Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1508 Of course I’m here... to call for punishment!

Gao Shipingcang just sat on the sofa for a while, trying to calm down.

As a member of the House of Representatives, he felt a little powerless just now.

First, the financial backers behind him directly pressured him to intervene in police affairs, and then the dignified cabinet minister, Public Security Commissioner Junichi Tanida, personally called to question him.

He couldn't afford to offend either of them.

The financial owner who called, the Karasuma Consortium controlled by him was an important source of funds for him and even their entire faction.

And many people, including him, more or less relied on the power of the underground organization under his command to do a lot of shameful things.

A lot of his leverage is also in the opponent's hands.

Once the other party announces these facts, because of the related interests, the other party may suffer some losses, but in the end it will not damage the fundamentals.

But you may pay a heavy price of ruining your entire political future!

Even after you lose your power, your life may be threatened!

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not break up with the [finance owner].

Not to mention Junichi Tanita.

Not to mention that his status as a cabinet minister is much higher than his own, and the entire public security system under his control is only responsible to the prime minister.

In other words, he has every right to investigate members of the House of Representatives like him.

But he obviously couldn't stand the investigation.

With the support of Junichi Tanita, the police conducted an unscrupulous investigation. The best outcome for him might be to resign.

And this was a result he could only achieve by using the connections and various resources he had accumulated over the years.

Once Junichi Tanita makes his attitude clear against him, it is hard to predict how much effect his personal network resources will have.

What awaits you is more likely to be jailed!

That's why closing positions in high markets is such a headache. If this matter is not handled well, the power and position he currently holds will be in danger of being lost!

After hesitating for a while, he glanced at the secretary who had been standing aside while he was on the phone with Junichi Tanida, waiting for instructions.

The secretary understood and immediately exited the lounge respectfully, closing the door behind him.

Seeing the secretary leave, Gao Shipingcang picked up the phone again and dialed a number.

After a while, the call was answered.

"Hey! It's me." Takaichi Pingcang said calmly.

"What? Is there any news about what I told you?" An old voice came from the other side.

"There is indeed news, but unfortunately, it is not good news." Gao Shipingang replied.

"Huh?" The old voice expressed his doubts.

"I received a call just was from Junichi Tanida, the chairman of the Public Security Committee..."

Gaoshi Pingcang briefly described the content of the call.

After listening to Gao Shi's account of closing positions, the other party fell into silence for a while.

After a moment, the old voice sounded again: "I didn't expect Gu Tian to ask about this matter... Humph! I'm afraid it was the guy from Baima who brought the matter up, right?"

"Tanida is very taboo about others interfering in the affairs of their police system. You should have thought of this when you asked me to help." Takaichi Pingcang said with obvious dissatisfaction in his tone.

"I just didn't expect to alert him so soon. After all, you just made a phone call and didn't take any specific action at all." The old voice replied.

Takaichi Hirakura snorted: "Tanida is already a high-level figure in Japanese politics. I advise you not to speculate on his thoughts with a businessman's thinking."

"For such people, there may be times when benefits can be exchanged, but there is a prerequisite - you should not try to challenge the rules they have set."

The old voice was silent for a while, and then said: "After saying so much, do you want to tell me that there is nothing you can do about Endo's matter?"

Gao Shiping wanted to say "yes", but he knew that once he answered like this, the other party would definitely get angry.

Therefore, he replied: "I am just informing you of the situation so that you can make plans in advance. As for Endo's matter, I will naturally do my best."

"Forget it, I won't make things difficult for you." The old voice softened slightly: "But you must at least help me find out where Endo is being held."

Gao Shiping's expression changed slightly: "Do you want to..."

"If there is no other way, we can only use some extraordinary measures." The old voice said coldly.

Takaichi Hirakura narrowed his eyes slightly: "Now Junichi Tanita has paid attention to this matter, you have to think clearly about the consequences of doing so!"

"You don't have to worry about it!" the old voice replied.

After a pause, he added: "Don't worry, even if things really come to that point, you won't be implicated,"

"I hope so." Gao Shiliang could only reply like this.

He has been dealing with this [financier] for many years, and he knows very well that he is calm most of the time, but there is a stubbornness and madness in his bones.

Once he makes a decision, he won't change it easily.

And based on their cooperative relationship, Gao Shipingcang didn't think he could persuade the other party.

However, he has also made up his mind that when he inquires about Endo's whereabouts, he must get himself out, and he must not get burned!

After a few more casual conversations with the old voice, the call ended.


Tottori Prefecture, a European-style castle located in the suburbs.

A tall and tall middle-aged man wearing a well-fitting butler's uniform walked through the corridor covered with expensive Turkish carpets, came to the door of a room at the end, and knocked gently on the door.

"Come in." A voice came from the loudspeaker on the loading door.

The middle-aged housekeeper then opened the door and walked in.

Unlike the brightness in the corridor, the room seemed very dark, with only two small lamps on the inside of the room providing a weak light source.

The middle-aged butler simply glanced at the rich decoration in the room, and then fixed his gaze on a high-backed chair with its back to the door.

"What's going on?" An old voice came from behind the high-backed chair.

The middle-aged butler bowed slightly and said respectfully: "Black Sakura hopes to contact you."

"Is it Black Sakura?" the old voice asked.

"Yes." The butler replied.

"Get it." The old voice spoke concisely.

"Understood." The housekeeper took out a tablet from somewhere and then operated it for a while.

After a moment, he pointed the screen in the direction of the high-backed chair.

The screen lit up, revealing a humanoid silhouette hidden in the shadows.

"Huh! Still so hidden!" The figure in the shadow spoke first, with a rather unfriendly attitude.

"Both each other." The old voice behind the high-backed chair replied calmly: "No need to beat around the bush, just tell me what you have to say."

"Ha! What else can happen?" The figure in the shadow sneered: "Of course I'm here to... raise an army to hold the enemy accountable!"


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