulfill your promise, so you found me?"

"Yeah!" Rum responded calmly.

There is no other way. If you want to avoid being discovered by Bourbon, you can only rely on Belmode, the top agent who can track and infiltrate.

Belmod was silent for a few seconds and replied: "Okay, I will monitor him, but I have agreed in advance that if there is any danger, I will evacuate immediately."

"No problem!" Rum agreed readily.

After all, Belmod was still injured, so this request was reasonable.


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