Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1505 Interference

In fact, Shinji Endo is not Rum's real name, it's just his identity.

Naturally, his identity as the second-in-command of the black organization cannot be brought to the table, and in order to maintain the operation of the organization, he, the second-in-command, naturally has to contribute money and efforts.

Therefore, he relied on the resources in his hands to build several large-scale companies, provide financial support for the organization, and at the same time managed to establish connections with some political and business figures to protect the operation and development of his company.

Director White Horse has been paying attention to the black organization for more than a day or two, and he is naturally aware of this.

He expected that after Rum was arrested, those business and political figures who had contact with Rum would take action to help Rum.

It's not that they really have a deep friendship with Rum. To put it bluntly, it's just a matter of interest.

After all, as the second-in-command of the black organization, Rum cannot possibly use all methods within the rules when he comes into contact with those political and business figures. He will certainly do a lot of things of taking advantage of people, blackmailing and threatening them.

Now that Rum has been arrested by the police, those people may even be more anxious than Rum himself!

If Rum tells them the truth, they will be in big trouble.

Therefore, they will actively "fish" Rum out, at least let Rum see that he has hope of getting out, and don't break the pot and shake out their handle.

Director Baima has already explained this, and he will do his best to deal with these business and political figures who come to him. The longer the delay, the better.

The police will take further action today. The longer it takes, the better it is for them.

However, what Director Baima didn't expect was that a member of the House of Representatives actually called him personally to inquire about the matter.

Is Rum's power already so great?

I'm afraid not necessarily.

If Rum's energy is really big enough for a congressman to personally come to recruit people, then his apparent company will not only be of this scale.

There is a relationship with a congressman. Even if the congressman does nothing, everyone who knows this information will be afraid. The benefits to a company are self-evident.

Compared to Rum, it is more likely that someone above Rum asked the congressman to make this call.

Judging from the time when the other party contacted me, it was obvious that he contacted Councilor Gao overnight after hearing about Rum's accident.

Early in the morning is the rest time for most people, even members of parliament are usually not exempt from this custom.

But Councilor Gao called early in the morning, which was obviously not a perfunctory attitude.

Moreover, if he remembered correctly, Councilor Gao's faction had a considerable part of its political donations in the recent election provided by the Karasuma Consortium.

As for the relationship between the Karasuma Consortium and the organization, Director Hakuba also knows it well.

Summarizing all kinds of information, Director White Horse has basically determined that the black organization's [BOSS] who has been hiding behind the scenes took action.

Its purpose is not only to help Rum escape from the control of the police, but also to convey a warning attitude.

You have seen my background. I can ask a congressman to intercede overnight. If you want to take any action, you'd better weigh the consequences.

I'm afraid [BOSS] also knows that so many people have fallen into the hands of the police, including Rum, the second-in-command of the organization. Not only has the entire organization been exposed to the police's sight, but the police will also inevitably get it through interrogation. intelligence to carry out further attacks on the organization.

Therefore, TA used Councilor Gao to intimidate himself, making him fearful and afraid to act rashly.

As long as he hesitates for a moment, he may give the other party time to transfer people and destroy the evidence.

"What a great gesture..." Director Baima sighed inwardly.

After the initial surprise, Director Baima quickly calmed down.

A congressman is indeed quite powerful, but you want to make him submissive?

not enough.

The decision to arrest Rum was made by Director Baima after careful consideration. Naturally, he was mentally prepared for what he might encounter after the arrest, and had already made corresponding response plans.

There were a lot of thoughts in my mind, but in reality less than two seconds had passed.

Director Baima replied calmly: "That's right...but I just arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department and haven't received any relevant news yet. I need to find out more about the situation from below."

"I see. It's understandable that Director Hakuba is busy with official duties," Councilor Gao replied: "But Mr. Endo is an old friend of mine after all, and I know his character quite well."

"Maybe there are some misunderstandings. I hope the police can be more cautious when investigating and protect his legitimate rights and interests from being infringed."

"Of course." Director Baima replied calmly: "Our police enforce the law impartially and will not wrongly accuse good people at will. Of course, we will not let any criminal off the hook."

After a pause, Director Baima added: "Of course, I will also carefully consider your opinion. I will give you feedback after I verify the corresponding situation. What do you think?"

"Okay, then I will not disturb Director Baima's work and wait for the director's good news." After leaving this sentence with a somewhat meaningful tone, Councilor Gao hung up the phone.

Director Baima put down the phone and snorted softly.

Although the other party's attitude seemed polite, he hinted at his dissatisfaction with the police's arrest of Shinji Endo.

And after he said that he didn't know much about the specific situation and needed to verify it before giving feedback, the other party said that he would "wait for good news."

Isn’t this subtext simply saying, “What I want to hear is that Endo’s arrest was entirely due to a misunderstanding.”

To put it bluntly, don’t you just want to let yourself go?

From Director Baima's point of view, although the words were not stated clearly, they were already quite rude.

But Director Baima was very human after all, and he quickly calmed down.

At this time, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in!"

Odagiri Toshiro came in with a stack of documents, put the documents on the desk, and said: "Director, this is the action report last night, as well as the important information selected from the surprise interrogation of the prisoners. Please take a look. "

"Thank you for your hard work, please sit over there for a while." Director Baima pointed to the guest sofa on one side, then picked up the file and started reading.

Odagiri Toshiro was not polite and came to the guest sofa and sat down.

About ten minutes later.

Director Hakuba put down the document and nodded gently to Odagiri Toshiro: "You did a good job, but you can't slack off next time. You must take action as quickly as possible. You must not waste such a good opportunity!"

Odagiri Toshiro looked stern when he heard this, and immediately replied solemnly: "Yes! I will never disappoint your expectations!"

Later, after confirming that Director Hakuba had no other instructions, Odagiri Toshiro said goodbye and left.

Director Baima also picked up the phone receiver on his desk again.


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