Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1533 Waiting for the opportunity

The second floor, just as Yu Gongming said, is a large storage area.

There is an electronic code lock on the door of the storage area.

Yu Gongming came to the password lock and directly entered a series of numbers.

With a beeping sound, the prompt "Password is correct" appeared on the display.

"You are really well prepared!" Belmode said with a low smile.

"How dare you come to a place like this if you are not fully prepared?" Yu Gongming responded casually and pushed the warehouse door open a crack.

Then, the two of them ducked into the storage area, and after a while, the door closed again.

Yu Gongming came to the door and raised his hand to press the light switch, dispelling the darkness in the warehouse.

Belmod looked around casually: "How are we going to get through the negative level next?"

"There will be a chance later." Yu Gongming said, walked behind a container, and came back with a backpack.

Belmode's eyes fell on the backpack: "This is it?"

"Some useful things I have hidden here before." Yu Gongming opened his backpack and took out a few things.

First up is a bulletproof vest.

Akira Hanomiya handed the bulletproof vest to Bermod: "Here, put it on, the next step may not be as smooth as it is now."

Belmod took the bulletproof vest and said, "Where did you get this?"

"Trophy." Yu Gongming replied calmly.

"Oh~" Belmode nodded, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he did not continue to ask.

She expertly donned a bulletproof vest.

Just after sorting out his clothes, Yu Gongming handed over two things again.

A small pack of energy bars and a bottle of water.

"That's really considerate!" Belmod smiled and took the two things over. Without being polite, he tore open the package and took out an energy bar to eat.

She understood that this was to allow her to take in some more energy to prepare for the high-intensity exercise she would most likely face next.

Although she had eaten before, the portion of the food was barely enough to sustain her normal activities and could not restore her physical strength to a full state.

By now, the interval was not long, but she could already clearly feel the hunger in her belly.

These energy bars are a much-needed solution.

On the other side, Yu Gongming also tore open a pack of energy bars, took out one and ate it with drinking water.

Unlike Belmode, who had not received sufficient food supply for a long time and needed to chew slowly for health reasons, Akira Hanomiya managed to get an energy bar in three strokes, five by five, and two.

He had sneaked in a few hours ago, and took the opportunity to knock out the [nursing worker] who usually delivered meals to Belmod, and put on his clothes.

Beforehand, Mengyu had already hacked into the institute's internal system and mastered the physical characteristics and some basic information of the [nursing worker]. Therefore, Yu Gongming had already carried out a targeted disguise before sneaking in.

This allowed him to go to the cafeteria very smoothly after putting on the clothes of a [nursing worker], and quietly took away Belmode's portion of food laced with anesthetics.

After that, he cooperated with Belmod to escape. After all the tossing, he also consumed a lot of energy and needed to replenish some energy.

After eating an energy bar and taking a sip of water, Yu Gongming took out the communicator from his arms and put it on his ear: "I have arrived at the scheduled location."

"Okay, then I'll start here too." Meng Yu's voice came.

The brief communication ends.

Belmode watched this scene with interest, and she became more and more curious about the next development.


Morikawa Pharmaceutical, in the chairman's office on the top floor.

The chairman of Morikawa Pharmaceutical was sitting in the office chair where he usually worked, with an extremely gloomy expression.

Around him were several police officers who were looking through their ledgers.

These ledgers had just been retrieved from his secret safe.

Therefore, he knows better than anyone what it will mean once the police see these ledgers.

As the apparent controller of Morikawa Pharmaceutical, he is probably bound to go to jail.

What gave him some comfort was that the police seemed to have come simply to investigate the company's tax and economic crimes and did not launch a large-scale search.

In this way, the secret of the underground research institute should be kept.

As long as nothing happens to the institute, the most he can do is go to jail. Maybe the people behind him will be able to benefit from his hard work over the years.

Just as he was thinking this, the lead police officer's walkie-talkie suddenly rang.

The police officer picked up the walkie-talkie: "What's going on?"

"Report! I just heard gunfire from the first floor!"

Everyone in the chairman's office heard this statement clearly.

Everyone’s expressions changed!

"Impossible!" Chairman Morikawa couldn't help shouting.

Could it be that the killer below had a conflict with the police?

If this is the case, then something is very wrong!

If the police asked to search the underground, he could still find reasons to delay for a while, but once guns were involved, no matter how many reasons he had, he would not be able to stop the police's actions.

Damn it! How could things become like this! ? Chairman Morikawa felt extremely aggrieved, but it would be useless to feel aggrieved.

He didn't have any weapons on him, and the police around him had been staring at him. The door of the office had been locked, and a policeman who looked like he was quite capable of fighting was blocking the door.

At my own level, let alone running out of the office, it’s hard to say whether I can leave the confines of my desk!

Now he can only hope that the personnel and important materials in the institute can be evacuated in time.

Otherwise, he might not even have a chance to survive to be tried in court!

On the other side, the leading police officer immediately turned his attention to Chairman Morikawa and captured the expression of disbelief mixed with horror on his face.

The police officer narrowed his eyes slightly and put the intercom to his mouth: "Seal the surrounding area immediately and request support from the headquarters!"


The police officer put away the walkie-talkie and looked at Chairman Morikawa with a compelling look: "Mr. Morikawa, do you have anything to say about this matter?"

Chairman Morikawa wiped his sweaty forehead: "This... there must be some misunderstanding! Maybe... it's a vicious gangster who happens to be hiding in our company..."

"Oh? Really?" The police officer looked at him with an increasingly cold look.

"Uh!" Morikawa Tongshi twitched the corner of his mouth, unable to utter any more sophistical words.

What he said just now was said by him bravely, and even he himself didn't believe it.

In the end, he could only lean back on the office chair with some slump and sighed softly.

At this point, he could only pray that things wouldn't get worse.

Unfortunately, the development of things was destined to disappoint him.


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