Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1545 Summary of Harvests

"Ahem!" Yu Gongming coughed lightly, breaking the gradually becoming subtle atmosphere.

He came here to work hard, but he didn't come here to eat dog food.

"Where are our clothes? Let's change our clothes first."

"Oh! In Uncle Maori's room, that's the bag on the bed." Conan also had some embarrassment on his face and replied quickly.

"Okay, let's talk about this time after we change clothes." After saying that, Yumiya Akira and Mengyu came to Mouri Kogoro's room.

Mengyu picked out her clothes from the bag on the bed: "Then I'm going to Xiaolan's room to change clothes. See you later."

"Okay, see you later." Yu Gongming nodded.

Although he and Mengyu have done a lot of intimate things at home, and Yu Gongming has seen a lot of "scenery", this is someone else's place after all, so he still has to pay attention to the impact.

After a while.

After changing their clothes and returning to their original appearance, Akira and Hanomiya returned to the living room.

At this time, Xiaolan had thoughtfully made another pot of black tea, and a new plate of snacks was placed on the table.

"Thank you, Xiaolan. I happen to be a little hungry. You're welcome!" Yu Gongming picked up a piece of snack and put it into his mouth.

"Yeah! Not bad!" He gave a thumbs up to Xiaolan.

"Senior, that's a compliment," Xiaolan said with a somewhat embarrassed smile.

Meng Yu also took a sip and her eyes lit up: "It's sweet but not greasy, and the aroma of red dates is just right. Xiaolan is really becoming more and more virtuous. Someone should cherish it!"

Dream Whisper glanced at Conan as he spoke.

"I want you to tell me!" Conan said angrily.

Xiaolan's face turned red again: "Okay, okay, stop talking about me, let's talk about your affairs."

"That's fine." Yu Gongming said with a smile, looking at Meng Yu and Conan respectively.

The expressions of the two of them also became slightly serious in an instant.

"First of all, let's summarize the results of this operation." Akira Hanomiya spoke first: "We successfully achieved our goal and rescued Belmod, without leaving any loopholes for tracing."

"At the same time, through talking with Belmode, we were able to confirm one thing."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Conan's expression became more focused.

"There is indeed a certain problem between her and the [boss] of the organization. There are various signs that the reason why Belmode was caught by Black Sakura this time was because the [boss] of the organization acquiesced and even contributed to it."

"Oh? How are you sure?" Conan became interested.

Akira Hanomiya told Conan his reasoning based on various clues. Part of it was what he had said to Belmod, and the other part was about the things he still had reservations about Belmod, such as the part about Bourbon. .

Because he already knew Tohru Amuro's identity, he didn't even need to rely on various detailed analysis like Bermod to easily point the finger at the [boss]

After listening to Hanomiya Akira's reasoning, Conan pushed up his glasses and said thoughtfully: "It seems that the cooperation between Black Sakura and the organization is closer than imagined..."

"Eh? Why do you say that?" Xiaolan asked confused.

"This can only be understood in conjunction with what happened before." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile: "Before, Black Sakura cooperated with the organization to deal with the [mysterious force]. As a result, Conan should have told you that a large number of people were arrested by the police. , and now the police are still continuing to crack down on them."

"Originally, Black Sakura was a foreign aid invited by the organization. Now that the losses are so huge, it is impossible for them not to ask for an explanation from the organization. So the question is, what explanation should the organization give to satisfy Black Sakura?"

"This..." Xiaolan turned her eyes slightly and nodded her chin: "Is this what Belmode said?"

"To be precise, it should be only part of [the statement]." Conan corrected: "The main reason why Black Sakura cooperates with the organization is actually the research on that drug. Of course, there must be other interests in cooperation."

"I think the organization should have paid some financial benefits... and Belmode."

"Can we study that drug through her?" Xiaolan asked doubtfully.

Akira Hanomiya took over: "Belmod said herself that her situation is different from Conan's. It would be difficult to study it from her side, at least if Conan's situation arises."

"But as a figure from an era our elders, and possibly even earlier, the age shown by Belmode is indeed worthy of exploration."

"We still haven't figured out what exactly the organization wants to research, so there's nothing wrong with Black Sakura starting from Belmod."

"It's just that Belmod's status in the organization is special, and his relationship with the [boss] is quite delicate. It's not appropriate for the organization to use strong methods, so it leaked the information and asked Black Sakura to take action."

"This is also the reason why I came to that conclusion." Conan said lightly: "The organization has never been easy to get along with, but now it is willing to pay for the benefits, and even sent high-level Belmode to study. It is obvious that it is also willing to work with Black Sakura Continued cooperation."

"In this case, wouldn't that organization be more difficult to deal with?" Xiaolan showed a hint of worry.

"This is still expected, it's not a big problem." Yu Gongming smiled and reassured.

"Yeah!" Xiaolan nodded slightly, her expression softening slightly.

Yu Gongming has always been reliable. Since he said this, he must be confident in his heart.

After comforting Xiaolan, Yu Gongming paused for a moment, and suddenly looked thoughtful: "I think I have probably guessed what the [gift] Belmod gave us in the end was."

"A gift?" Conan cast a questioning look.

Yu Gongming briefly talked about the last parting situation.

Conan looked thoughtful, and after a moment he suddenly realized: "That's it."

"Eh? What do you understand again? What is that gift?" Xiaolan felt that she really couldn't keep up with the thinking of these two people.

"If I'm not wrong..." Hanemiya Akira said with a smile: "That mailbox should contain the information she has about Black Sakura, right?"

"Oh? She actually gave us this kind of information?" Meng Yu said in surprise.

"Except for the organization, the only information we're interested in is Black Sakura's. If it's the organization's information, she's already kept it secret before, so the chances of her suddenly changing her mind in the end aren't high."

"Then the only information she is willing to give us and we are interested in is the information about Black Sakura."

Hanomiya Akira chuckled: "She had a good plan. She knew that we would still regard Kuro Sakura as our enemy, and it was impossible not to use this information to attack Kuro Sakura."

"The Black Sakura Research Institute was raided by the police and will inevitably face another wave of attacks in the near future. When will this information be given to us, it will not only further increase Black Sakura's losses, but also cover up her gains while Black Sakura is busy taking care of herself. Traces of these intelligences.”

Yu Gongming sighed softly: "Belmode has never been a broad-minded master!"

"If this is the case, then should we use this information?" Mengyu asked.

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