The sound of footsteps gradually approached, and after a while, the half-open door was pushed open, and a young man wearing a peaked cap walked in. plane

The young man raised his head slightly and showed a warm smile: "It's been a long time, Mr. Wakasa."

Qianxiang glanced at him and said calmly: "Since we know that we have been waiting for a long time, let's skip the unnecessary greetings and let's talk about business directly."

"Of course!" The smile on Yu Gongming's face remained unchanged, and he didn't care about Asaka's somewhat stiff attitude.

It's just a small way to take the initiative in the conversation.

Asaka nodded slightly and said, "I'm curious, why did you come into contact with that organization?"

"Oh? Is this the first question?" Yu Gongming looked surprised.

"I just want to know how determined you are to fight against the organization." Asaka said lightly. plane

"You should have guessed something, right?" Akira Hanamiya said with a smile: "It's my good friend Kudo Shinichi, who by chance investigated some things about the black organization."

"The black organization also responded very quickly and immediately took action against Kudo. In desperation, Kudo had no choice but to fake his death and escape, hiding in the dark, and we, the superficial [outsiders], investigated the organization."

"If the organization is not destroyed, then Kudo will never be able to return to the sun. And if his fake death is discovered by the organization, then not only him, but also his relatives and friends around him, that is, we will all suffer."

"So, in order to live a normal life in the future, we must eliminate the organization. Are you satisfied with this answer, Mr. Wakasa?"

Asaka was noncommittal and asked: "Then what step have you reached in your investigation now?"

"We have reached the core level of the organization. We basically know the highest level of the organization in Japan, including the background of the organization's boss."

"It's the Karasuma Group, right?" Asaka confirmed. plane

"Yes." Akira Hanomiya nodded: "It has been determined that the organization was founded by the tycoon Renye Karasuma. Its true purpose is unknown, and the current boss of the organization may be the heir of Karasuma, or... It’s him!”

"Me?" Asaka suddenly frowned: "As far as I know, Karasuma Renye passed away forty years ago. He was already nearly a hundred years old at that time. If he had lived to this day, wouldn't he have been one hundred and forty years old? Are you old?"

"This is indeed inconsistent with common sense." Yu Gongming replied: "But if the factor of that mysterious drug is included, this may not be completely zero."

"Drug? Is it the same drug that poisoned mother and Koji back then?" Asaka asked.

"Not sure." Akira Hanomiya shook his head: "There are multiple versions of the experimental product for that mysterious drug, and the ones Haneda Koji and Ms. Amanda took were only one of them."

Asaka narrowed her eyes: "We haven't ruled out the possibility that the organization's boss is Renye Karasuma himself. Have you actually seen the effects of that drug?"

"I've seen it before!" Yu Gongming smiled. plane

"Oh? What should I say?" Asaka showed an inquiring expression in response.

"Do you know Chris Wynyard?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

Asaka thought for two seconds and said: "She is a famous female star in the United States, but she has gradually faded out of the public eye recently."

Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "This is just her superficial identity. Her true identity is a high-ranking member of the black organization, codenamed Belmode."

A look of surprise flashed across Asaka's face, but she quickly regained her composure and asked, "Is she the drug user you mentioned?"

"Yes." Akira Hanomiya affirmed: "Actually, there has never been a person named Chris in the world. It was a disguised identity made up by Bellmore to cover up his abnormal appearance."

"Abnormal appearance..." Asaka murmured, looking thoughtful. plane

Yu Gongming continued: "Yes, her real age may be much older than you, but her appearance and physical indicators are the same as those of a young person in her twenties."

Asaka was startled: "Body indicators? How did you get such a thing?"

Yu Gongming smiled mysteriously: "Of course we have our own methods."

The former took a deep look at Yu Gongming and had a guess in his mind.

They probably have their own intelligence channels in the organization!

After thinking for two seconds, Asaka asked: "Are these abnormalities in Belmode definitely caused by the mysterious drug?"

"Sure." Yu Gongming said confidently: "We have already verified this with the scientists who developed the drug."

"Sherry??" Asaka reacted immediately.

"That's her!" Hanemiya Mingyi snapped his fingers: "She who betrayed the organization has now established a stable cooperative relationship with us. She provided a lot of organizational information."

"I see..." Asaka nodded: "I have seen your attitude against the organization, and I also recognize your intelligence capabilities, but..."

Asaka's words stopped abruptly.

I saw her body flashing and suddenly rushing towards Yu Gongming!

Yu Gongming's eyes narrowed and his body tensed instantly.

call! plane

A powerful side kick hit him with a biting wind!

Akira Hanamiya's expression remained unchanged, he took a step back slightly, dodged the kick, then seized the opponent's move and used the old timing to bully him, and hit Asaka's chest with a fierce elbow!

Asaka's eyes narrowed and she immediately covered her chest with her arms.


With a muffled sound, Asaka's figure staggered backwards, but she also took advantage of the gap to retract her legs and quickly distanced herself.

Akira Hanomiya had no intention of pursuing him. He retracted his arms and looked at Asaka with his hands folded across his chest: "You are injured and you fight with me. Is Teacher Wakasa too trusting?"

Asaka looked at Yu Gongming with a stern look: "You don't seem to be surprised by what I did just now."

Yu Gongming chuckled: "There must be accidents, but I'm used to this level of accidents."

Asaka snorted: "It seems that you are indeed not the kind of second-rate detective who can only deal with ordinary crimes."

Akira Hanomiya shrugged: "I would rather deal with ordinary prisoners, but unfortunately, a certain guy with a strong sense of justice wants to provoke tough ones."

"I temporarily recognize your ability." Asaka said lightly: "Now let's talk about cooperation? How do you want to cooperate?"

"It's very simple." Yu Gongming replied: "You can do whatever you should do in normal times. If there is information or actions about the organization, we can inform you, but once you know some information, you must also participate in the corresponding actions."

"Oh? Are the conditions so relaxed?" Qianxiang was a little surprised.

Yu Gongming gently shook his finger: "Don't get me wrong, we are not an organization. The reason why we are willing to cooperate with you is also for the purpose of uniting all forces that oppose the organization. Naturally, there will be no strict Strict and rigid regulations."

"If you think we are not worthy of cooperation, we will not force it, as long as you don't cause us any trouble."

Yu Gongming looked at Asaka with a smile: "So, what do you mean?"

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