Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1495 The situation is reversed?

Whether it was the man in black robe or Black Sakura and the coalition forces organized by the organization, they all looked up to the sky.

I saw a more dazzling light in the faint light of stars and moon.

The light became brighter and brighter, finally allowing people to see the full extent of the light.

It was a helicopter with a searchlight!

The commander of the man in black robe narrowed his eyes, pressed the communicator and asked: "The other party's armed helicopter is about to arrive. Are the countermeasures implemented smoothly?"

He was naturally asking about [collaborators].

"The countermeasures have been successfully implemented and we can act according to the original plan." Subaru Okiya replied calmly.

The commander of the black-robed man nodded slightly, and then ordered: "Act according to the original plan, retreat in an orderly manner, everyone, turn on the identification beacon!"

"Understood!" All the men in black robes responded one after another.

Afterwards, the people in black robes immediately began to retreat towards the forest.

On the other side, Rum also received news of the arrival of the helicopter immediately.

"It's finally here. How did the other party react?" Rum asked.

"The other side is retreating!" his subordinates reported.

A cold light flashed in Rum's eyes. It seemed that the other party was not an idiot and knew the threat of armed helicopters to them.

He adjusted the channel of the communicator and contacted several of his men on the helicopter: "How is the situation over there?"

"Report to Lord Rum, everything is normal and you can launch an attack at any time!" the other party replied.

Rum nodded lightly, and immediately ordered the people in the villa and courtyard: "Except for the originally planned left-behind personnel, all personnel will be dispatched to cooperate with the armed helicopters to carry out fire strikes on the men in black robes! Capture the opponent alive as the first priority!"

"Yes! Sir! I will make arrangements immediately!" his subordinate immediately replied.

Not long after, men in black began to rush out of the villa and joined the men in black in the courtyard. At the same time, armed helicopters had also landed in the airspace above the villa.

On the helicopter, several machine guns were revealed, and their muzzles were all pointed in the direction of the man in black robe!

Inside the helicopter, Spumoni stared intently at the screen of the helicopter's central control system.

On the screen, there was a three-dimensional image of the woods below. Through thermal imaging technology, even though it was dark below, he could see the moving red figures through the shadows of the leaves.

That should be the man in black robe who besieged the villa before.

"Machine gun, fire." Spumoni said calmly.

"Understood!" Another companion operating the machine gun agreed and instantly pressed the fire button.

Da da da da——

Several machine guns immediately spit out dense tongues of fire, pouring towards the woods below!

Seeing that the helicopter had opened fire, the organizations gathered in the courtyard and the Black Sakura coalition also took action.

The solid metal door was opened, and a group of operators rushed out of the courtyard and chased the man in black robes.

They are not worried that they will be accidentally injured. They are equipped with special signal transmitters. The signals emitted can be recognized by the system on the armed helicopter and will show certain characteristics on the screen.

When the companions on the helicopter saw it, they naturally understood where the friendly forces were and where the enemies were.

The men in black robes seemed to have been completely suppressed by the helicopter's firepower. Faced with the pursuit of the Black Sakura coalition that rushed out of the courtyard, they did not organize an effective counterattack.

When the organization and the Black Sakura Alliance saw this, they became even more energetic and pursued them even more energetically.

However, Spumoni on the helicopter frowned at this moment: "Strange..."

"What's wrong?" the companion in charge of manipulating the machine gun asked.

Spumoni didn't reply and stared at the screen for a while. At a certain moment, his expression changed slightly and he shouted: "Stop shooting."

"Huh?" The other members couldn't help but cast doubtful glances at him.

However, they also knew that Spumoni didn't talk much at ordinary times, but he never hit the mark at critical moments. Therefore, although they were confused, the members of the organization manipulating the machine gun still stopped shooting.

Spumoni took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "There is something wrong with the angle parameters of the machine gun!"

After a pause, he further explained; "From the angle parameters of the machine gun on the screen, combined with the position of the men in black robes below, it can be seen that the machine gun has clearly avoided all the men in black robes!"

"Impossible!" The companion who controlled the machine gun immediately replied: "I clearly locked onto them according to the instructions of the system. Even if there will be some errors because the opponent and the helicopter are constantly moving, it is impossible to avoid all targets!"

"Is there something wrong with the system?" a companion asked in surprise.

As soon as he finished speaking, a scream came from the driver's seat: "No! There seems to be a problem with the autopilot, and the helicopter suddenly turned!"

As he exclaimed, everyone in the cabin also felt the centrifugal force of the steering.

"Switch to manual driving!" Although Spumoni was not shocked, he responded immediately.

"No! Can't switch to manual driving! The other buttons seem to have malfunctioned!" the driver replied in panic.

Spumoni's face suddenly turned ugly.

Until now, he still didn't understand that the central control system of the plane had been hacked!

When was it? I just checked the system once before setting off, and everything was normal at that time!

Spumoni was puzzled, but he also knew that now was not the time to explore this. The helicopter's central control system had been hacked, and the consequences would be enough to send chills down one's spine.

You know, in the woods below, in addition to the men in black robes, there are also a large number of companions who cooperate with them in chasing the men in black robes!

Once the helicopter points its guns at them, the consequences will be disastrous!

Lord Rum must be reported immediately!

Spumoni quickly pressed the communicator and said quickly: "Lord Rum! The helicopter's central control system has been invaded. Others must be evacuated immediately!"

However, after Spumoni finished shouting, there was no response from Rum for a long time.

Spumoni's expression changed again, and he immediately tried to continue calling.

But the result remains the same.

His heart became sinking.

The intruder not only hacked into the helicopter's central control system, but even intercepted their external communications!

In order to keep the operation secret, apart from this communicator, they did not bring any external communication equipment such as mobile phones.

In other words, they are now on an uncontrolled helicopter and have been cut off from all contact with the outside world!

"Spumoni! What's going on!?" The other companions started to commotion, and their emotions were obviously unstable.

Spumoni was silent for a while, and finally decided to inform them of the current situation.

After listening to Spumoni's narration, everyone was in an uproar.

"How could this happen! Why was the system hacked? Didn't you just check it before setting off, Spumoni?" someone asked.

Someone even grabbed Spumoni's collar and shouted, "Could it be that you are actually the spy of those men in black robes?"

Spumoni looked at him as if he were an idiot: "I'm an undercover agent, and how can you still stand still?"

"You!" The man's expression was stagnant, but he didn't think of a retort for a long time.

"Everyone, I'm sorry to disturb your friendly communication, but I think you may need some suggestions now." A voice sounded in everyone's ears.

The source of the sound... is the communicator they wear on their ears!


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