Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1627 Toru Amuro’s commission

Akira Hanomiya looked at Toru Amuro calmly: "Oh? I don't think I know more about this matter than Mr. Amuro, right?"

"Haha! Detective Hanomiya is joking!" Toru Amuro smiled on the outside, but in his heart he was dissatisfied.

This guy likes to talk nonsense in front of me no matter how many times!

With their intelligence network in the organization, he didn't believe that they really knew nothing about the Aipido Hotel.

If nothing else, that mysterious alarm call might have been made by Akira Hagong and the others!

His speculation was not groundless.

Along with the police call, there were several photos of snipers.

It was because of these two photos that the police finally paid attention to the call and the news reached Kuroda.

How does this method of using the police seem familiar?

What worries Toru Amuro even more is that the arrested members of the organization confessed that their communications were completely interfered with at some point, and even their mobile phones had no signal at all.

After subsequent verification, it was found that the nearby communication base station suddenly experienced an unknown failure, but before the staff could check out the problem, half an hour later, the base station returned to normal.

This is almost certainly man-made.

And it just so happened that Hamamiya Akira and the others had such an ability, and Toru Amuro couldn't help but doubt it.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "I would like to ask Detective Yumiya, the communication between the people in the organization was out of order for a time. Do you have any clues about this?"

"Well..." Yu Gongming rubbed his chin, looking thoughtful: "There are many ways to cause communication failure, including violent paralysis or hacking into control."

"What's the difference between these two methods?" Toru Amuro asked.

This time, it was Mengyu who took over the conversation: "The difference is actually very simple. One is to turn the other person's things into waste, and the other is to snatch things away and use them yourself."

"Is that so..." Toru Amuro nodded thoughtfully and continued to ask, "Then you should be able to do this kind of thing, right?"

"Yes!" Yu Gongming nodded calmly: "As long as you give us the organization's communication frequency band now, we can get it done in just a few minutes."

Meng Yu tilted her head: "So, Mr. Amuro suspects that we are also involved in this matter?"

"No!" Toru Amuro smiled and waved his hand: "I just got some inspiration from this incident, and I thought it might be useful when I deal with the organization next time, so I just asked casually, please don't take it seriously."

"Okay!" Yu Gongming smiled and said: "As long as the money is available, of course we are willing to provide technical support for fighting crime!"

"That's good, I look forward to future cooperation!" Toru Amuro said with a smile.

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Yu Gongming laughed.

Mengyu on the side turned her head slightly and curled her lips slightly.

These two guys are really better at acting than the other.

Afterwards, the two exchanged some polite words before Toru Amuro changed the subject and said, "To be honest, I am here this time in the hope that you, Detective Hanomiya, can provide some help."

"Please tell me." Yu Gongming's expression was also slightly serious.

Amuro Toru said: "This time the organization sent out a large number of people to arrest Belmode, the meaning of which is thought-provoking."

"Now the organization has entrusted this job to me, which gives me a huge headache!"

Yu Gongming looked at him with amusement: "Really? I think with Mr. Amuro's mind, he can easily get rid of this matter? If nothing else, a single procrastination trick can solve the problem. Partly bothered.”

"Hahaha! It seems that Detective Hanomiya is also a member of the same group!" Toru Amuro said with a smile, and then changed the topic: "But, they take this matter very seriously and put an [Supervisor] beside me."

"Oh? Who is it?" Yu Gongming asked following his words.

"Kiel." Toru Amuro replied.

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "So it's her!"

"You should know about her situation, right?" Toru Amuro asked in a subtle tone.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu looked at each other, then shook their heads at the same time.

"Huh?" Amuro expressed surprise.

Yu Gongming pondered for a while and then said: "Most of what we know about her is what Mr. Subaru told us. If it is about her, we should be able to get more information by asking Mr. Subaru."

Amuro frowned slightly when he heard this, was silent for a while, and then said helplessly: "You should also know that the relationship between me and him... is relatively subtle, and you may not get any response if you ask him."

Akira Hanomiya shrugged: "Then there's nothing we can do about it. Regarding Geel, we can't tell you anything without Mr. Subaru's permission."

"Understandable." Toru Amuro nodded slightly and did not try to continue asking.

As a participant in Akai Shuichi's fake death plan, Geer's information is not only related to Akai Shuichi's plan, but also has a certain impact on his life safety.

I was actually a little offended when I rashly asked about Keir.

So after seeing Akira Hanomiya's attitude, Toru Amuro naturally stopped asking for trouble.

However, this exchange was not completely fruitless. At least it was confirmed that Kiel did have a close connection with Akai, and his FBI identity could almost be locked.

At the same time, it can be inferred from the attitude of Akira Hanomiya that their cooperation with Akai is more focused on the contact between the two forces.

In other words, Akai’s plan to fake his own death is likely the result of cooperation between the Metropolitan Police Department and the FBI.

Amuro Toru rolled his eyes slightly and said, "Then can you please help Detective Hanomiya to help us arrange a meeting with Mr. Subaru?"

"That's no problem, but it's hard to say whether the other party is willing to meet." Yu Gongming replied.

"It doesn't matter, just bring the message to Detective Hanomiya." Toru Amuro said with a smile.

After a pause, he continued: "Also, could you please help me investigate the information about Belmode?"

Yu Gongming was startled: "Let us help investigate?"

"Yes!" Toru Amuro said with a smile, "Isn't it the job of a detective to find missing persons?"

Yu Gongming laughed: "But the difficulty and risk of this job are not ordinary high!"

Toru Amuro spread his fingers: "Fifty million, how about that?"

"I don't dare to accept your money!" Yu Miyazaki said with a smile.

"Aren't you curious at all about the conflict between Belmode and the organization?" Tohru Amuro asked.

"I'm curious!" Yu Gongming and Meng Yu said in unison.

"Then what's there to hesitate about?" Amuro asked with a smile: "Investigating the situation of Belmod will also be helpful to the attack organization, and you can also get an extra reward from me."

Akira Hanomiya looked at Toru Amuro with a half-smile: "Then I would also like to ask Mr. Amuro, why do you think we can investigate Belmod's information?"

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