Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1493 Stalemate

Rum's hideout.

Rum looked at the clock on the wall, then looked at the butler: "Restore communication."

"Yes!" the butler responded respectfully.

Communications were quickly restored.

Rum picked up the communicator and said, "How many people have arrived at the villa now?"

"A total of eighteen people have returned so far. It has been confirmed that three of them were blocked by the men in black robes and may not be able to come to join them." The subordinate on the opposite side replied.

Rum frowned slightly, then relaxed.

There are twenty-five people ambushing on the outside. Excluding the four snipers who have lost contact, there are still twenty-one people.

In other words, the loss in retreating to the villa this time was indeed only three people, which was acceptable.

His thoughts turned around, and Rum ordered: "No need to wait any longer, everyone will rely on the villa to hold on, and support will arrive soon!"

"Yes!" The other person responded immediately.

Afterwards, a group of organizations and members of Black Sakura who arrived at the villa immediately began to take action.

They were divided into two groups, and one group of personnel was distributed throughout the outer courtyard, completely monitoring the wall surrounding the courtyard. Once anyone tried to climb over the wall, they would definitely be attacked head-on by them!

Another group of people entered the villa, met with the people staying in the villa, and monitored the surrounding situation through the windows. Together with their companions below, they blocked the men in black robes who tried to invade the villa.

Not long after, all personnel were in place.

The whole villa returned to silence again.

After a while, a figure flashed again in the forest outside the villa.

A group of men in black robes also rushed here.

The man in black robe who was in charge of commanding the operation pressed the communicator and asked in a low voice: "What's going on inside?"

"There are many people in the courtyard, and the gates and walls are under strict surveillance." A man in black robes climbed up a tree to observe.

"Can snipers kill those guys on the outside?" the commander continued to ask.

"It's very difficult. They seem to be deliberately prepared for sniping. Although I can see them here, they are not suitable for sniping at all." The observing man in black robes replied.

The commanding man in black robe suddenly frowned and looked at the villa in front of him again.

This villa stood quietly in the dark night, and all movement inside was blocked by high walls and heavy metal doors.

Fences and metal gates were obstacles they had to jump to get into the villa.

According to intelligence, the metal door is made of special alloy and is extremely strong, even offensive explosive grenades cannot destroy it.

The wall around the metal door might be blown open.

However, they did not prepare explosives for this operation, and the grenades were only auxiliary types like flash bombs.

It's not that they can't get these things, but the power of these things is uncontrollable, and there are also their colleagues among the operators in the villa.

Using high explosives and offensive grenades can result in life-threatening injuries if you are not careful. If you accidentally kill a comrade, you will regret it.

Therefore, they could only try to climb over the wall and enter the villa.

However, the area around the wall was already being monitored by the enemy, and it was impossible for the inside of the villa to ignore the invasion by himself and others.

At that time, he and others will not only have to face the enemies in the courtyard, but also need to guard against the black guns coming from the villa.

Even if there are elites on his side, it is hard to say that there will be no casualties.

Therefore, at least the enemies in the courtyard must be cleared away. In this way, facing the blockage in the villa, with their snipers holding the line, the danger will be much less and the success rate will be higher.

How about letting the undercover lurking inside cooperate with the operation?

The commander's idea was instantly rejected as soon as he thought about it.

Although an undercover agent can achieve unexpected results, the situation inside is complicated and surrounded by enemies. Once the undercover agent takes action, his life may be in danger immediately!

Those comrades who take huge risks to infiltrate the enemy are real heroes, and they must not be arbitrarily put in danger.

"Maybe I can try." Another voice suddenly sounded in the communicator.

"Huh?" The commanding man in black robe was slightly startled.

The person who spoke this time had a strong mechanical sound in his voice, which was not as recognizable as the man in black robe who just reported.

The only ones with this kind of sound characteristics are the [collaborators] mentioned above.

"What are you going to do?" the commanding man in black robe asked.

"Where can I observe those guys in the courtyard?" the mechanical voice asked.

"Location." The commanding man in black robe said calmly.

"There is a big tree not far in front of the villa. If you want to come over, I will throw a dagger under the tree as a mark." The observing man in black robe said.

"Copy that." The mechanical voice replied.

Not long after, another man in black robes carrying a sniper rifle appeared under the big tree where the man in black robes was observing.

The man in black robe on the tree jumped down and said, "Go up and see for yourself."

The man in black robe carrying a sniper rifle nodded gently, and then climbed up the tree with vigorous movements.

Arriving at the tree, under the mask of the black-robed man, Subaru Okiya began to observe the villa in front of him with his sharp eyes like a hawk.

Later, he understood why the man in black robe who was observing said that although he could see it, it was not suitable for sniping.

Because he didn't see anyone.

To be precise, he just saw a shadow.

Under the faint light of the stars and moon, the figures reflected in the courtyard can be seen.

From this, it can be determined that there are people ambushed in the courtyard.

However, just by seeing the shadow, we can only roughly determine the location of the real person, but it is a bit difficult to snipe.

Especially if you miss a hit, your position will be exposed. There is a high probability that you will be attacked by enemies hidden in the upper floors of the villa, and you will have to change your sniper point.

When the time comes, the enemy will be more prepared, and the difficulty of sniping will further increase.

Okiya Subaru squinted his eyes and did not get down from the tree immediately, but continued to observe the shadows in the courtyard.

About a minute later, Subaru Okiya pressed the communicator to contact the commander, and then took off the sniper rifle from his back.


Rum's hideout.

"Did those men in black robes do anything strange?" Rum asked in a deep voice.

"They are currently wandering in the woods outside the villa. They should be wary of our defense, so they have not tried to invade!" the subordinate on the other end of the communicator replied.

Rum nodded secretly in his mind and said in a deep voice: "Well! Don't let down your guard. As long as the stalemate continues for a while, our chance to counterattack will come!"

"Yes!" The mood of his subordinates was obviously improved a lot.

Rum hung up the call and his expression finally softened a little.

Although the current situation is somewhat unexpected, it is still developing in a good direction.

Now the man in black robe is standing still, perhaps waiting for the arrival of the police force.

However, what they don't know is that what will arrive faster than the police will be their armed helicopters!

When the armed helicopters are in place, the situation will be reversed in an instant!


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