Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1616 Amuro enters the game

"Oh? Is Bourbon here too?" Belmod, who was already in a secret place on the third floor, looked surprised when he heard the message from the communicator.

"Yes, I just saw him at the door of the hotel. I wonder if he received the news to come for support." Akira Yumiya replied, paused and added: "He put on a certain disguise. When we saw him, The appearance is..."

Akira Hanomiya told Bermod about the clothing characteristics of the person he saw who was suspected of being Bourbon.

Belmod silently wrote it down and said with a smile: "Thanks for reminding me, I will pay attention to it. By the way, how is it outside now/"

"The police have sent people into the hotel to investigate, and snipers are already under their surveillance. If nothing goes wrong, there will be chaos outside soon." Meng Yu's voice came.

Belmode raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "Let the police get involved? It's really your style!"

"The method is not too old-fashioned, as long as it works." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Okay, I understand the situation, keep in touch." Belmode replied, and then temporarily ended the communication.

Her eyes flickered slightly, and she thought to herself: "Supposedly, this guy Bourbon should be the only person in charge of Tokyo affairs now. Has he only arrived now for such an action... Ha! Interesting."

With thoughts flashing in her mind, Belmode kept moving her hands, opening the communicator she seized from Kiel, changing into Kiel's voice, and said: "Each group..."


On the other side, Toru Amuro entered the hotel and took the elevator directly to the sixth floor.

After listening to Kuroda's feedback, he became acutely aware of the criticality of the sixth floor.

He also had some knowledge of the internal structure of the Aipido Hotel. He knew that the sixth floor was a commercial area, and Belmod had every motive to come here.

The people in the organization seemed to know this, and sent people to follow them. Both parties were witnessed by the store clerk.

However, until now, nothing unusual has happened on the sixth floor, which is very intriguing.

The Aipido Hotel building is not small, but after such a long time, there is no reason why the organization has not finished searching this floor.

In this case, the possibility that the two sides have never fought even once is really low.

Tohru Amuro believed that something must have happened on the sixth floor without others knowing.

So, he wandered around the sixth floor.

After a while, his footsteps stopped in front of the toilet.

"This... is quite a suitable place. Let's go in and have a look..." Toru Amuro murmured in his heart and stepped into the men's room.

With a quick glance, Toru Amuro noticed two closed compartments.

Toru Amuro went to the outer room and knocked several times.

"You're crazy! When you see the door closed, don't you know there's someone inside?" A man's cursing voice came from inside.

Toru Amuro didn't pay attention to the other party, left silently, went to another room, followed the same pattern, and knocked heavily several times.

This time, there was no response from inside. On the contrary, the person in the first cubicle seemed to be disturbed and cursed a few more times.

Seeing this, Toru Amuro immediately went to the open compartment next door, closed the door, and then climbed up along the partition, sticking his head out to observe the situation in the next compartment.

Then he saw two men sitting opposite each other on the wall.

Amuro Toru's eyes suddenly froze, and he immediately turned over.

As soon as he landed, he began to check on the two men.

"I just fainted. The technique was clean and neat, which is not something ordinary people can do."

"I also have a pistol, a dagger and a communicator on me... Oh? This model should be the latest one developed by the organization, right? Fortunately, I did some research in advance, and it should come in handy..."

Amuro Toru's thoughts quickly changed. The pistol and dagger were not moved, but the communicator was taken away.

Afterwards, he left the toilet and found a secret place to report his findings to Kuroda.

"Is it the guy in the toilet? I know, I will let someone deal with it." Kuroda replied.

"Okay, I'll continue the investigation." Amuro Toru hung up the communication after receiving the reply.

He took a moment to familiarize himself with the operation of the organization's communicator, and then opened the communication channel.

The communicator was silent for a while, and then a familiar female voice sounded. "Each team, report the situation!"

"Report, all teams except yours have gathered on the seventh floor, and no trace of the target has been found yet." A male voice reported.

"Okay, I understand." Kil's voice came again: "We have arrived at the elevator, right away... wait! Everyone went downstairs immediately! We found Belmode! She went to the fifth floor! "

"Yes! Let's go there right away!" Another voice suddenly became urgent, and then there was a burst of rapid footsteps in the communication center.

Toru Amuro frowned and also quickened his pace towards the elevator.

Not long after, he came to the elevator and happened to hear the dense footsteps in the direction of the safety stairs.

Toru Amuro didn't act rashly. After the footsteps showed signs of disappearing, he came to the entrance of the safety stairs to check the situation. He happened to see the backs of several men quickly disappearing.

Toru Amuro rubbed his chin: "Strange, since they were divided into groups, didn't they realize that there were two missing people? Kiel's level shouldn't be so bad..."

He instinctively felt something was wrong.

After hesitating for a while, he finally chose to follow.

At this time, Kiel's voice came again from the communicator: "It has been confirmed that Belmod has escaped to the fifth floor. The other teams should not act rashly and block the entrances and exits of the floor. Belmode did not disguise herself. Once she sees her running that way, Intercept immediately!"

"Understood!" the communicator responded loudly.

Toru Amuro, who originally wanted to enter the fifth floor, immediately stopped the car and then turned towards the fourth floor.

"They really came here to capture Belmode, who has been missing for a long time... Based on her relationship with the organization's boss, how much conflict will she have with the organization during such a battle?"

Toru Amuro became more and more curious about this matter. After reaching the 4th floor, he took the elevator again to the 5th floor.

He was not worried about being exposed to the eyes of the organization. He deliberately chose an elevator with a lot of people. There is also a private dining area on the fifth floor, so he would not look out of place when he came out of the elevator.

I'm afraid the organization's attention is already on Belmod, so how can they have the time to pay attention to a "stranger" like him?

After arriving on the 5th floor, I saw a few guys who looked bored, but were actually paying close attention to their surroundings.

The eyes of those people swept over him. Toru Amuro looked calm, as if he did not feel these eyes, and walked towards the depths of the corridor with steady steps.

A moment later, when he turned a corner, those sights disappeared and no one followed him.

Toru Amuro nodded secretly in his mind: "The next step is to find the whereabouts of Geel and Belmode..."

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