Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1564 The goal is achieved!

Hearing this, Hanamiya Akira nodded seriously: "I see, can you tell me what specific preparations Mr. Amuro is doing?"

Toru Amuro smiled: "It's just some trivial matters of personnel and material allocation. You should also know the current situation of the organization. I am busy with these things."

Akira Hanomiya raised his eyebrows slightly: "With Mr. Amuro's mind, can't he tell something from the allocation of these materials and personnel?"

Toru Amuro shook his head: "No, Endo's arrest has made the organization more cautious and distrustful of internal members. I am only responsible for a certain node. I don't know the next flow of those personnel and materials."

Akira Hanomiya frowned slightly and asked, "After Endo was arrested, who will take his place?"

"It's Belmode." Toru Amuro replied: "Of course, because of the shortage of manpower, I was re-activated to help her. Perhaps only she knows the real plan."

"That's right...that's really troublesome!" Yu Gongming frowned even more tightly, but he cursed secretly in his heart.

Damn, there is no truth in this!

However, they already knew this information, so Akira Hanomiya simply ended the topic: "Then if you have any news about Mr. Amuro, please let us know if it is convenient."

"We are still happy to help with the fight against the organization!"

"If I find out, I will consider it!" Toru Amuro said with a smile. Only he knows how much sincerity there is.

Akira Hanamiya didn't care about this, and then he showed an expression that suddenly thought of something: "Oh! By the way, besides us, there is another person who is paying attention to Endo's matter."

"Oh? Who is it?" Amuro Toru became interested.

Akira Hanomiya took out Wakasa's photo from his arms: "That's her, Rumi Wakasa, now a teacher at Teidan Elementary School, and the deputy head teacher of Conan's class."

Toru Amuro picked up the photo and looked at it for a moment, then shook his head slightly: "I have no impression of this person, and I have never seen anyone with a similar appearance to her in the organization."

"We have already guessed this." Akira Hanomiya said calmly: "In fact, after our investigation, we found that she is closely related to the Haneda Koji case 17 years ago."

Amuro Toru's face changed slightly.

He also knew something about the Haneda Koji case. His superiors had mentioned this case more than once and were very concerned about it.

To this end, he deliberately investigated for a period of time, but after many years and the fact that the crime occurred in the United States, he did not find many clues.

Seeing Toru Amuro's face, Akira Hanomiya understood that he should know the inside story, and smiled: "We have basically confirmed that she should be the bodyguard Asaka who disappeared after the incident!"

"Really!?" Amuro Toru said in surprise.

"Yes." Akira Hanomiya affirmed: "And she is also investigating Endo's matter now, and it seems that she is going to take some action."

Amuro Toru's expression became more and more serious, his eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice: "This news should be your real reason for coming, right?"

"As expected of Mr. Amuro!" Akira Hanomiya admitted frankly.

"You want to use our hands to test this Wakasa?" Toru Amuro asked directly to the core.

"No, no, no?" Yu Gongming gently shook his finger: "Dangerous people like Wakasa are not something ordinary citizens like us can handle."

"So, the best thing to do is to call the police. As the saying goes, if you have trouble, call the police!"

After a pause, Yu Gongming chuckled: "Of course, you can also ignore this news and do nothing."

Amuro Toru was speechless for a moment.

Yu Gongming's words sounded confusing, but the meaning was already clear.

After receiving this news and knowing Wakasa's identity and recent actions, it was indeed impossible for them to turn a blind eye.

Especially since the organization was still planning to rescue Rum, Wakasa's intrusion at this time was undoubtedly a variable and had to be guarded against.

After being silent for a while, Amuro Toru nodded slightly: "Thank you Detective Hanomiya for the news. If there is nothing else, I have to go and get busy. We will be open for business soon."

"Mr. Amuro, please." Yu Gongming raised his hand to signal.

"Then, if you need anything else, call me. You two have a nice meal." Toru Amuro said goodbye, then stood up and left.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu looked at each other and smiled, and began to taste the desserts in a relaxed mood.


The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department searched the office of the 1st Section Administrator.

Kuroda Biewei's eyes were deep as he carefully read the latest secret email received from Bourbon.

"Asaka..." Kuroda couldn't help but picture a young woman with nimble skills in his mind.

In the firelight, the woman's face gradually became distorted, and the wound on her right eye was even more shocking.

"Is it really her..." Kuroda murmured in his heart: "Is she taking this action... to put an end to what happened 17 years ago?"

Kuroda leaned lightly on the back of the chair and closed his eyes slightly, seeming to be lost in his own thoughts.

After a long time, he sat upright again, his eyes calm and firm: "Well, it's about time..."

He opened the secret mailbox and edited the email.


In a certain apartment building.

After reading the email sent by his superior, Toru Amuro couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Really! Things in the organization are already troublesome enough, and now they ask me to investigate Wakasa's affairs... Oh, it seems that I can't even think about taking a good rest during this period!"

While complaining, Toru Amuro was already thinking about how to start the investigation.

When it comes to Rum, there is no room for sloppiness. He is absolutely unwilling to see Rum being rescued by the organization, both in public and private matters, and emotionally and rationally!

"Well...since she is the deputy head teacher of Conan's class, you can ask Conan about the situation first. That child has always been smart and may be able to provide some help."

With the relationship between Conan and Akira Hanomiya, Conan should be happy to help.

"Okay! Let's go and ask tomorrow!"


The next day, Hanomiya Detective Agency.

"I'm back!" Conan opened the door and shouted out of habit.

"Conan, you're back! There's a guest at home!" Xiaolan smiled and glanced at the sofa.

Conan was startled, followed Xiaolan's line of sight, and saw the blond figure sitting on the sofa.

"Mr. Amuro?" Conan asked in surprise.

Hasn't this guy been staying with Yu Gongming? Why did you suddenly come to the Mori Detective Agency?

Conan suddenly felt wary.

"Hi! Conan, are you back from school?" Toru Amuro asked with a smile.

"Yes! What's the matter with Mr. Amuro?" Conan asked innocently.

Amuro smiled and said, "Oh! That's it. After my unremitting efforts, Detective Hanomiya finally agreed to accept me as his apprentice, but if you want to become his disciple, you have to pass his test."

The more Conan listened, the weirder his expression became: "Test? What kind of test is it?"

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