Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1596 Voidness and Submission

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, on a certain road. Tai

Kuroda turned on the communicator: "Have you not contacted them yet?"

"We are working hard..." the other person replied anxiously.

"What about the search team?" Kuroda asked again.

"We haven't gained anything here either." The report came.

Kuroda frowned, the situation seemed worse than he imagined.

It seems that the organization is quite strict.

At this time, his cell phone rang. Tai

Kuroda took out his phone and looked at it, his expression suddenly changed.

He picked up the phone: "Hello, this is Kuroda."

"I'm Odagiri." A calm male voice came from the other side. It was Toshiro Odagiri, the director of criminal investigations at the Metropolitan Police Department!

"Excuse me, Minister Odagiri, what's the matter?" Kuroda asked solemnly.

"We have found the person." Odagiri Toshiro said calmly.

Kuroda raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Where?"

"It has been transferred to another vehicle and is now heading back to the original destination. The communication frequency band of that vehicle will be sent to you later, so you can contact them accordingly." Tai

Kuroda's eyes flashed slightly: "May I ask, how did you find the person? What happened during the period when they lost contact?"

"It is not convenient to disclose the specific details at the moment. Some details of the operation will be disclosed at the summary meeting after the operation, depending on the situation." Odagiri Toshiro replied.

He paused: "Also, don't stop contacting and searching for the time being, and act like you haven't found the person yet."

Kuroda was stunned for a moment, then showed a clear look: "I understand."

This is obviously meant to dig a hole for the black organization!


In a villa in the suburbs of Tokyo. Tai

The middle-aged housekeeper sat behind the desk, with an open laptop in front of him. A map was displayed on the computer, with several red dots moving rapidly on the map.

"Report! Group C will arrive at the scheduled location in three minutes."

"Report! Team E needs five more minutes."

"Report! No police personnel have been found heading to the target location yet!"

"Report! The police have discovered our signal interference and are now trying to track the target by simulating our communication frequency band. The search for the target is still continuing. Even if someone calls the police, it will take at least fifteen minutes to arrive."

The middle-aged housekeeper quickly went through the information piece by piece in his mind and felt slightly relieved. The plan was going well so far.

He pressed the communicator and said, "Very good! Group C and Group E will join Group AB as soon as possible. Is everything normal in Group A and Group B?" Tai

"Yes! Nothing unusual!" The other side replied: "The other party is still trapped in the car, but he has covered the front and rear glass, causing us to temporarily lose the view inside the car."

The middle-aged butler frowned at first when he heard this, and then smiled: "It's just a fight between trapped beasts. You will attack them later and use tear gas directly. They won't be able to make a big splash!"

"Understood!" the other side responded.

The middle-aged housekeeper hung up the call and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

As long as several groups of people gather together, the escorts in the car will not have the slightest chance of making a comeback!

In addition, he also arranged for additional personnel to delay and intercept possible police pursuits, so there should be no surprises in rescuing Rum.

The only fly in the ointment was that the reaction of the cops was still a bit unexpected, as all the people who attacked in the first wave were captured. Tai

But this is a minor issue.

Those people were just underground mercenaries they paid to hire, not core members of the organization. The police couldn't ask for any valuable information at all.

It's just a pity that I originally planned to kill all these people after the operation and get back the advance payment. Now that the people are in the hands of the police, it would be a waste to take action.

Simply check where those guys are afterward. Maybe some of them will hide the cash they paid.

It's a little bit if you can get something back.

The middle-aged housekeeper couldn't help but sigh softly when he thought of this.

If the organization's recent financial situation hadn't been very good, he wouldn't have been so prudent. Tai

Shaking his head slightly, the middle-aged butler refocused his eyes on the computer screen.

The operation has not yet been completely successful, so we cannot get too carried away yet.


On the other side, people from Group C were the first to arrive near the police car. There were five people in the car, all dressed in black and masked.

The driving organization member took a quick look and saw a police car parked in the middle of the road ahead. Several men in black were scattered near or far around the police car.

"Those guys did a good job!" the man in black in the co-pilot said with a smile: "They blocked all the escape routes and didn't give those cops a chance."

"This is what they should do. If they can't do it, they should be eliminated." The man in black in the driver's seat said in a cold voice. Tai

The man in black, the co-pilot, shrugged. He was a cold and stern team leader, which led to the fact that no team member except himself had been able to follow him for a full year.

Either they try to be transferred away, or they are killed by him personally.

The car quickly stopped next to the police car.

A group of five men in black got out of the car. The leader of Group C looked around and saw a man walking towards them. He said, "Except for Rum, there are four guards inside. Two of them are the aces of the police department."

Hearing this, the leader of Team C looked at the police car with cold eyes.

Some scratches could be seen on the side windows of the police car, and the front and rear glass were sealed with black tape.

"Hmph! Struggle to the death!" The leader of Team C sneered: "Let's do it now, so as not to have long nights and dreams." Tai

The man in black who was negotiating with him shook his head: "No, wait until the people from Group E arrive before taking action. The matter is serious, so it's better to be cautious."

The leader of Group C frowned under his mask: "Are you afraid of just four people?"

"After all, Rum is still in their hands." The voice of the man in black also deepened: "If they defeat the enemy and let Rum make a mistake, we will not be able to explain it."

Hearing this, the leader of Group C snorted unhappily, but didn't say anything more.

The first priority goal of this mission is to bring Rum back alive. Although he is confident in his own abilities, he will never underestimate his opponents.

Moreover, their conductor also had the same cautious style. If he ventured forward on his own, he would leave a bad impression on Shangfeng.

He is never satisfied with his current position as team leader and has always been seeking to advance further in the organization. The attitude of the commander is very important. Tai

After reaching a consensus, Group C also joined the ranks of besieging the police car.

Not long after, Team E also arrived at the scene.

"Everyone is here, let's do it!" the leader of Group C said.

The men in black did not reply, but silently adjusted their positions.

Two men in black came to the rear door. One took out the remote control and prepared to open the door, while the other silently hid the tear gas canister behind his back, ready to throw it at any time.


There was a soft sound, the car lock opened, and the man in black opened the door immediately! Tai

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