Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1619 Take action

"It's easy to guess Belmod's ultimate goal if you think about it carefully." Toru Amuro said calmly:

"No matter what means she uses, the ultimate goal is to leave the Aipido Hotel. No matter what means she uses in the middle, the overall route of travel will be from top to bottom."

"Then it's very clear based on the instructions she gave when she was playing you. After attacking you, she first transferred her personnel to the seventh floor. The purpose is obvious, which is to take the opportunity to leave the sixth floor."

"Then after leaving the sixth floor, Belmode has only two choices, go upstairs or go downstairs."

"But since she moved everyone to the 7th floor, and there are still people watching above the 7th floor, there is no need for Belmod to risk going upstairs. Going downstairs is the best choice."

"And since she dared to transfer people to the 5th floor again, it means that the 5th floor is a safe zone for her. If she hides on the 5th floor, if she is found out and everyone is blocked on the 5th floor, she will be in trouble."

"So, my suggestion is to remove everyone above the 7th floor and instead send people to stay in the elevator. The rest of the people go down from the 5th floor to monitor the entrances and exits and search floor by floor. I think there should be something soon. result."

Hearing this, Kil pondered for two seconds and thought that Toru Amuro's plan was indeed better than her original arrangement, so he nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll do as you said."

"Oh, by the way, since Belmode has the means to invade communications, you must be careful when using the communicator." Toru Amuro reminded.

Keir frowned slightly: "How to be cautious?"

Amuro Toru had already prepared a plan in his mind and replied: "First gather everyone and arrange their respective tasks, and then enter communication silence. Only when Belmod is discovered, the agreed code will be sent."

"The code should ideally include identification and the specific area where it was found."

Kil thought for a few seconds and said: "Well, this can indeed prevent Belmod from taking advantage of troubled waters to a certain extent, but the opponent is Belmod after all, and the agreed code must not be simple."

“Without prior preparation, there may be some confusion during the execution.”

Toru Amuro spread his hands: "There is nothing we can do about this, or can you solve the problem of communication being invaded?"

Keir shook his head helplessly: "Oh, then let's carry out the plan."

Afterwards, Kiel called all the people assigned upstairs to the sixth floor and started arranging tasks while turning off the communicator.

For the sake of safety, only two people were allowed to enter each elevator, and the remaining people were divided into several groups, with each group consisting of at least three people.

The group finally started from the elevator room on the fifth floor and headed to the fourth floor.


After Belmode's identity was revealed, he had moved from the fourth floor to the second floor.

With her skills, she could jump directly through the window from this height - if there were no organized snipers outside.

"Those guys should have met Bourbon and the others... With Bourbon's ability, it shouldn't be difficult to determine the correct search direction," Belmod thought in his mind.

"Kiel has mobilized all the personnel above the sixth floor." Akira Hanomiya's voice came from the other end of the communicator.

Just now, Seriang informed him about the disappearance of the organization's manpower on the 11th floor.

Knew it……

Belmod's lips curled up: "What about outside? Haven't the police arrived yet?"

"Don't be impatient, those two snipers will be in big trouble soon!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

On the other side, near the Cupido Hotel, on the rooftop of a building.

A sniper is holding a sniper rifle to observe the situation at the entrance and exit of Acupido Hotel. Once the target is found, he will provide support to his companions in the hotel.

Of course, it was broad daylight after all, so for the sake of safety, a deputy was arranged near the sniper to assist the sniper in observation and vigilance.

Fortunately, the building he chose would not normally have people on the rooftop, and the way he set up the sniper rifle was relatively concealed. It would not be visible unless he looked at it from a certain angle.

Suddenly, there was an explosion in his ears!


Almost at the same time, he felt a huge impact on his shoulder.

His body suddenly staggered, and the sniper rifle he was holding firmly almost fell out of his hand.

I... was attacked by a counter-sniper!

The sniper made a judgment instantly, and then he was filled with doubts. How could there be other snipers here? And when did they ambush you?

The next moment, he suppressed all his doubts and immediately lay down, his body pressed against the concrete guardrail of the balcony.

From the direction of the impact just now, although he could not determine the specific location of the guy who was sniping at him, he could guess the general direction - the bullet was fired from below.

Therefore, the cement guardrail facing this side must be the opponent's sniper blind spot!

Taking this opportunity, he must inform others of this unexpected situation!

However, he took out the communicator with some difficulty, and heard another explosion in his ears.

He instinctively looked in the direction of the sound, and a dazzling light hit his eyes!

Damn it! It's a flash bomb!

The sniper cursed in his mind, quickly closed his eyes, raised his arms and covered his ears.

Unfortunately, the subconscious look just now had greatly affected his eyes. In addition, the injury to his shoulder made his movements somewhat sluggish, and he was slower to cover his ears.

Therefore, he is now blind, his ears are ringing, and his head is feeling dizzy.

Relying on the instinct he had learned over the years, he put down his sniper rifle, took out his pistol from his arms, and fired a burst of shots in the direction of the flash bomb explosion!

Bang bang bang!

The sniper, whose ears were ringing, faintly heard that the bullet seemed to have hit something, but he was blind and unable to make any further judgments at this time.

He could only keep shooting and move according to memory, hoping to delay as much time as possible and wait for the effect of the flash bomb to pass.

Unfortunately, he no longer has this opportunity.

Several special police officers, under the cover of riot shields, continued to approach the sniper at a slow speed.

As for the deputy in charge of the lookout, he was pinned to the ground by several sturdy men and could not move.

The rooftop was so big, and soon, the SWAT officers seized the opportunity for the enemy to change their magazines, and rushed forward like hungry tigers pouncing on prey.

For a moment, the sniper was completely controlled by the SWAT police.

On another rooftop, a similar scene was playing out.

At the same time, nearly ten police cars, with their lights on, were speeding toward the Abeido Hotel in a majestic manner!

The members of the organization who were monitoring near the Abeido Hotel quickly discovered this anomaly and quickly informed their superiors of the situation.

However, no matter how they called, the communicator seemed to be broken and there was no response.

Seeing that the communicator was not working, the temporary commander on the periphery planned to try another method and use a mobile phone.

Unfortunately, when they turned on their phones, they found that they had no signal.

"Ha! I have temporarily shut down all the base stations in Tokyo. You can't even make a call within half an hour!" Meng Yu sneered after seeing this scene.

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