Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1531 Turning point!

Belmod could clearly feel that there was a small hard foreign object hidden in the originally soft rice ball.

"This feeling... seems to be a button?" Belmode frowned, and several guesses flashed in his mind.

After hesitating for a while, she swallowed the rice ball in her mouth, leaving only the hard button-shaped object in her mouth.

Then, she came to the door with the tray, knelt down and put the tray down.

And she also took advantage of this moment to transfer the "button" in her mouth to her hand,

After returning to the bed and lying down, Belmode turned slightly sideways, using his body to create a small surveillance blind spot, and silently observed the "button" on his hand.

"This... seems to be some kind of receiving device?" Belmode observed with some uncertainty.

The reason for this speculation is that there is a bright spot flashing on the button, which is the light of the indicator light.

This undoubtedly indicates that the "button" is an electronic device.

As for further judgment, it purely relies on Belmode's many years of experience as an agent.

However, this made Belmode's doubts deepen.

Why is there something like this hidden in rice balls?

She didn't think it was the other party's negligence. Such a large foreign object would inevitably be discovered when making rice balls.

So, if it was intentional, who put the "buttons" into the rice balls?

Did those guys have any new plans? Or……

Belmode pondered for a while, then covered the "button" with his hand and put it in his ear.

After a moment of silence, a voice came to her ears.

"Hey, hey! Can you hear me?"

This is a clear and melodious girl's voice.

Belmod's body trembled slightly, this voice was so familiar to her!

This is exactly the sound that belongs to Dream Talk!

However, she did not make any unusual moves rashly, she still maintained her original posture and listened silently.

After a few seconds, the familiar girl's voice came again: "Don't worry, the surveillance in your room has been controlled and the scene of you lying in this position is being played in a loop."

"Therefore, please don't make too big a move now so that you can switch the screen after the communication is over. If you heard clearly, please raise your hand to indicate it!"

Belmod rolled his eyes and then raised his hand.

"Very good! It's been going well so far." Mengyu's voice on the other side was obviously much lighter.

After a pause, the other person continued: "I won't go into details about how we knew you were here. I'll make a long story short. As long as you can cooperate with our actions, you will have a pretty good chance of escaping from here."

"Currently, Morikawa Pharmaceuticals above this underground research institute has been investigated by the police for being involved in several economic crimes. And secretly, another force of the police has sneaked into the underground research institute. This is how you escaped from here. Opportunity..."

Later, Dreamspeak concisely informed Belmod of the plan.

"If you heard what I just said clearly, please raise your hand to indicate it!" Meng Yu finally said.

Belmode raised his hand again, indicating that he heard clearly.

Mengyu continued: "Okay, then you deal with the traces. I will switch back the surveillance screen in 10 seconds. See you later."

The sound just disappeared.

Belmode quickly hid the earphones as instructed, and then returned to his original posture.

This set of movements was so smooth that it was completed in less than five seconds.

Belmod waited for a while before changing his position.

This does not seem abnormal. She has been here for such a long time and has deliberately hidden her behavior and habits. She believes that even if the other party is really observing around the clock, he will not be able to grasp the rules of her actions.

In her mind, she began to recall the plan Meng Yu had just mentioned, and rehearsed possible unexpected situations.

She has believed Mengyu's identity and decided to implement the escape plan provided by the other party.

Making a judgment is not difficult.

First, although there is a layer of radio equipment between them, as a master of disguise, she can still tell whether the voice on the other side is disguised or not.

Secondly, with the clue of sleep talking, she recalled that the "nursing worker" who brought her meals also found something abnormal.

Today's [Nursing Worker] has certain differences in body details and some appearance features exposed outside the mask.

Using this as a clue, a lot of information that she had originally ignored gradually became clear.

The [nursing worker] also put on a disguise.

The method of disguise is not very clever, at least in her opinion.

Of course, this should be done intentionally by the other party.

It was after seeing through this poor disguise that Bellmode recognized the identity of the [nursing worker].

If she guessed correctly, the caregiver should be Akira Yumiya.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu have already appeared, which can almost rule out that this is some kind of temptation.

Not to mention that just before she was caught, Yu Gongming and the others were still able to hide in the dark and use the power of the official organization to suppress the organization. It was impossible for them to be discovered in a short period of time, or even find out their relationship with themselves.

To take a step back, even if something happened to them, how could they move around so freely?

Let’s not talk about the risks involved. Let’s just say that if the organization catches Akira Hanomiya and others, there are more important things to do than testing themselves!

Such as interrogating intelligence.

Based on all the above, Belmode believed that the opposite party was indeed Yu Gongming and Meng Yu who were preparing to rescue him.

As for how they knew their situation, Belmode did not intend to delve into it for the time being. It would not be too late to consider this after escaping from here.

What we have to do now is to recharge our batteries and wait for the opportunity to come.



The door to the room where Belmode was located was slowly opened.

A burst of light came in, but was quickly obscured by shadow again.

Several figures entered the room.

They were two men in black holding guns, and two men in white coats and masks, looking like doctors. One of them was carrying a large box in his hand.

Several people came to Belmod's bed. On the bed, Belmod was lying on his back, breathing steadily.

"First conduct routine examinations on the experimental subjects." One of the [Doctors] said.

"Yes!" Another [Doctor] responded, put down the box in his hand, opened the box, and began to take out various medical instruments and assemble them.

In a short time, several instruments were assembled.

Then, at the doctor's signal, two men in black stepped forward and took off Belmod's hospital gown, exposing a large area of ​​snow-white skin.

When the two [Doctors] saw this, their eyes did not change at all, and they took the instruments and began to measure Belmod's blood pressure, body temperature and other indicators.

After completing these two examinations, the [doctor] who gave the order stopped and did not take the instrument handed over by the other [doctor].

"What's wrong? Dr. Nakamura?" one of the men in black asked.


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