Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1605 Cooperation?

After about four minutes, power was restored.斶

At this time, Yu Gongming also put down the phone and turned to look at Conan: "Conan, I leave it to you, be careful."

"I got it." Conan, who borrowed a wig from Akira Hanomiya's bag and put it on, agreed, then turned around and headed towards Abeido Hotel.

"It's become a habit to carry props with you..." Meng Yu sighed with emotion, gently pushing up the glasses on the bridge of her nose - which were also kindly provided by Yu Gongming.

Akira Hanomiya, who also wore a peaked cap and had some changes to his hairstyle, shrugged: "Are you ready to follow Conan out?"

He pointed to a commercial building opposite: "Let's go, it's not good to stay here for too long."

Meng Yu nodded slightly, and walked towards the opposite side of the road with Yu Gong Ming - Yu Gong Ming wanted to be close to each other, but considering their current appearance, being too close would be more eye-catching, so he finally decided to pull him apart. Keep a distance and pretend to be strangers to each other.

There was no way, who made the incident happen suddenly and they were not prepared enough?斶

On the other side, Conan came to the elevator, and the men in suits were still there.

Conan moved slightly away from them, blending in with the other guests preparing to take the elevator.

Not long after, the elevator door opened. Conan followed the flow of people into the elevator and asked a lady to press the button for the 10th floor.

Not long after, the elevator door on the 10th floor opened and Conan walked out.

The elevator door had just closed, and before Conan could clearly see what was going on around him, he felt his feet dangling in the air and someone picked him up from behind.

"Conan, long time no see!" A cheerful female voice sounded in Conan's ears.

Then, Conan felt his face being rubbed gently.斶

The corner of Conan's mouth suddenly twitched, he tilted his head to avoid the opponent's rubbing, and said helplessly: "Sister Sera, let me down! We still have business to do!"

"Humph! Conan is really getting less and less cute!" Seriang curled his lips, but still put Conan down as he was told.

Conan wisely did not continue the topic and asked: "How was it?"

"According to what you said, a pinhole camera and bug have been installed in Room 1103." Sera replied.

"Okay, let's go to your room first." Conan nodded.

Afterwards, the two returned to the 11th floor through the safety stairs and entered Room 1106.

Inside the room, Mary, dressed as a junior high school student, was sitting on the sofa, flipping through a magazine, and there was already brewed tea on the coffee table in front of her.斶

She glanced at Conan who entered the room: "Oh? Are you the only one here?"

"Yes, Brother Yumiya and the others are still watching outside." Conan replied.

Mary nodded in understanding.

Conan followed Sera to the sofa and sat down. Sera took out his mobile phone and operated it for a while, then handed it to Conan along with an earphone.

Conan put on his headphones and looked down. The screen of his mobile phone was showing the picture of Room 1103.

At this time, the three men in suits had entered the house and were sitting on the sofa.

"When will those guys from the black organization arrive?" asked the man sitting in the middle of the sofa.斶

"They said they'd be here in about ten minutes," the man on the left replied.

"Hmph! I really don't know what the higher-ups are thinking, but they are still willing to cooperate with those crows." The man on the right complained.

"Be careful!" The man sitting in the middle said in a cold voice: "The ideas above are not something we should speculate on. We should do our part well!"

"Yes!" The man on the right lowered his head slightly and responded.

Listening to the conversation on the screen, Conan and Sera looked at each other, and both saw the searching look in each other's eyes.

"It turns out they want to cooperate with the organization!" Shiliang said with a smile: "You are quite well-informed. You have targeted them so early."

Conan smiled slightly: "We originally came here looking for clues from the organization, but the organization didn't find them, but we found these guys."

"But based on their conversation, I think they are most likely Black Sakura's guys, right?"

"Is it them?" Sera raised his eyebrows slightly. They had dealt with Black Sakura during the last operation to snatch drug information, so Sera was naturally no stranger to them.

"Well." Conan looked thoughtful: "Logically speaking, their relationship should be very unhappy now. What made them cooperate again?"

"You'll find out if you keep reading." Sera smiled.

Conan nodded slightly and said no more.

Ten minutes go by in a blink of an eye.

There was a knock on the door.斶

The man in a suit sitting on the left stood up and came to the door. After verifying the identity of the person outside the door through a secret code, he opened the door and ushered in the person outside.

Several men in black entered the house.

Conan glanced at one of them and his expression moved slightly.

"What did you find?" Seriang noticed the change in Conan's expression.

"That guy is Kil, the codename member of the black organization." Conan pointed at the leading woman in black.

"Kiel? Are they really members of the organization?" Shiliang suddenly realized.

Conan said nothing and continued to stare at the phone screen.斶

In the picture, Keir tilted his head and gestured towards the man in black behind him.

The man in black immediately put a suitcase on the coffee table.

The password is entered and the suitcase opens.

The bright US dollars came into view.

"Oh? So much money? It looks like hundreds of thousands, right?" Sera said in surprise.

Mary came over at some point, glanced at it, and said calmly: "About six hundred thousand dollars."

On the other side, the man in a suit sitting in the middle picked up a wad of money and observed it carefully for a while, then put the money down and picked up another wad.斶

After doing this several times, the man in a suit sitting in the center nodded slightly: "You are quite sincere this time."

"You've already seen the money, but what about the goods we want?" Kil asked coldly.

"Okay, the goods will be given to you right away." The man in a suit sitting in the center gestured to the subordinate on the left.

The subordinate placed the other suitcase on the coffee table and entered the password as well.


There was a soft sound, but the suitcase did not open, but a cold light flashed at the lock!


The expression of the subordinate who opened the box changed slightly, and he immediately withdrew his hand.

Conan and Sera's eyes suddenly froze!

A flash of bright red appeared on the subordinate's palm.

The subordinate covered his hands, his expression became extremely ugly, and then rushed towards the door without saying a word!

However, Keir and the other men in black seemed to have been prepared, and immediately stepped out and blocked the road.

Behind him, two other men in suits suddenly took action and rushed towards [subordinate].

[Subordinate] was able to dodge and resist at first, but as time went by, his resistance became weaker and weaker, and finally his body collapsed and fell to the ground.斶

The three Conan people who witnessed the whole process looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

What was the fuss about?

Turning his eyes back to the screen, he saw Kil coming to the fallen [subordinate], reaching out his hand, and touching [subordinate]'s face.


[Subordinate]'s entire face was immediately torn off, revealing another face underneath!

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