Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1529 Belmode’s attempt

Tokyo, Morikawa Pharmaceutical Underground Research Institute.

Belmod slowly opened his eyes.

What you can see is a dim ceiling.

Belmode sat up and looked around subconsciously.

This is a room of about ten square meters. There are no windows or lights in the room. There is a closed door directly in front of it. Only a faint light penetrates into the room through the gaps in the iron railings on the door.

With these lights, I could barely see what was going on in the room.

The furnishings in the room are quite simple. Only the single bed that Belmod is currently sitting on is fixed to the ground. It is just a single bed made of several wooden boards, and the pillows and quilts are made of quite ordinary materials and even look a little old.

On one side of the bed is a sink. On the sink are cups, toothbrushes, toothpaste and other toiletries, as well as a small roll of paper towels. There is a bucket of water under the sink.

In the corner of the room, there is an empty plastic bucket.

This is all the furnishings in the room, and the whole room looks extremely depressing and dull.

Belmode glanced at it and then looked away.

She has been here for a long time and is already familiar with everything in the room, even to the point of being a little bored.

However, at least so far, she still hasn't found a chance to escape from here.

She wasn't sure how long she had been here, there was no way in the room to tell the time.

There is no clock in the room, and as expected, my mobile phone, watch and other personal belongings are no longer on me. There are no windows in the room. There are only a vent about the thickness of an arm and a gap in the guardrail of the door to maintain the air in the room. flow.

Belmode had a trace of sadness on his face, thinking about how he should leave.

She was immediately aware of her situation since she first woke up here.

He was apparently kidnapped and taken to an unknown place.

Those guys are well-trained, have clear goals, and have complete plans. They are almost certainly affiliated with some underground organization.

Belmod immediately suspected that he had fallen in love with Black Sakura.

Just before, [that person] had contacted her and claimed that Black Sakura hoped to let her cooperate in drug research.

She naturally knew what the so-called [drug] was, so she naturally felt extremely repulsive and clearly rejected it.

At that time, [that person] didn't say much and hung up the phone directly, but Belmode became concerned about this matter.

Black Sakura is not a law-abiding organization, and with its criminal record, Belmod has every reason to suspect that the other party will take extraordinary measures to deal with him.

Therefore, she has been very cautious in her recent actions. She almost always goes out after disguising herself, and always pays attention to whether she is being followed.

However, even though she was so cautious, she was still caught by the other party, which made Belmod couldn't help but feel suspicious.

If it was really Black Sakura, how did they find themselves?

A certain guess flashed through her mind, and this guess made her mood even worse.

However, she quickly forced herself to calm down. No matter what, the top priority was to escape from here first. After escaping from here, she could investigate the cause and effect of the matter.

However, even though I was mentally prepared, the difficulty of escaping was still unexpectedly high.

She first checked the furnishings in the room to see if there was anything she could use.

The result was that she was disappointed.

Except for the door, which seemed to be made of tempered material, none of the other items were made of metal.

The bed is made of wood, the bedding and pillows are made of some kind of fiber product, and the sink and even the faucet are made of plastic without any edges or corners.

Cups, toothbrushes, and bottled water and plastic buckets are also made of plastic.

And Belmode also observed the locked door of the room.

It is obviously impossible to open the door just by relying on these things in the room.

So, she changed her mind and planned to start from the direction of "people".

Since the other party has gone to great lengths to tie him here, he cannot just hang himself here, he must have some contact with him.

At that time, on the one hand, I can obtain information, and at the same time, I can try to steal the key, or look for an opportunity to escape while the room door is open.

So, she began to wait silently for possible contacts.

However, during this period, many people did pass by the room where Belmode was located, but no one had the intention to come in.

However, looking at their attire, Belmod speculated that this was probably a scientific research institution such as a research institute.

There was no option to wait any longer, so Belmode decided to take the initiative to communicate with the people passing by.

The communication effect is quite unsatisfactory.

When she made a sound, although the other party paid attention to her, no matter what she said or how to attract attention, no one paid attention to her.

Just when Bellmore wanted to give up, someone finally came to the door.

At that time, there was a man dressed as a caregiver.

The man ignored Belmod's reaction, squatted down, opened a gate under the iron door, and pushed a tray in.

Belmod took a look and saw some food in the tray.

There are staple foods and vegetables. There is meat and even a drink. Although the portion is not much, it is surprisingly rich.

"After you finish eating, put the tray at the door." The man dressed as a caregiver said lightly, then turned and left, ignoring Belmod's shouts.

Belmod stared at the tray on the ground, frowning.

The other party's attitude clearly means that he will not give himself any chance to escape!

Also, should you eat these foods yourself or not?

Eat it, who knows if there are "added ingredients" in the food?

But don't eat. This should be your only source of energy now. If you don't eat, you can only let your physical strength be exhausted. As time goes by, your chances of escaping will become increasingly slim.

After hesitating for a while, Belmod finally decided to eat the food.

At present, it is at least certain that the other party will not take his life for the time being, so these foods will not be fatal.

Rather than letting your physical strength continue to drain away, it's better to take a gamble.

I bet even if these foods have added ingredients, they won't cause much harm to her.

After a short time, she wiped out the food and put the tray at the door as the "caregiver" said.

After a while, the nurse came to the door of the room again and took out the tray.

"Can you bring me some changes of clothes?" Belmode asked.

The nurse didn't respond and left as silently as when she came.

"Damn it..." Belmode cursed inwardly, and had no choice but to return to the bed and lie down.

Gradually, she felt that her head was becoming a little dizzy, and an uncontrollable wave of sleepiness came over her.

"Are there any anesthetics added to those foods..." This was Belmod's last thought before his consciousness disappeared.


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