Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1502 Follow-up

Hearing Belmod's inquiry, Yu Miyazaki shrugged: "You should have some guesses in your mind, right?"

Belmod smiled slightly: "But guesses are just guesses after all. I still hope to get confirmation from myself."

"It's Rum's problem." Yu Gongming said calmly.

Anyway, now that Rum has been arrested, it would be okay to reveal a little bit of the situation to Belmode, lest she have any doubts and affect the cooperative relationship between the two parties.

Of course, a simple sentence would be enough. He believed that with Belmode's IQ, he would be able to figure out the whole reason.

As expected, when Belmod heard this, he thought for a few seconds, then a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he nodded gently: "So that's it, I understand, don't worry, I will do what you want, no matter what I know or guess. Everything will be kept secret."

"Thank you very much, then I will take my leave first." Yu Gongming bowed slightly, then turned and left.

Belmod looked at Yu Gongming's leaving figure with a playful expression, and chuckled in his heart: "Things are really getting more and more interesting!"


In the early morning, the sun rises, and the warm sunshine dispels the darkness that enveloped the city.

Most people may have just woken up from their sleep at this time, reluctant to leave the comfortable bed and start their day's life.

However, for many police officers in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, it has been a whole night without rest.

Since yesterday evening, they have been preparing for a big operation.

Although according to the above statement, the danger of this operation cannot be determined. It may be just some evidence collection work, but it may also be necessary to face extremely brutal gunmen.

Although they were a little confused by the ambiguous wording of their superiors, no one dared to be careless in the slightest.

It wasn't until nearly two o'clock in the morning that they finally received the order to attack.

Even though many police officers are experienced, they still can't help but feel excited when they see so many police cars dispatched.

At the same time, they were secretly prepared for a tough battle.

However, when we actually arrived at the destination, the situation was completely different from what we imagined.

The colleagues who went to explore the road first encountered two people wearing black robes who looked very suspicious at first glance.

When these men in black robes saw the pathfinders in police uniforms, they walked straight towards them.

Naturally, the explorers immediately stopped the other party and asked about their identity.

As a result, before those men in black robes could reply, all the police officers who came received orders from the commander-in-chief of this operation, the Minister of Criminal Affairs - Odagiri Toshiro.

Follow the guidance of the man in black robe!

So, under the guidance of the men in black robes, a group of police officers received a group of suspects who had suffered varying degrees of gunshot wounds and wore different styles of black clothes, and finally arrived near the villa located in the center of the woods.

After they arrived, all the men in black robes left immediately and did not have any contact with them again.

And there were orders from above not to stop the men in black robes from leaving, and there was no need to follow them.

Such an order made some experienced police officers speculate about the identities of these men in black robes, but they wisely kept this speculation in their hearts.

After the man in black robe left, the police quickly took over the scene.

They also gradually understood the meaning of "the danger of the action is uncertain" mentioned above.

There were nearly twenty men in black who had been subdued in front of the villa gate; the box of explosives that was quite a distance away from them; and the various gun parts and body armor piled up in the courtyard...

Everything shows how dangerous this seemingly luxurious villa actually is!

What surprised all the police officers the most was the helicopter parked in the open space outside the villa.

When a police officer discovered the machine gun hidden in the helicopter, countless gasps suddenly began one after another.

This turned out to be an armed helicopter!

Helicopters are not uncommon, the Metropolitan Police Department has quite a few of them, and even many wealthy people with some wealth have their own private helicopters.

But even the Metropolitan Police Department does not have the equipment to equip highly lethal armed helicopters!

Of course, if necessary, they can also apply to call armed helicopters, but the procedures are extremely strict, and even if they are to raid terrorist bases, their application may not be successful!

But now, an armed helicopter appeared in front of them, and it was suspected to belong to the men in black. The police officer leading the team immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

An organization that owns an armed helicopter can no longer even be described as a simple criminal gang. It is not an exaggeration to call it a military armed organization!

Therefore, the police officer leading the team made a prompt decision and immediately arranged for manpower to bring all the men in black back to the Metropolitan Police Department for surprise interrogation. They must master as much information about this organization as possible in the shortest possible time!

Of course, the people who stayed in the villa were not idle and immediately started recording all the evidence.

In the following hours, a group of police officers began to interrogate the men in black.

Although some injured men in black were sent to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible out of humanitarian concern, the operators on the helicopter like Spumoni and the men in black who finally chose to surrender could not There is no such good treatment anymore.

Under normal circumstances, police interrogations will give prisoners necessary food and rest, and interrogations should avoid resting in the early morning.

This provision was made to prevent the police from engaging in irregular interrogation methods such as disguised corporal punishment and fatigue interrogation.

However, this time is obviously a special situation. Those men in black are likely to be involved in an armed military organization, and the timeliness of the intelligence is particularly important.

The sooner we get more intelligence, the sooner we can take action to strike hard against this organization!

Therefore, in a situation like this, even if it is early in the morning, as long as the prisoner is not in extremely bad physical condition and cannot adapt to the interrogation, the surprise interrogation is completely legal.

The reason why the interrogation lasted for several hours was not because the men in black were uncooperative. On the contrary, it was precisely because the men in black were too cooperative and confessed too much information that the interrogation continued until dawn.

Those men in black who finally surrendered had already lost heart the moment Rum's substitute decided to surrender, and Rum's substitute took the lead in confessing a large amount of information, and the other pawns had no intention of keeping secrets.

As for Spumoni and others, they had already had a "friendly" communication with the [Mysterious Man] on the helicopter. They understood that stubborn resistance would be harmful to them, so they cooperated very well.

So, after gathering a lot of information, a joint meeting of various departments was held in the large conference room of the Metropolitan Police Department.


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