Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1612 Countermeasures

As soon as he entered the women's restroom, Kiel quickly scanned all the blind spots.

However, it was no different from her previous investigation. She was not attacked or in any danger.

Keir did not let down his guard, his eyes were slightly focused, and he looked towards the toilet cubicle.

The doors of most of the compartments were open or slightly ajar, and only the door of the innermost one was locked.

Kil slowly moved inward, checking each room.

For those with open doors, Kiel only needs to take a brief glance. For those with doors ajar, Kiel will look through the gaps below to see if there are any shoes or other traces of someone's presence on the inside.

Of course, in order to be absolutely sure, even if she didn't see anything, she would step forward and push the door open for final confirmation - given the small space of the cubicle, she could still hold it in the air by spreading her limbs slightly.

But it's difficult to move in this state. Even if Kiel gets close and pushes the door, the risk will be much smaller.

Soon, Keir came to the innermost compartment with a closed door.

She leaned over and looked into the gap, and her expression suddenly changed slightly!

She saw a pair of shoes, a pair of shoes that were familiar to her.

At that time, she carried Belmod into the room, and she had memorized the clothes on Belmod in her mind during the process.

Although the entire pair of shoes cannot be fully seen through the gap, comparing it with the memory in his mind, Kier is 80% sure that these are Belmod's shoes!

Is she in there? Was he discovered like this?

Keir instinctively felt that it couldn't be that simple.

She stood up, her eyes flickering for a while, then she came to the penultimate compartment, jumped slightly, reached out with her hands, and grabbed the partition between the two compartments.

She propped up her body, let her head pass through the partition, and saw the scene of the closed compartment.

There was no one around, and a woman's leather shoe stood quietly in the cubicle.

However, there was a note pressed on the heel of the leather shoe. It seemed that some words were written on it, but most of the content was hidden by the leather shoe and could not be seen clearly.

Kil frowned and simply jumped over the partition.

She glanced back at the partition and thought to herself: "This is how Belmode should have left after locking the door... Is this her way of delaying time?"

Guessing flashed through his mind, Kil leaned over to pick up the leather shoes and the note. He checked the leather shoes first, and after making sure there was nothing abnormal, he looked at the note.

【So innocent and cute】

Keir looked at the beautiful handwriting on the note, but seemed to see the cunning expression on the writer's face.

Kil's face darkened, and when she saw this note, she probably understood Belmode's plan.

He deliberately led them here, and then used the closed compartment and these shoes to make them think they had found the rightful owner.

Once she calls others here based on this, Belmode will have a lot more room for action.

"Humph! You are really underestimated!" Kil muttered unhappily, and then opened the door and walked out.

Since this place is just a smoke bomb set by Bellmore, there is no need to stay any longer.

There has been no feedback from his subordinates until now, and it seems that he will not find anything either.

However, as soon as she opened the door, her pupils suddenly shrank!

Outside the door, a blond-haired Western beauty looked at her with a half-smile.

And in her hand, there was a pistol with the safety turned on!

Keir looked at the black muzzle of the gun in front of him, and his brain fell into a downtime for a moment, and then all kinds of thoughts came out like a volcano!

How come she is here? Why didn't I hear any sound? Where are the men she arranged at the door?

They have always maintained communication. No matter how fast Belmode moves, humans cannot react, but the movement cannot be hidden from the machine!

Also, even if she could hide it from her subordinates, even if her attention was still on the leather shoes and the note, how could she not notice a living person entering the toilet?


Keir's eyes slowly moved downward.

The black stockings wrap the small feet, like a finely crafted work of art, elegant and charming.

However, this piece of art is now missing one important decoration - a pair of decent shoes!

Yes, Belmode is not wearing shoes!

No wonder he didn't hear any sound. With Belmod's ability, it was indeed possible to hide it from him without wearing shoes!

As for why her subordinates didn't discover Belmode and what happened to them now, Kil had no time to think about it for the time being.

She looked at Belmode with a fixed gaze: "What do you want to do?"

"Go in." Belmod said calmly, pointing his gun forward.

Kil was helpless. She couldn't be faster than Belmod's gun at this distance, and she didn't dare to bet on whether Belmod would dare to shoot.

The gun was not equipped with a silencer, so when the gunshot went off it was bound to be heard in all directions, and it was only a matter of time before the police were called.

This may not be a good thing for Belmode, but it is definitely not what they want to see.

Simply cooperate with the other party. As Belmode, unless your undercover identity is exposed, your life should not be in danger.

Soon, the two squeezed into the small compartment, and Belmode locked the door of the compartment.

"Where are my subordinates?" Kil asked softly.

Belmode smiled slightly: "I let them sleep for a while."

"Really..." Although he had expected it, Kil's mood was still very bad.

She raised her eyes slightly, looked at Belmod with a cold gaze, and asked again: "What do you want to do?"

"I just want to confirm something with you." Belmode smiled.

Kil didn't reply, waiting for Belmod's next words.

Belmod didn't mince words and asked directly: "How did you track me?"

Kil was slightly shocked. Had Belmode noticed it?

However, she remained calm on her face and replied calmly: "This time, Black Sakura worked with us and finally formulated this plan by analyzing and summarizing all kinds of intelligence."

"Oh? Are you so sure that I will come?" Belmod asked.

"Such a [transaction] will not just happen today. The intelligence department believes that there is a high chance that you will be interested in information about the cooperation between the organization and Black Sakura." Kil replied.

"Ha! That's it." Belmode chuckled: "However, it's not good for you to avoid the important and take the easy way!"

"What do you mean?" Kil frowned, showing confusion.

Belmod's smile faded slightly, and his gaze gradually became sharper as he looked at Keir: "You should know what I'm really asking."

Kil didn't reply, but the confusion on his face became more intense, as if he really didn't know what Belmode meant.

Seeing this, Belmode sighed: "Okay, it seems you don't want to cooperate, then..."

Before he finished speaking, Bellmore had already taken action!

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