Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1522 Discovery

Facing the gazes of the two men, Meng Yu kept working on her hands and replied: "Just now, someone tried to hack into all the surveillance cameras on this floor."

The expressions of Yu Gongming and Conan changed when they heard this!

"Who is it?" Conan asked.

"How did you deal with it?" Yu Gongming was more concerned about this point.

"I don't know who is on the other side yet, because I was afraid of alerting the enemy, so I didn't stop his intrusion. Of course, the intruder didn't find me, and I still retain control of the surveillance."

"Judging from his current actions, his purpose should be the same as mine."

"To monitor this place?" Conan asked thoughtfully.

Yu Gongming smiled: "This timing is really subtle!"

"What do you think is the probability that this invasion is related to Belmod?" Conan was obviously aware of the problem.

"At present, I think it has exceeded 50%." Yu Gongming replied.

"Well..." Conan nodded and looked at Mengyu: "So what's Belmode's condition now?"

"She entered a coffee shop again before, and I haven't seen her come out yet..." Mengyu replied.

After a pause, she added: "At least I haven't seen the woman she pretended to come out."

Yu Gongming and Conan looked at each other and understood the meaning of the dream language.

In other words, Mengyu couldn't be sure whether Belmod had changed her outfit and escaped from her shell.

Yu Gongming pondered for a while and said: "It should take a long time to disguise yourself to the point where we can't recognize it. Even if Belmod is disguised, it can't be completed so quickly."

Mengyu and Conan couldn't help but nodded when they heard this.

They all have experience in disguise, and they know that simple changes such as changing their hairstyle and wearing a pair of sunglasses will not take much time.

But don’t even think about hiding it from them.

Conan frowned: "Did Belmode realize that someone was spying on him secretly?"

Mengyu blinked: "This is interesting!"

"Although other possibilities cannot be ruled out, I think that at least she entered this cafe not because of organizational matters." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

Meng Yu was startled when he heard this, and then quickly responded: "Indeed, wouldn't it be more convenient to handle other matters related to the organization in that restaurant?"

"After Belmod entered the coffee shop, were there any suspicious people around the coffee shop?" Conan asked.

He was obviously verifying his previous guess.

"I'll share the surveillance with you, you can see for yourselves." Meng Yu said.

Not long after, several surveillance images showing the entrance of the coffee shop appeared on the mobile phones of Akira Hanamiya and Conan.

At the beginning of the scene, you can see a middle-aged woman with short hair disguised by Belmode entering the coffee shop.

In the next two minutes, many pedestrians passed by the coffee shop, but no one entered or left the coffee shop.

Several people frowned and replayed the scene after Belmode entered the coffee shop.

Finally, after the third time...

"Look at this guy!" Conan suddenly shouted.

Meng Yu and Yu Gongming heard the sound and immediately came over.

Conan pulled the progress bar forward and pointed at one of the passers-by in the screen: "Pay attention..."

Monitoring starts playing.

Yu Gongming took a closer look and raised his eyebrows.

In the picture, the man is walking past the coffee shop. His direction and movements seem to be to go straight forward.

However, when passing the coffee shop, his steps paused slightly.

Then, he glanced slightly in the direction of the coffee shop, then raised his head slightly and nodded slowly in the direction of the surveillance camera.

The range of these movements was quite small, and he completed them while walking. It would be difficult for even ordinary police officers to discover the man's movements, let alone ordinary people.

Even Conan only noticed it after the third time.

Yu Gongming squinted his eyes, played the picture upside down again, and nodded gently: "Yes, that man's actions were indeed not accidental, and when he was about to walk out of the picture, I saw what he seemed to be wearing in his ears. thing."

"Is it a communicator?" Conan immediately guessed.

"It seems that this man and the guy who hacked into the surveillance should be in the same group." Meng Yu said thoughtfully.

"Confirm this man's next movements." Yu Gongming said immediately.

"Understood!" Mengyu said nothing nonsense and immediately started to act.

Not long after, Meng Yu said with a smile: "I made a discovery!"

She continued without the need for Akira Hanomiya and Conan to ask: "When the man met another young woman wearing a gray coat, he made a secret gesture to the other party, and the woman responded with a similar gesture!"

"And the woman who responded to him entered the coffee shop where Belmode was located shortly afterwards!"

Conan's eyes flashed: "It seems that those guys have sent out a lot of manpower!"

Yu Gongming smiled slightly: "It seems that we have to take action. Let's go out first. After all, this is other people's territory."

"Yes!" The Kudo brothers nodded, and what Yu Gongming said made sense.

They also stayed here for a long time, and if they stayed any longer, it would be beyond the scope of a normal meal.

Afterwards, after temporarily putting away all the electronic equipment, he walked out of the private room and went to the front desk of the restaurant, checked out and left.

In order to do a complete set for the show, and also to disguise himself later, at the suggestion of Akira Hanomiya, Conan "noised" Mengyu to buy him a cone.

Several people left the restaurant, and Meng Yu reminded in a low voice: "I haven't deprived the other party of control yet. We are also exposed to the other party's surveillance now. You should be careful when you act."



Both Yu Gongming and Conan looked solemn and expressed their understanding.

The three of them walked for a while like a family of three. After arriving at a surveillance blind spot, Yu Gongming glanced around and confirmed that there were no suspicious people around, then whispered: "Has that man left this floor?"

"No, he entered an open-air dessert shop on the other side of the corridor. You can see the coffee shop from the dessert shop." Meng Yu quickly replied, obviously paying attention to the information Yu Gongming asked.

"The dessert shop..." Yu Gongming thought about it for a while and said, "Then let's go there too."


The Kudo siblings made no objection.

They also thought it would be a good choice to start with the man gesturing at this time.

It was inconvenient for them to meet Belmod directly. In order not to alert the enemy, Mengyu could not pursue the guy who hacked into the surveillance for the time being.

So. The only way to continue the investigation without exposing yourself is to start with the man who seems to be spying on Belmode.

Not long after, they arrived at the open-air dessert shop. With a quick glance, Yu Gongming spotted the man!

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