Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1707 Director Baima’s attitude

Two days later, Kudo House.

Akira Hanomiya gently rang the doorbell of Kudo's house.

Not long after, Mengyu came out and opened the door for him.

Under the leadership of Meng Yu, he walked into the vestibule and opened the door. It was already bustling inside.

Yukiko was carrying a plate of dishes and placing it on the table.

Xiaolan's shouts came from the kitchen, and she hurried back to the kitchen to help.

On the guest sofa, Okiya Subaru and Kudo Yusaku were sitting opposite each other, staring intently at the chessboard in front of them, as if they were in the middle of a battle.

Beside Okiya Subaru, Yasuda Harumi watched the match between the two with interest, with a faint smile on her lips.

At the dining table, Conan and Xiao Ai were sitting together. Conan's face was full of a flattering smile. Yu Gongming concentrated for a moment and heard clearly the content of the conversation between the two - it turned out that Conan was asking about Xiao Ai's antidote.

Next to Conan were Mary and her daughter. Mary was reading a newspaper, while Seriang was leaning next to Conan, listening to the conversation between Conan and Xiao Ai.

And what about Xiao Ai? There was a clear look of impatience on his face, and he dealt with Conan very perfunctorily.

Yu Gongming keenly noticed that her body was a little stiff, and her eyes sometimes couldn't help but glance in a certain direction.

Yu Gongming followed Xiao Ai's gaze and saw Belmod pulling up a chair alone and sitting in the corner of the living room. He had an MP3 player on his waist and headphones, and seemed to be listening to music. He looked a little out of place. .

It is worth mentioning that Belmode had changed into the face of an oriental woman with long, straight black hair at this time. It is said that Yukiko couldn't stand the sight of her wearing a man's face, so she suddenly made a prank in the original tone and pressed it herself. She sat in front of the mirror and changed her appearance.

It can only be said that Xiao Ai's radar is still as good as ever.

Yu Gongming looked around and looked at Meng Yu: "Where is the doctor? Didn't he come with Xiao Ai?"

Mengyu spread her hands helplessly: "The doctor didn't know if he stayed up late yesterday. He said he was a little sleepy just now, so he went upstairs to rest. He said he would call him after dinner."

"That's it." Yumiya nodded clearly, and then lowered his voice slightly: "It's a pity that Uncle Maori can't come over."

"That's what he meant." Meng Yu also leaned close to his ear and whispered back: "He doesn't want his identity to be discovered by too many people."

"Yes!" Yu Gongming responded softly, and the two ended the topic with a tacit understanding and found a place to sit down.

At this time, Conan ran over from Xiao Ai, sat next to the two of them, and said, "Have you seen the news this morning?"

"Are you talking about the official report from the Tottori police? Of course I saw it." Meng Yu said with a smile.

Akira Hanomiya chuckled: "The gangs shared the spoils unevenly, and conflicts broke out. The Tottori police arrived in time, struck hard, and successfully destroyed the illegal gang's stronghold... The details are so eye-catching, I almost believed it!"

"They can't tell the truth, can they?" Meng Yu chuckled: "If nothing else, once the more than a hundred corpses inside are exposed, they are not so easy to fool."

Conan pushed up his glasses: "It was mentioned in the news that [relevant personnel have been controlled], which should refer to those ordinary pharmaceutical factory employees in the dormitory area who were on the edge of the incident, right?"

"It should be." Mengyu agreed:

"However, Black Sakura drugged these employees before the operation, and with the organization's tacit approval, it is hard to say whether these people woke up after the incident. Even if some people woke up, I'm afraid they would be shocked if they heard the movement outside. Don’t dare to move around, it won’t provide much information.”

"I'm afraid the Tottori police don't expect to get any information, right?" Akira Hanomiya shook his head slightly: "I think the top brass of the police know much more about the inside story than those employees."

"Compared to this, what is more interesting is that apart from the Tottori police, there seems to be no mention of the Metropolitan Police Department or public security police in the news."

"I have followed you again in the past two days." Meng Yu straightened his expression and said: "Kazami, Kuroda, and Odagiri are still staying in Tottori and have not left, and they seem to be following the three men overtly or covertly. Minister Kawamoto competes for command of the investigation.”

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Conan's eyes flashed, and he said thoughtfully: "It seems that in addition to obtaining information about the organization, Director Baima also has a deeper purpose for this operation!"

"Preliminary speculation is that he should have used this reason to intervene in Tottori's affairs." Akira Hanomiya analyzed.

"There are various signs that the Tottori police and the organization may have colluded. Director Hakuba probably didn't know anything about it before, but he didn't take action out of unknown concerns."

"But now, his mind has clearly changed."

"This is a pretty good signal." Conan said calmly: "This shows that Director Bai Ma has made up his mind to have a complete encounter with the organization."

"Yeah!" Akira Yumiya also agreed with Conan's speculation.

As long as Director Hakuba hesitates, Odagiri and others will not openly arrive in Tottori County in an official capacity and intervene in cases related to the organization.

Because although he is the police chief and has a higher police rank than the heads of local headquarters, normally he cannot interfere in local case investigations.

If there is a case that requires joint investigation, it must also be communicated and negotiated with the local police in advance.

It is against the rules to parachute personnel and directly take over the investigative powers of the local police on the day of the case like this.

Director Baima did it despite knowing it was against the rules.

Either there is someone behind him to support him, allowing him to ignore the consequences of overstepping his bounds, or he has made up his mind and is willing to resist the possible consequences even if no one supports him.

No matter what the situation is, it shows his determination to deal with the organization.

This is naturally the best news for Yu Gongming and the others!

Meng Yu chuckled: "Since Director Baima has taken action, then we just need to watch the show!"

"Yes!" Akira Hanamong also laughed: "And this scene is not just about the organization and the police!"

"You mean...Black Sakura?" Conan reacted immediately.

"Yes!" Hanemiya Mingyi snapped his fingers; "Black Sakura not only lost a group of elites in this operation, but also lost everything. There is no way they can swallow this breath!"

"That's right!" Conan also smiled: "I think no matter how slow they are, they should have already realized that the pharmaceutical factory is a trap carefully laid by the organization from beginning to end!"

"I wanted to catch my opponent by surprise, but my opponent took advantage of me. How can I feel better?"

"What's even better is that the organization didn't get any benefits either, and even suffered more losses than Black Sakura!" Akira Hanamiya said in a joking tone: "As long as Black Sakura knows the news, she won't miss the opportunity to add insult to injury! "

At this point, the three of them looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

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