The night is getting darker.

It's two o'clock in the morning in Tokyo. The streets are still busy with traffic, but there are only a few pedestrians coming and going.

Most people have fallen into sleep at this time.

At this time, the surroundings of Gao Shipingcang's villa were also silent, except for the occasional night patrol security guard who passed by, there was no other sound.

The two security guards passed by Gao Shizhai as usual and carefully shined their flashlights on some hidden corners to confirm that no suspicious characters were hiding before heading to patrol elsewhere.

As security guards in this luxury villa area, there is no need to doubt their professionalism, and the security guards on night watch are among the most elite in the company.

They know very well that this is often the time when they should be most vigilant.

They have done their job conscientiously enough, but it is a pity that someone is more skilled than them.

After they left, a figure appeared from nowhere.

The figure was dressed in a black coat. It was impossible to tell whether he was a man or a woman just from his body shape. His face was also covered by a hat and a black mask, making it impossible to see clearly.

This kind of dress perfectly explains what a "suspicious person" is.

The figure in the coat observed for a while, and after confirming that the security guard had indeed left, he began to approach Gaoshi Villa.

Jumping over the fence in the front yard with a swift movement, the figure in the coat quickly moved toward the side of the villa.

He had already investigated the villa before, knew the target's location in the villa, and knew how to enter the villa without going through the gate.

But before that, he must first fix the security system of the villa.

Once the villa security system is activated, any attempt to open the door or window will trigger the villa alarm.

The multiple surveillance cameras installed inside cover almost the entire villa. They are also equipped with a face recognition system. As long as someone who is not recorded in the system enters the camera, the alarm will also be triggered.

Therefore, the security system must be stopped first.

The figure in the coat was naturally prepared for this.

He took out a remote control from his pocket and pressed it lightly.

With a soft beep of [di-di-di], it was announced that the security system had been shut down.

To verify, the figure in the coat came to the window of the bathroom on the first floor and tentatively pushed the window open a crack.

After a few seconds, everything was normal.

The figure in the coat nodded with satisfaction, and then climbed in directly from the bathroom window.

He cautiously came to the door and looked outside. After confirming that no one was there, the figure in the coat walked out of the bathroom and went straight to Xia Ye's room!

Arriving at the door of Xia Ye's room, the figure in the coat took out a small bottle with a straw inserted in it, stretched the straw in from under the door, and squeezed the bottle with the hand holding the bottle.

This is the anesthetic gas he prepared in advance. Its usefulness is self-evident, naturally it is to ensure that he will not be disturbed by others while taking action.

About five minutes later, the figure in the coat estimated that the anesthetic had taken effect, so he took out a gas mask from the coat and put it on, and then began to try to open Xia Ye's door.

Although the door was locked, the lock structure was not complicated, and the figure in the coat opened the door in less than half a minute.

He quickly walked into the room and closed the door, all in one movement.

He first confirmed Xia Ye’s status

I saw Xia Ye lying on his back on the bed, his rhythmic snoring echoing in the room.

very good! all the best!

After confirming the situation, the figure in the coat immediately walked quickly to the safe in the corner.

Turning on the flashlight, the beam shined on the gear combination lock.

The figure in the coat recalled what he heard from the eavesdropping, the sound of the opponent turning gears, and began to take action.

The sound of gears turning was heard.


As the pointer points to a certain scale, the door of the safe slowly opens.

"Hmph! It seems that my skills haven't deteriorated yet..." The figure in the coat chuckled in his heart and reached into the safe to fumble around.

Not long after, a USB flash drive and a brochure appeared in his hand.

After confirming with a flashlight that the booklet and USB flash drive were indeed what he needed, the figure in the coat hid the safe, walked to the window of the room, opened the window, and after confirming that no one was outside, flipped through it.

Xia Ye's room was located on the first floor of the villa, and the figure in the coat quickly and silently fell to the grass in the garden outside.

Just like before, he climbed over the fence and quickly disappeared into the night.

In the distance, Feng Jian, who was observing Gaoshi's villa with a telescope, said in a low voice: "Report, the other party has left the villa."

"I know." Toru Amuro's calm voice came.

At this time, he was inside the blue Mazda, silently observing a gray Volkswagen fifty meters ahead.

Just thirty minutes ago, he saw Wakasa parked there in this newly stolen car.

"Judging from the eavesdropping just now, she really came here for the USB flash drive and the drawings..." Toru Amuro murmured in his heart, feeling that things were getting more and more interesting.

Because of the secrecy of his superiors, he was still unclear about Wakasa's position. He only speculated that she might still be connected to the organization and was still an agent of the organization.

But looking at her current actions, it seems to overturn this speculation.

If she is a member of the organization, there seems to be no need for her to steal the information brought back by Xia Ye.

These materials are all prepared for the purpose of rescuing Rum, and they must be handed over to the organization sooner or later.

This was done by BOSS unilaterally instructing the high market to close its positions. No transactions were involved, and there was no need to obtain information in advance.

"Asaka seventeen years ago must have been a member of the organization...what exactly is she now..." Several guesses suddenly flashed through Amuro Toru's mind.

But soon, he suppressed his thoughts and turned his attention back to his eyes.

Calculating the time, Wakasa should be back at the car soon.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, a figure in a black coat came to the car, opened the door and got in.

Toru Amuro immediately put his hand on the car key and said calmly: "Be ready to follow at any time."

"Yes! Our people are all in place!" Feng Jian on the other end of the communicator responded immediately.

Toru Amuro nodded and looked at the target vehicle again.

One minute, two minutes...

The car showed no sign of starting.

Amuro Toru's brows gradually wrinkled.

"What's going on? She didn't rush to take the information and leave..."

Just as the thought flashed through his mind, he saw Ruo Sao, who was wearing a black coat, getting out of the car again and heading towards the villa area again.

Amuro Toru raised his eyebrows: "Could it be that..."

He pressed the communicator: "Feng Jian, return to the surveillance point to observe the villa!"

"Got it!" Feng Jian replied.

After a while.

"The target has sneaked into the villa again!" Feng Jian's voice came.

"I know." Toru Amuro nodded slightly and turned his attention to the bug on the other ear.

After a moment, he heard the sound of the safe closing in his ears, followed by the sound of footsteps gradually disappearing.

Amuro said sincerely: "She returned the information again...has she made a copy herself, or has she tampered with it?"

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