Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 165 Dreams are full, reality is skinny

"Is he this person?" Officer Memu stared at the man in the telescope, somewhat uncertainly.

"With a telescope in one hand, looking in the direction of Conan and the others, and a mobile phone in the other hand, you can't go wrong." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"His clothes have not changed, they are exactly the same as what I saw in the pastry shop!" Akira Hanamiya affirmed.

"Great! Finally caught their tail!" Officer Megure said excitedly.

"That person is now describing the next route to Conan. However, based on the intermittent conversation heard in the elevator before, he only allowed Ayumi and Miss Takayama to go to the next location." Hanemiya Akira said.

"Oh? What is he going to do?" Officer Megure frowned.

"It's really strange. The kidnappers clearly confirmed that Conan has escaped the police's sight. They should not be separated at this time."

"The kidnapper described the route to the next location to Conan in great detail. Once the remaining Conan people tell us this route, the police will be able to grasp the whereabouts of Ayumi and Miss Takayama again."

"Even if the kidnappers don't know about the transmitter, this arrangement is quite unreasonable." Meng Yu frowned.

"I think I know why." Yu Gongming suddenly said.

"Huh?" Mengyu and Officer Mumu cast questioning glances.

"Look carefully at the kidnapper's current actions." Yu Gongming said.

"The two looked through binoculars and saw that the kidnapper had taken the phone off his ear and started dialing another number."

"Eh? Is he trying to contact his accomplices?" Officer Megure frowned.

"That should be true. In the previous conversation between the kidnappers and Conan, they only had the route to the next location, and did not emphasize the time. In other words, the kidnappers will probably not contact them using public phones again, but will ask their accomplices to drive to the next location. , take away Ayumi and Miss Gao Shan directly!"

"When Conan and the others notify us, we will rush to that location according to the route Conan told us. I'm afraid Miss Takayama and Ayumi will have been taken away long ago."

"Since we can finally get rid of the police tracking, it will become cumbersome to take so many hostages. Therefore, the kidnappers chose Ayumi, who seemed to be the most controllable, and the original target, Miss Takayama." Hanemiya Ming said.

"So, another accomplice is likely to appear at this next location!?" Officer Megure's eyes lit up!

"Yes! That is to say, we have two options now. First, directly mobilize nearby police forces to arrest the kidnappers on the rooftop, and then rush to the next location to kill the other kidnappers before they come into contact with Bumi and the others. The accomplices were captured in one fell swoop!”

"Second, don't alert the enemy first. Use the tracker and transmitter to find the place where they are hiding Mr. Nagano, and then capture them!"

Hearing this, Officer Megure touched his chin and said: "The first option can be a safer way to capture the kidnapper, but if the kidnapper threatens Mr. Nagano's position, we" will be very passive. "

"The second option is to follow them back to their lair so that we can find Mr. Nagano. But in this case, the kidnappers will have three hostages at that time, namely Ayumi and TWO-MIX. We will probably have to bear the responsibility for capturing the kidnappers. Quite a risk!”

"There is another problem with the second plan..." Mengyu added:

"Don't forget that crucial training tape. Once the kidnappers come into contact with Miss Gao Shan, they will probably destroy that training tape immediately!"

"In that case, let's implement the first plan. As long as we catch all the kidnappers, it may be more troublesome to find Mr. Nagano, but at least Mr. Nagano's safety is guaranteed."

Officer Megure said and took out the walkie-talkie:

"Attention, the fourth team, rush to the Dongye Building immediately and set up ambushes at each entrance. Once you find a man wearing a coat, a knitted hat, and a mustache, immediately step forward to arrest him!"

He turned to look at Yu Gongming again:

"Brother Hanomiya, do you still remember the route mentioned by the kidnappers and Conan?"

"Remember." Yu Gongming nodded.

In order for Ayumi to remember the route, Conan recounted it sentence by sentence. With Akira Hanomiya's memory, it was not difficult to memorize the entire route.

So, Akira Hanomiya recounted the route to Officer Megure.

Officer Memu nodded slightly, picked up the binoculars and began to observe:

"If we follow the route mentioned by Brother Hanomiya, then the taxi should arrive here first and then turn right..."

The angle of view of Officer Megure's telescope kept changing, and finally he locked on a location!

He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and issued a new order:

"The third group and the fifth group, immediately rush to the abandoned construction site in the northeastern part of Cupido Town, closest to the Kurosawa Building. Move quickly!"

"Bumi and Miss Gao Shan have already taken a taxi." Meng Yu said.

"Let's go! We also rushed to the construction site immediately. The fourth team is led by Shiratori himself. We don't need to worry about arresting the kidnapper on the rooftop!" Officer Megure said.

"Okay!" Yu Gongming and the two naturally had no objections.

The three of them took the elevator downstairs, got into the pre-arranged vehicle, and sped towards their destination!

In the car, Yu Gongming looked at the fast-moving light spots in the mobile phone interface, listened to the conversation coming from the bug, and breathed a sigh of relief:

"It seems that Conan has transferred the transmitter and bug to Miss Gao Shan. Sure enough, an unexpected situation of this magnitude can't trouble him."

While Yu Gongming was sighing, Meng Yu's cell phone suddenly rang.

Mengyu answered the phone doubtfully.

"'s Conan...we're doing pretty well here..."

Mengyu informed Conan one by one of the general situation here, including Yu Gongming's analysis and the police's actions.

"We are rushing to that place now... huh? What? You... okay, let's meet there, okay, and pay attention to safety."

Mengyu hung up the phone.

"A call from Conan?" Akira Hanamiya asked.

"Yes, because he didn't know the situation on our side before, he also installed a transmitter in Miss Gao Shan's bag."

"Misuhiko and Genta have been tricked by Conan into boarding the returning train, and now Conan plans to go to that place as well."

"Why is this kid Conan acting so messy again?" Officer Megure frowned.

"It doesn't matter, if it's just Conan, he won't cause us any trouble." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile.

"Okay!" Officer Memu nodded helplessly.

At least judging from past experience, Conan is still much more reliable than the other three children.


The lobby on the first floor of Dongye Building.

The man with a mustache walked toward the door at a leisurely pace.

"When Gao Shannan and the little girl arrive at the construction site, we will not only have three hostages in our hands, but we can also destroy the practice tape immediately. We only need to go back to the warehouse and kill all three hostages. Call the police to delay, and we can escape safely..."

"Humph, Yu Gongming, so what if you prevent me from kidnapping Gao Shannan? In the end, TWO-MIX will fall into my hands? After the matter is over, I must publicize this matter, and then Let’s use the media to mock you!”

The man with the mustache walked out of Dongye Building with a feeling of joy in his heart.

However, the next moment, several powerful men suddenly appeared in front of him!

Before he could react, those big men swarmed him and threw him to the ground!


He felt his hands were fixed by something.

He tried to raise his head and saw a young man in a blue suit walking slowly and taking out an ID card from his arms.

"I am Shiratori, a member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Division 1, Forced Criminals of the Third Line. You are suspected of kidnapping, and I am arresting you now!"

The mustachioed man looked at the police officer's ID card in Officer Shiratori's hand and was stunned.

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