Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 160 Yu Gongming’s discovery

Gao Shannan frowned, showing a look of reminiscence:

"Recently, the lockers in our office have been broken open several times, and the locks in the apartment have also been broken. There are also strange prank calls..."

"Prank call?" Conan raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, it's just a man who keeps saying [no singing allowed] on the phone..."

"When did these things start?" Yu Gongming asked with a frown.

"Hmm~ It was probably last Sunday, when we were recording a live radio program." Gao Shannan said.

"Ah! I know this program, I have listened to this program!" Ayumi said with excitement!

"I listened too!" Yuantai followed closely.

"At that time, you had a practice tape that played your new songs!" Mitsuhiko added.

"Oh! This is the practice tape you are talking about!" Gao Shannan took out an audio tape from his bag.

"Is this the practice tape?" Conan asked.

"Yes! If you want to hear it, I can play the full version to you!" Gao Shannan took out a small tape recorder from his bag.

"As expected of a musician, I can forget my money and mobile phone, but I carry my practice tapes and tape recorder with me. I'm really dedicated..." Akira Hanamiya complained silently.

"Well... I only have three pairs of headphones in my bag. Do you have any headphones? It might not be good to put them out directly in a place like this." Gao Shannan asked.

The four children all said no, and Akira Hanamiya, Sonoko Suzuki and Ran also gave the same answer.

"I happen to have a pair of headphones in my bag!" Mengyu took out a pair of headphones that hadn't been unpacked yet.

"New headphones?" Yu Gongming was confused.

"Yes, I just bought this yesterday and forgot to take it out of the bag." Mengyu explained.

"Then there are four pairs of headphones. If one person wears one ear, eight people can listen at the same time. It's just right. I don't have to listen to it myself!" Gao Shannan said with a smile.

So, Hanemiya Akira and Meng Yu, Xiaolan and Conan, Suzuki Sonoko and Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta each shared a pair of headphones and started listening to the practice tape.

During the process, Ayumi kept looking at Conan expectantly. However, Conan decisively chose to share headphones with Xiaolan, which attracted resentful looks from Sonoko Suzuki and Ayumi.

A melody with a strong rhythm sounded, and everyone was immersed in the music, except Yu Gongming.

It's not that he doesn't appreciate music, the songs are really nice, but besides music, he has other things that he cares about.

His eyes were looking at the telephone in the distance intentionally or unintentionally.

There, there was a man in a coat who had been using the phone since just now. Akira Hamiya was listening to music in his left ear, but he was trying hard to listen to the man's call with his right ear.

He always felt that there was something weird about this man.

"Yes...turn right at the intersection, and then follow the road to the end, and you will reach this store...Well, she is in the store, but there are a lot of people around her. You can think of a solution later. Call her out.”

As the man spoke, he hung up the phone and walked out of the store as if nothing had happened.

"He is giving directions to someone, and the destination is here... She is in the store, and there are many people around..." Yu Gongming looked around.

"There are only two guests at the same table at most. The only ones who can be said to have many people around are us..."

"Speaking of which, it's not a coincidence that I saw that man on the road several times just now... Could it be that the target of that man just now was Gao Shannan? Or is it the rich young lady Yuanzi?"

In Yu Gongming's view, from the perspective of interests, these two people are the most suitable targets of some kind of illegal activities among everyone present.

"Gao Shannan's should probably be higher. After all, she has encountered a series of very suspicious things before..."

"Wait and wait and see what happens, and see what tricks those people can play!"

While Yu Gongming was thinking, his arm was suddenly touched.

As soon as Yu Gongming turned his head, he met Meng Yu's questioning gaze.

Yu Gongming was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

He and Meng Yu shared headphones. When he looked around just now, because he had to turn his head, the headphone cord was involved, which made Meng Yu aware of something abnormal.

Yu Gongming nodded imperceptibly to Meng Yu and made another silent gesture.

This is to show that he has discovered something, but it is not convenient to announce it for the time being.

Mengyu nodded slightly, indicating that she understood, and continued to be immersed in the music, as if the secret communication between the two had never happened.

After a long time, the training tape finished playing and everyone put down their headphones.

"It's really a great song!" Xiaolan praised sincerely.

"Yes, it sounds really good!" Ayumi also said.

"Yeah!" Mitsuhiko and Genta also agreed.

"Well, I listened to the entire practice tape, and apart from the music, I didn't hear any other noise." Conan's focus was obviously different from the previous ones.

"Oh? In other words, does it exclude that the person who made the prank call was harassing or intimidating because the practice tape accidentally recorded a voice that shouldn't have been recorded?"

As both detectives, Akira Hanomiya quickly understood the key points of Conan's words.

"Well, to be honest, now I'm not even sure whether the series of things Sister Gao Shan experienced before are related to the training belt..." Conan frowned.

"Oh, don't take it so seriously, I think it was just a prank!" Gao Shannan said indifferently.

"Things are definitely not that simple!" Yu Gongming thought to himself.

"By the way, Sister Gaoshan, I have an earring-shaped phone here. You should call Brother Nagano first!" Conan said.

"Earring phone?" Gao Shannan looked curiously at the machine in Conan's hand that looked like an earring but had a dialing keyboard.

"This was invented by an inventor I know..." Conan said, telling Gao Shannan how to use the earring phone.

"Oh! Okay, thank you!" Gao Shannan took the phone from Conan.

"Eh? It's strange, why does it feel like Sister Gao Shan's voice sounds like Conan!"

"Ah?" Conan and Gao Shannan looked at each other doubtfully:

"How is this possible!"

The two said in unison.

"Eh? It's really the same!" Ayumi said in surprise.

"The similarity is over 90%." Mengyu commented.

Conan and Gao Shannan were both dumbfounded for a long time...

"I never thought there would be such a coincidence in the world!" Gao Shannan suddenly said with excitement:

"Conan, if I feel unwell later, can you help me record the song?"

"No way!" Ayumi shook her head crazily:

"Because Conan is a tone-deaf!"

"We don't dare to take Conan with us when we go to karaoke to sing." Meng Yu said quietly.

"Yes, this brat's singing skills are as good as that of that reasoning madman!" Suzuki Sonoko also complained.

"That's such a pity..." Gao Shannan looked regretful.

"You guys!" Conan raised his half-moon eyes in displeasure.

"Hello, is Miss Gao Shan here?"

Several people looked around and saw a pastry shop clerk looking around:

"Excuse me, is there a mountain lady in our store?"

"Ah! I am Gao Shan!" Gao Shannan quickly took over.

"Miss, Mr. Nagano Shiina is calling to see you." the clerk said.

"Oh! Okay!" Gao Shannan said and walked to the public phone.

The next moment, her arm was suddenly pulled by someone...

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