Moritani Teiji was escorted into the police car in despair.

"Brother Hanomiya, I really want to thank you and Brother Kudo this time. From the time Meng Yu called the police to the time when the bomber was caught, it took less than eight hours!" Officer Megure said with a smile.

"Officer Megure's words are serious. Since this kind of thing happened to us, neither I nor Kudo will stand by and watch." Akira Hanamiya said modestly.

"Officer Mu Mu, do you still need us to go to the Metropolitan Police Department? We have something to do, so we may have to go back first." Meng Yu said suddenly.

"No need, just leave the rest to us. If you are in a hurry, I can take you back first." Officer Memu smiled.

"Then I'll trouble you." Yu Gongming said.


The police car drove Hanomiya Akira and others all the way to the intersection of Mihua Town 2-chome.

After thanking Officer Megure, they watched the police car disappear from sight.

"I'll go home first and meet you at Kudo's house later." Hanemiya Ming said.

"Okay, see you later."

The Kudo siblings didn't ask what Haremiya Akira was doing when he returned home. After saying hello, the three of them separated temporarily.

The brother and sister were strolling leisurely on the streets of 2-chome.

"The bomber's problem is solved, now it's Xiaolan's problem." Conan said.

Mengyu glanced at her phone: "It's not yet nine o'clock in the evening, we still have three hours to prepare."

"Prepare? Prepare for what?" Conan wondered.

"Of course I'm planning to give Xiaolan a surprise! Because of the bomber, Xiaolan's long-awaited date had to be cancelled. Don't you plan to compensate her?" Mengyou complained.

" to compensate?" Conan really has no experience in this kind of thing.

"We'll discuss it after we get home," Meng Yu said.

The two came to Kudo's house, opened the door and walked into the front yard.

Arriving at the door of the house, Meng Yu was about to take out the key and open the door, but the door suddenly opened from the inside.

A figure was reflected in the pupils of the two brothers and sisters.

"Yo? Are you back? Has the case been solved?" the figure asked with a smile.



Xiaolan looked at Kogoro Mori who was sleeping soundly on the sofa, breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly closed the door of the office.

After Xiaolan left, an unclear voice suddenly sounded in the dark office:

"Kudou boy, if you let me know that you bully Xiaolan, I won't let you go!"


Xiaolan carried a paper bag filled with casual shirts and walked to the door of Kudo's house with a slightly anxious expression.

The door to Kudo's house is open.

"Hi, Xiaolan!" A familiar voice sounded.

Xiaolan immediately followed the direction of the sound.

In front of the door of Kudo's house, under the warm light above the door, a young man wearing a white turtleneck sweater, a blue casual jacket, gray jeans and white sneakers was leaning against the door with a leisurely expression.


Xiaolan's eyes trembled, looking at that familiar figure, she unconsciously took steps towards Kudo's house.

Walking through the front yard, Xiaolan walked into the warm light and stood a few steps away from the boy.

"Long time no see, Shinichi..." Xiaolan said softly.

"Yes, that's why I rushed back this time. It's just a pity that something unexpected happened and I can't watch the movie with you." Shinichi said apologetically.

"No, don't worry, I'm very happy to have you back." Xiaolan shook her head.

"Although you said that, I still feel a little guilty. To express my apology, I have a gift to give you." Shinichi smiled.

"Eh? A gift?" Xiaolan said in surprise.

"Yeah, look over there." Shinichi pointed to the sky in a certain direction.

Xiaolan's eyes also turned.


A red firework suddenly exploded in the distant sky, and dots of firelight scattered around the explosion point.

Xiaolan's eyes widened slightly.

next moment……


The second firework took off and exploded, and another brilliance bloomed in the aftermath of the first firework!

Then, the third, fourth, fifth...

Fireworks one after another rose into the sky, bloomed, overflowed, and dissipated. The colorful and gorgeous firelight seemed to paint a beautiful picture in the dark night sky!

Xiaolan couldn't help but cover her pink lips gently, with only the fireworks in the distant night sky remaining in her pupils.

" this for me?" Xiaolan murmured to herself.

"Well, I prepared this specially for you!" Shinichi smiled.

Xiaolan looked at the non-stop fireworks in the distance, and couldn't help but slightly curve her mouth into a touching arc.

She raised her hand and glanced at her watch:


Xiaolan turned her head and slowly handed the paper bag in her hand to Shinichi.

"Shinichi, happy birthday!"

"Birthday?" Shinichi seemed a little confused.

"You really forgot, today is your birthday! This is my birthday gift to you!" Xiaolan's face turned red, and she handed the paper bag forward.

Shinichi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and took the paper bag

"Let's take a look." Xiaolan said expectantly.

Xinyi nodded and took out a red casual shirt from the paper bag.

"Our lucky color this month is red. This red casual shirt was specially chosen by me. I know you will be investigating cases in other places during this period. I hope this casual shirt can bring you good luck." Lan smiled.

Shinichi looked down at the casual shirt and smiled: "Thank you, Xiaolan, I like this casual shirt very much."

"Yeah!" Xiaolan lowered her head slightly, the blush on her face becoming more obvious.

Just when the atmosphere was getting subtler, a cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

Shinichi took out his cell phone and answered the call

"Hey! Oh, what? There's a new clue... Well, I'll be there soon."

Shinichi hung up the phone and looked at Xiaolan with an apologetic look:

"I'm sorry, Xiaolan, it's time for me to leave. I'm taking this casual shirt with me as well. I will definitely cherish it."

"Well, it's okay, go ahead." Xiaolan still lowered her head and said softly.

"Goodbye then, Xiaolan!"

Shinichi said, put the casual shirt back into the paper bag, and ran out of Kudo's house holding the paper bag.

Xiaolan looked at Xinyi's retreating back, her eyes full of tenderness:

"Shinichi, thank you..."

"Sister Xiaolan looks very happy!" A childlike voice sounded.

Xiaolan looked back:

"Eh? Conan, why are you here?"

Conan walked out of the house pretending to be innocent and said:

"Sister Mengyu and brother Hanomiya were called to the Metropolitan Police Department by Officer Memu to cooperate with the investigation. I stayed to help sister Mengyu look after the house, but brother Shinichi suddenly came back ten minutes ago." Conan said with a smile.

"That's it... Then Conan, sister Xiaolan will go back first. You can help sister Mengyu look after the house here, and don't cause trouble to sister Mengyu." Xiaolan touched Conan's head and said with a smile.

"Well! Goodbye, sister Xiaolan!" Conan said.

After Xiaolan smiled and nodded, she walked towards the door of Kudo's house. Her steps were brisker than when she came, showing her happy mood at this time.

Conan looked at Xiaolan's retreating figure with a comfortable smile on his lips.

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