Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1608 New Methods

Looking at the man walking out of the elevator, Conan lowered his head slightly, looked away from the other man, and walked past the man into the elevator as if nothing had happened.

Not long after, he took the elevator to the lobby on the first floor.

It was just after noon, and there were neither too many nor too few people in the lobby. Conan looked around, focusing on the people standing in the corner or sitting on the sofa to rest.

"Conan, someone has entered room 1103!" Sera's voice was sent to his ears through the bone conduction device on his glasses.

"What did he do?" Conan asked in a low voice.

"He wandered in the living room for a while, and then entered the bedroom. He should be able to find the problem right away." Sera replied.

"I know, please tell me the latest situation at any time." Conan whispered.

"Understood." Shiliang responded.

About a minute later.

Several people in the lobby started to move in unison. Two people walked towards the elevator, two people ran towards the safety stairs, and three people headed towards the side door of the hotel.

The behavior of these people perfectly interpreted the word suspicious. Conan stared slightly, writing down the appearance and characteristics of the people that he had not noticed before.

After a moment, everyone disappeared into the lobby.

Conan came to a secluded corner, adjusted the communication frequency band, and whispered: "Hanomiya, how are you doing there?"

"There are currently no suspicious persons entering the hotel in a hurry, but a guy wandering around suddenly appeared nearby, seemingly looking for something." Akira Yumiya replied in a deep voice.

"They just discovered something was wrong." Conan also explained the situation here.

Yumiya understood clearly: "That's right, we will focus on these guys next."

Conan hummed and interrupted the communication.


"Sir Keir, all entrances have been monitored, and two elite dead soldiers are on their way here." The crew-cut man who was assigned to bring the suitcase reported.

"Yes." Kil nodded slightly, with a calm expression and no emotion at all.

"Sir, what are we doing now..." the flat-headed man asked tentatively.

Kil did not answer him, but turned on his personal communicator and spoke respectfully: "Report, Belmod seems to have anticipated our plan. We were attacked by her, and now she has escaped."

"Haha, as expected." The voice of the middle-aged housekeeper came from the opposite side. There was no anger in his tone, and there was even a hint of smile.

"Now that things have progressed to this point, then follow the backup plan I told you before." The middle-aged butler said.

"Yes." Kil replied.

The communication was hung up, and Kil turned to look at the flat-headed man: "Contact the people below and bring up the things I left below."

The crew-cut man was stunned for a moment, then turned on the communicator to make contact.

Kil, on the other hand, returned to the living room with his subordinates who had just been woken up and still looked a little sluggish.

Soon, two dead men from the black organization rushed to Room 1103. Five minutes later, another person walked in carrying a small box.

Keir took the small box and opened it. Inside was an instrument similar to a walkie-talkie.

Kiel turned on the instrument, the screen lit up, and several parameters appeared on it.

Keir worked for a while and began to wander around the room.

As she moves, the parameters on the screen are constantly changing.

Not long after, Keir came to the balcony.

She lowered her head to look at the parameters, curled her lips slightly, and looked to both sides of the balcony.

Those are the balconies of rooms 1101 and 1105 respectively.

"I found you!" Kil muttered in his heart.

This is the latest instrument developed by the organization. Its function is very simple, that is, it is extremely sensitive to specific odor molecules and can quickly find the source of the odor.

When Kil brought Belmod into the room earlier, he applied the special liquid that had been applied to his hands at the door of the room on Belmod's body.

The smell of this liquid liquid cannot be detected by the human sense of smell, and once it is stained, it cannot be completely dissipated even for several days. The smell can only be eliminated by neutralizing it with another drug.

Before turning on the instrument, Kiel had neutralized the smell of the liquid medicine on himself to ensure that the instrument would not be affected by itself.

In other words, the smell left by Kiel will only be limited to the places in the room where she has been - the doorway, the living room and the bedroom.

But this kind of smell molecule now appears on the balcony, which undoubtedly means that Belmode must have been here before.

And she had just come to the corridor with the instrument, and the odor molecules were only limited to the doorway of the room. Even if the parameters were extended, they did not deviate too much from the normal value.

This was probably accidentally picked up by Black Sakura's people when they left, and the parameters are obviously different from those where the liquid was directly applied.

Based on the above, Kiln can basically confirm that Belmode left the room through the balcony.

And her choice is undoubtedly room 1101 and 1105 on both sides!

In order to make further confirmation, Kil returned to the corridor and patrolled the entire corridor.

In the end, she completely confirmed that Belmod had not passed through the corridor and was still on the 11th floor!

"Find a way to get the keys to rooms 1101 and 1105." Kiel said to his subordinates immediately.

"Yes!" The subordinate took the order and turned on the communicator to start contact.

Hotel lobby.

Conan was listening to Sera's report and observing the situation around him.

Suddenly, a man hurriedly entered the hotel and started talking to the front desk.

Based on what Sera reported, Conan squinted his eyes, quietly moved closer, and listened attentively.

"Hello, give me two rooms, 1101 and 1105, for one day." The man said.

The front desk inquired for a while and said with a smile: "Okay sir, you are very lucky. These two rooms happen to be vacant. I will register you right now."

"Okay." The man nodded.

Conan's eyes flickered slightly, revealing a thoughtful look.

As expected, Keir and the others determined Belmod's location through some method.

But it doesn’t seem like it’s an electronic device like a tracker?

If it were a tracker, the location should be more accurate. They should be able to confirm that Belmode is in Room 1105. There is no need to open an additional Room 1101.

"We have to find a way to figure out the principle of this tracking method..." Conan thought to himself.

Now that such tracking methods can be used on Belmode, who knows it won't be used to track them?

If you don't understand the principle, you will be caught by the organization at some point.

Conan immediately informed Hanemiya Akira and others of this idea.

"Unknown tracking method? We really have to guard against it, and we have to be more careful later." Yu Gongming's tone was solemn, and he also realized the seriousness of the matter.

On the other side, the front desk quickly completed the registration, and the man took the room cards for two rooms and took the elevator to leave the lobby.

Not long after, the man came to the corridor on the 11th floor and met up with Keir and others who had been waiting here.

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