Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1621 Successful Escape

Toru Amuro's guess was right, Belmod was indeed no longer at the Aipido Hotel.

Outside the Cupido Hotel, Belmode, who had changed into a neutral outfit and wore a black wig, was in a commercial building diagonally opposite the Cupido Hotel, looking at what was happening around the hotel through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Scene after scene.

As for how she left the Cupido Hotel, she naturally walked out in a swaggering manner.

After getting the news from Yu Gongming that the sniper of the organization had been eliminated by the police, she was already prepared and immediately took the elevator to the first floor - Mengyu also had control of the elevator, and Belmode was not worried at all about what would happen next. Met someone from the organization in the elevator.

After walking out of the elevator, she naturally felt the eyes of the organization's surveillance personnel.

Because she has been evading pursuit, she cannot make too detailed a disguise. Once the members of the organization become suspicious, they will soon find out her identity. This is why she has never dared to leave the hotel.

But the situation was very different at this time.

After the sniper was dealt with, even if he came to the first floor and was targeted, the most he would face would be further follow-up surveillance.

However, the arrival of the police was enough to completely draw their attention. It was hard to say whether they could pass the police, let alone free up manpower to track her.

Even if someone follows up despite the pressure from the police, she can easily get rid of them with her anti-tracking ability.

It turned out to be smoother than she thought.

Her arrival on the first floor did attract the attention of the organization's surveillance staff.

However, when she walked to the parking lot, members of the outer organization also received news of the arrival of the police, and the original tight surveillance suddenly fell apart.

Belmode left the hotel parking lot all the way without even finding a tracer.

Belmod was a little surprised, but after careful observation, he gradually became aware of it.

Those guys kept tinkering with the communicator and even took out their mobile phones, probably to contact other companions.

But looking at their expressions, you can tell that the contact may have ended in failure.

It’s self-evident whose handiwork this is.

Naturally, Belmode would not live up to this kindness, and his departure became more rapid and secretive.

Before the large police force arrived to seal off the hotel, Belmode had safely entered the building near the Cupido Hotel.

"Hmph! How will Kiel and the others end? It's really exciting!" Belmod looked at the members of the organization who were being controlled by the police on the street, and the smile on his lips became more and more joyful.

"I said, is it really okay for you to watch the movie leisurely like this?" Meng Yu's voice came: "In case the police expands the search scope, or the organization has new reinforcements arriving, there is no possibility that you will not be discovered. .”

"Ha! Aren't you guys watching the show too?" Belmod smiled and said, "Besides, in addition to people from the organization, there are also plainclothes policemen lurking around here. If I just go out, I will be easily spotted by them."

"As expected of you!" Yu Gongming laughed and said: "Then, you don't need our help for the next thing, right?"

"There's basically no need for it." Belmod said with a smile: "There is a cosmetics store in this building."

She did not continue, but both Yu Miya and Akira understood what she meant.

With cosmetics, she can quickly change her face with her level of disguise.

Even if someone noticed her when she left Abedo Hotel, by the time they found out, Belmode would have no idea what she would become.

"When you are safe, don't forget our agreement." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"Don't worry, I will wear this communicator before handing things over to you to ensure that you can contact me at any time." Belmode smiled.

The so-called agreement was, of course, to hand over the items used by Keir to track down Belmod to Akira Hanomiya and the others for study.

"It's good that you haven't forgotten." Yu Gongming replied.

Subsequently, communications were interrupted.

Belmod shook his head helplessly: "This little guy... forget it, let's completely solve the hidden dangers first."

She took one last look at the Acupido Hotel, which was surrounded by police, and then turned towards the cosmetics store in the building.


"Mr. Keir, Mr. Bourbon, those police officers have blocked all entrances and exits and do not allow anyone to enter or exit. At present, they seem to have no intention of entering the hotel to search." The subordinates who went to investigate the situation came back and reported in a low voice.

"I understand." Kil nodded solemnly, and then sent the subordinate away.

"This news is not too bad." Toru Amuro said calmly.

"Yeah." This time, Keir followed Toru Amuro's train of thought: "It was just a blockade and not a search. It was probably because he was concerned about the ordinary guests in the hotel and was afraid that a conflict would break out and affect them."

"As long as they still have concerns, our operating space will be much larger. If nothing can be done, we may be able to take hostages and force the police to give in."

"Not bad." Toru Amuro smiled and nodded, but he was already thinking about how to secretly stumble them.

In his plan, he must not be caught, and apart from him, Kiel cannot be caught either. Otherwise, if he escapes alone, the organization will be more wary of him afterwards.

In order to increase credibility, in addition to Kiel, one or two minions can also be let go. Of course, he doesn't force it, it just depends on how Kuroda operates.

Keir's eyes flashed slightly, and he frowned: "However, the police blocking the hotel like this will not be a long-term solution. Those ordinary guests will not play with them for too long. Since they want to avoid conflicts, they must find other ways to arrest them. Stay with us.”

"Hmph! It's just that I want to rely on the people who are caught outside." Toru Amuro said calmly: "When you find a guy who is willing to cooperate, let him watch at the entrance and exit."

"In this way, we can filter out the ordinary guests, and when we are the only ones left in the hotel, that's when they will take action!"

Kil narrowed his eyes slightly: "No one who can participate in this operation is mediocre. The organization's power is still there, and it will take some time for them to betray."

"However, we cannot place our safety on others." Toru Amuro said solemnly.

"So, do you have any escape plan?" Kil asked.

"If it's just the two of us, there are many ways. Playing hide-and-seek in the hotel, or using a curtain to make a simple parachute and jump directly are all feasible methods."

"However, now there are more than a dozen of us here, and we are surrounded outside. No matter how we plan, it is impossible for everyone to leave."

Kil frowned when he heard this, turned his head and glanced at the group following him, and his expression softened slightly when he saw that they were the two dead men of the organization.

She looked at Toru Amuro with a slightly dissatisfied look: "Don't say this in front of those subordinates, otherwise you will be tempted before you even confront the police."

"It's just stating the facts." Toru Amuro shrugged: "Only by explaining this point can you more easily understand the plan I will talk about next."

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