Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 152 Tasting delicious food

At table No. 52, the gentle and light sound of clinking knives and forks sounded from time to time.

Akira Hanomiya picked up the last piece of foie gras and put it into his mouth, chewing it slowly for a while, letting the taste of foie gras fill his taste buds.

After swallowing the foie gras, Yu Gongming picked up the goblet beside him and took a sip of the blood-red liquid in the cup.

"Phew! It's indeed a top restaurant, and the food is truly extraordinary." Akira Yunomiya sighed.

"Yes, the price is also extraordinary." Meng Yu chuckled.

"...Can't you just let me forget this?" Yu Gongming was speechless.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't do this. If I remember correctly, apart from the mousse cake as dessert at the end, the only thing left is the 16 ounces of Almas caviar worth 600,000 yen." Meng Yu smiled.

"Yes, speaking of which, this is the first time for me to taste such world-class cuisine!" Hanemiya Akira said with a smile.

"You're lucky this time. Even in the Overlook Restaurant, Almas caviar is not always available. It can even be said that if you hold a high-level VIP card and dine here for a month, you may not be able to taste it even once. Almas caviar." Dream Whispered.

"Haha, maybe it's because today is your birthday, Mengyu, that's why this restaurant gives me such respect." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Hey! If you can speak, just speak more. I don't mind!" Meng Yu winked playfully.

"Then it's better to say goodbye. I rarely talk like this, so I can't make it a habit." Yu Gongming shrugged.

When Meng Yu heard this, she gave Yu Gongming a lovely roll of her eyes.

At this time, the waiter came over with a dining cart, and it was the Almas caviar that the two were discussing.

16 ounces of caviar were placed in two small bowls, and there was a white pearl spoon next to the small bowls.

Seeing this, Yu Gongming understood clearly.

It is absolutely forbidden to use metal spoons when eating caviar, especially such top-quality caviar, because metal spoons will destroy the aroma of the caviar, and in severe cases, it will even give the caviar a distinct metallic taste!

The waiter first removed the empty dishes from the table, and then brought the two bowls of caviar from the dining cart to the table together with the trays.

"Sir, Miss, this is the Almas caviar that is limited to our store. Use it with care." The waiter introduced the dishes respectfully and left with the dining cart.

Compared with ordinary caviar, this Almas caviar is blacker and more translucent. The delicate transparent film wraps the roes slightly larger than the particles, making each roe as eye-catching as a black pearl.

The tip of Yu Gongming's nose moved slightly, and a special salty fragrance belonging to the ocean spread into his nostrils, which made Yu Gongming who was already half-full to have some appetite again.

"Then I won't be polite!"

Akira Hagong picked up the pearl spoon on the side, carefully scooped up a spoonful of caviar, and put it into his mouth.

, the intriguing ocean taste is slowly released in the mouth, and the tongue is pressed gently. The first thing I feel is a weak resistance, and the next moment, the elegant and delicate breath escapes between the lips and teeth.

The dual enjoyment of taste and touch made Han Gongming couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

After slowly swallowing the first mouthful of caviar, Yu Gongming couldn't help but sigh:

"I used to think that the thing in Chunghwa Ichiban about having all kinds of hallucinations when you eat something is pure nonsense, but when I tasted caviar just now, a big white sturgeon swimming in the water naturally appeared in my mind. I'm a little doubtful about the picture, am I mentally disturbed, or is marijuana added to it?"

"Obviously, this is due to the impact of delicious food on the taste buds, coupled with some knowledge about the food, causing your brain to automatically derive some pictures."

Meng Yu said, also picked up the spoon, took a spoonful of caviar and put it into his mouth, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

After a long time, Mengyu slowly swallowed the first mouthful of caviar and said with a smile: "Well, before finishing the caviar, I think we should stop talking, otherwise we will always feel sorry for this top-notch delicacy of 600,000 yen. "

"I'm mainly sorry for my 600,000 yen..." Akira Hanomiya added silently in his heart.

In the following time, the two began to taste the caviar in the bowl in silence, and table 52 fell into silence for a while.

However, at a table not far away, two figures, one large and one small, were whispering.

"Hey! Mom! Why didn't you bring your VIP card? This is Almas caviar! I've been to the Overlook Restaurant so many times since I was a kid, but I've only tasted it once! I can't forget the taste to this day!" Conan looked at the two Akira Hanomiya who were tasting caviar, and his eyes suddenly became hot.

After some disguise, Kudo Yukiko gently held her chin with her right hand and slid her fork casually on the dinner plate. The rich aroma of Kobe steak on the plate seemed to no longer arouse her interest.

"We were just here to see how Hanomiya and Mengyu get along, and to record some precious shots. We just stopped by for dinner. Who knew there was Almas caviar in the Observation Restaurant today?" Yukiko Kudo said helplessly.

She wants to eat it too!

However, without a VIP card, you are not qualified to order this top-quality caviar!

Even if you ask, people will naturally not directly say "You are not a VIP, so you can't ask for this dish", but they will almost always answer "Sorry, we don't have this dish".

It's so real!

"Ah! It's nerve-wracking, that guy Yumiya is so lucky!" Conan sighed.

"Forget it, it's not like I haven't eaten it before. I can try it again next time I have a chance." Yukiko Kudo comforted her, but the expression on her face was a bit unwilling.

"Eh? How about Mom, go negotiate with the restaurant owner? Maybe he is a fan of yours? When the time comes, he might be happy and let us order it?" Conan suddenly thought.

"Speaking of which, the owner of this store actually knows Yusaku, and he also owes Yusaku a favor. If I go to negotiate, maybe it can really be done... But in this way, I have to take off my disguise, so I can't I secretly filmed the scene where Meng Yu and the others got along..." Kudo Yukiko said with a confused look on her face.

"Oh, if you don't take pictures secretly, you won't take pictures secretly. As Mengyu's mother and brother, we know that she is going on a date with a boy. Isn't it normal for us to come and take a look? When the time comes, we can just take pictures openly and eat the caviar first!" Conan encouraged.

"Hmm~ You're right...Okay, then you wait here." Kudo Yukiko stood up and walked towards the front desk.

Conan suddenly showed a victorious smile, and continued to look in the direction of table 52 out of boredom.

At this time, the two of them had already finished tasting the caviar and were eating the mousse cake that had just been served.



The goblets clinked gently, and the two drank the last red wine in the glasses, announcing the end of the dinner.

The two of them gently wiped the corners of their mouths with napkins. Meng Yu's starry eyes were filled with moving light, and she looked at Yu Gongming quietly, as if expecting something.

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