Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1499 Retire after success

After a while, two men in black came to the courtyard, holding several different types of firearms in their hands.

They first placed the firearms on the ground, and then dismantled the firearms into parts one by one under the watchful eyes of the men in black robes.

Not long after, there was no complete firearm on the ground that could be used immediately after being picked up.

The black-robed commander looked at this scene and felt a little more trusting in the opponent's attitude of surrender.

After dismantling all the firearms into parts, the men in black returned to the house again. Not long after, they came out with a pile of firearms and followed the same pattern.

The pile of parts on the floor is a little bigger.

Then the third time, this time two men in black came out carrying a large box. The box was sealed, and it was unknown what was inside.

They walked all the way through the courtyard and came to the gate.

The behavior that was different from the previous two times immediately raised the vigilance of the black-robed commander, allowing the snipers to keep a close eye on them.

Two men in black came outside the courtyard door and put the box on the ground.

Then, they took out the keys, opened the box, stepped aside, and showed the contents of the box to everyone.

When he saw the items in the box clearly, the black-robed commander's eyes suddenly froze!

The box was filled with dangerous explosives such as grenades, Molotov cocktails, and plastic bombs!

Such a box of things, once it really exerts its power, is enough to blow up the entire villa and the courtyard outside to nothing.

If the opponent does not take it out, but chooses to resist stubbornly, even at the risk of dying together, even if the black-robed commander is still confident of winning the final victory, casualties will be almost inevitable.

In other words, the other party even displayed this kind of thing, and deliberately placed it outside the door away from the house. The sincerity was quite sufficient, and the black-robed commander was already 70% convinced.

After the two men in black showed the contents of the box, they turned around and walked back into the house again.

Not long after, they came out again carrying a box. This time the box was open, and all the men in black robes who were watching everything had a clear look.

This is a box of body armor, roughly estimated to contain more than ten pieces.

Many people in black robes were secretly stunned. Although they had been told before the operation that the opponent this time was quite well-equipped, they really did not expect that the opponent not only stockpiled a lot of explosives, but also had such a considerable number of body armor!

You know, gangsters who hold guns and wear bulletproof equipment are undoubtedly more dangerous than gangsters with guns.

The gangster had a gun, and the police relied on their numerical and information advantages to have a good chance of injuring or even killing the gangster before he opened fire.

Wearing a body armor makes it more difficult for the police to kill in one hit. Once they miss, a counterattack from the gangsters is almost inevitable.

In this way, the probability of casualties will be greatly increased.

No wonder the higher-ups are so cautious.

The two men in black put down the boxes and returned to the house.

And the man in black who originally asked for surrender showed up again and shouted: "All our weapons and equipment are here!"

No. 5, who had already received the order, immediately said: "Very good! Now, all of you continue to stay in the house, but you must come to the window or balcony to make sure you are within our sight!"

Hearing this, the man in black agreed without much hesitation: "No problem!"

Anyway, the weapons have been handed over, so there is no need to worry about being exposed to the other party's sight.

The man in black returned to the house. After a while, the windows on the front of the villa were opened one after another. In front of each window stood two men in black with their hands raised high. Several men in black were also gathered on the two balconies.

"Command! The number is correct!" The black-robed commander quickly received feedback from his subordinates.

The black-robed commander nodded secretly and asked, "Where are the police?"

"We have entered the woods, and we should be able to meet our outermost people in a minute!" the subordinate replied.

"Well! Let them take over the prisoners who have been controlled first, and all the liberated people will converge on the villa!" the black-robed commander immediately ordered.

Although the opponent is quite cooperative, the number of people is there after all. If more people are transferred, they will be more confident in dealing with unexpected situations. At the same time, it can also act as a deterrent and completely stop the enemy from thinking about other things.

Naturally, his subordinates had no objections to the orders of the black-robed commander.

Afterwards, after No. 5 conveyed the order to wait on the other side, the black-robed commander stopped issuing new orders.

There was silence around the villa again, but this silence no longer seemed so oppressive and solemn compared to before - at least that's what many people in black robes thought.

As time went by, people in black robes continued to arrive around the villa, further strengthening the encirclement and also indicating that the police force was getting closer.

The black-robed commander estimated that the time was almost up and issued an order to No. 5.

The voice of No. 5 sounded again: "You are now in groups of two, with intervals of one minute, and you will be captured when you walk out the door!"

"Yes!" came a response from the villa.

Not long after, two men in black walked out of the villa door with their hands raised.

The two men in black robes who had been well prepared immediately stepped forward and first touched them all over to make sure they did not carry any weapons before handcuffing them and tying them up with prepared ropes.

Then, groups of people in black walked out of the courtyard and were controlled by the black robes.

When the police's flashlight shined here, a total of 14 men in black had become prisoners.

At the same time, the armed helicopter that had been hovering over the villa also put away all its weapons and slowly landed in the open space outside the courtyard.

The cabin door opened, and Spumoni and other members of the organization walked off the plane with their hands raised in the air and dejectedly.

Naturally, they received the same treatment as their companions.

The black-robed commander turned his head slightly, looking at the approaching flashlight light and the clearly identifiable police uniform, and the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

He understood that it was time for them to evacuate.

After all, their identities are special and they are unable to communicate too much with "ordinary" police officers.

At this time, all the enemies in the villa have been controlled and the weapons have been confiscated. The [colleagues] who arrived later can handle the rest.

"Everyone, it's time to withdraw!" he ordered.

A group of men in black robes responded one after another, and then began to evacuate in groups of several people towards the pre-planned route.

The police officer who arrived first naturally saw this scene, but he had already received the order and ignored all the actions of the man in black robe. , fixing his eyes on the men in black who had been tied up.


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