Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1556 Clear the Suspicion

Everyone came to the classroom where Deyuan fell.

"What was filmed here at that time was the prisoner fighting with the police and finally being kicked downstairs by the police. That was the scene," the director said.

Officer Megure looked around the empty classroom, and his eyes finally fell on the safety rope by the window: "Is this the safety rope?"

"Yes!" The director nodded.

Officer Takagi looked at it for a while: "It doesn't look like anything special."

Officer Memu pondered for a while, then used the walkie-talkie to contact the police officer below: "Use the victim's mobile phone to make the last call."

"Okay!" The person below immediately took action.

Not long after, several people heard the ringing of the phone.

Officer Memu followed the sound and saw a mobile phone lying quietly on a small platform extending outward under the window.

"It's actually in that kind of place?" Officer Megure asked in surprise.

Yumiya Akira and others also came over. Conan jumped on the window sill and looked down: "It's strange, normal people can't forget their mobile phones in a place like this, right?"

"Could it be that the victim dropped his cell phone there when he fell?" Seriang made a guess.

"Conan, help me pick up the phone and take a look at it." Yu Gongming said.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Officer Megure wanted to stop him, but Conan had already rolled over the window sill to the platform, took out his handkerchief and picked up the phone.

He turned around and smiled: "Don't worry, Officer Memu, I won't leave any fingerprints!"

Officer Memu's facial muscles trembled for a while, and finally he sighed: "Forget it, there's nothing we can do against you..."

Conan returned to the room and looked at the phone for a while: "It doesn't look like it was accidentally dropped. There are no traces of bumps on it."

Officer Memu's eyes moved: "Conan, show me your phone!"

Conan handed him the phone.

Officer Memu took his cell phone and looked through it for a while: "Well...there are indeed no traces."

"It seems that someone put the phone there intentionally." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"So, did the prisoner use his mobile phone to do something to make Mr. Tokuzono fall from the building?" Officer Megure thought thoughtfully.

"But there was nothing unusual about the phone ringing just now. How did the murderer guarantee that he must have fallen when he picked up the phone?" Shiliang was a little confused.

"There must be some mechanism, right?" Yu Gongming thought to himself and looked around.

Suddenly, his eyes paused for a moment, then he stepped forward, bent down and picked up something from the ground with a handkerchief: "Huh? What is this?"

In his hand is an object with a cylindrical main body and a pair of butterfly wings on both sides of the upper end.

"This... must be a prank toy too, right?" the director said in surprise.

"Tricky toy?" Officer Megure asked.

"Yes." The director nodded: "Maybe it's Deyuan's, right? He usually likes to use these tricky toys to tease people, so he has had troubles with many people. The last time he used the bloody soap to kill a person. The assistant director was so scared."

The assistant director also had a look of sadness on his face when he heard this: "At that time, the assistant director screamed as if he had died tragically, and the entire crew was alarmed. However, the assistant director actually died later."

"Dead? Is it because of a prank?" Officer Takagi asked.

"No, it was because of fatigue driving that the car accident occurred." the director replied.

"So, how to use this tricky toy?" Conan looked curious.

"Ah! It's very simple!" the director laughed: "Just turn the wings, tighten the rubber band, and then clip it into the notebook."

"Oh? Is that so?" Officer Memu tightened the rubber band as instructed, and then clamped the toy into the notebook: "Then what?"

"Just open the notebook," the director said.

"Well..." Officer Megure opened the notebook again.


The toy flapped its wings and flew out of the notebook.

"Wow!" Officer Megure was startled.

"Wait!" Kyogoku Zhen suddenly shouted: "This is the sound I heard before!"

"What!?" Officer Memu hadn't recovered from the shock just now, and was shocked again.

"That's the strange sound I heard before Mr. Tokuzono's scream!" Kyogoku Shin further explained.

Officer Megure quickly looked around and saw that the toy had just fallen to the ground nearby. He was relieved and quickly picked it up.

If what Kyogoku said is true, this is important evidence!

"It seems that this toy does not belong to Mr. Tokuzono..." Akira Hanomiya said.

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Officer Megure asked.

"Did that toy just now look like a flying insect flying out of the notebook?" Sera asked with a smile.

"It's indeed quite similar." Officer Megure nodded.

"Oh! I understand!" The director clapped his hands: "Tokuzono hates bugs the most, so he shouldn't have such a tricky insect toy in his hand!"

"So that's it!" Officer Megure suddenly said: "So, someone else put this toy here?"

Sera nodded: "This toy should have been used once before, instead of falling to the ground from the beginning. Before use, it must be pressed down with something."

"That mobile phone." Yu Gongming said calmly.

Officer Megure's eyes widened: "Are you saying that the reason why that phone is there is to hold down this toy?"

"Yes, the reason why Mr. Tokuzono fell from the building should be very clear now." Akira Hanomiya replied: "Someone secretly placed his mobile phone on the platform outside the window, suppressing the tricky toy."

"Mr. Tokuzono, who was looking for his mobile phone everywhere, finally found it here, but when he picked up the mobile phone, the mechanism was triggered and the toy flew out from under the mobile phone."

"The toy that looked like flying insects frightened Mr. Tokuzono who was afraid of insects. The platform he was on was very dangerous. He lost his footing and fell down the stairs."

"I see, it does make sense!" Officer Memu agreed with this inference.

"In this way, Kyogoku's suspicion can be basically eliminated." Akira Hanamiya said with a smile: "We were originally out to watch a movie today, and it was purely an accident that Kyogoku came here as a stand-in."

"And this technique can obviously only be done by someone who is familiar with Mr. Tokuzono, and Kyogoku has been filming before, and the only gap was the time when he finally went up to the fourth floor."

"But at that time, Mr. Tokuzono's mobile phone had disappeared. Kyogoku obviously didn't have time to arrange his tricks. If you don't believe the police officer, you can ask the director and assistant director."

"Yes, he has been filming before. Except for the last time he went up to the fourth floor, he never left our sight." The director said, supporting Akira Hanomiya's reasoning.

Officer Megure thought for a while and nodded: "Indeed, it seems that Kyogoku did not have time to commit the crime."

Kyogoku breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. It would be great if he could rule out his own suspicion.

Sera smiled slightly: "The time when this technique was arranged should not be too long before the incident. It was probably completed during today's filming."

"So, now we should investigate carefully who was away for a while during the filming!"


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