Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1710 Suspect——Belmod!

Half an hour later, the middle-aged butler finally finished narrating the entire incident.

During this period, an old voice asked questions from time to time, and the middle-aged housekeeper also knew everything about it.

It's not like he didn't put some thought into it, and used some Spring and Autumn writing techniques during the narration process to make his failure look less ugly.

But this idea only ran through his mind for a moment, and was instantly rejected by him.

The two hours of kneeling just now fully demonstrated BOSS's dissatisfaction with him, and he was not the only BOSS's news channel.

When he was not sure how much information the BOSS had, he still thought about it. If the BOSS was further dissatisfied, he might not be able to bear the consequences and walk away.

After listening to the middle-aged butler's narration, the old voice pondered for a moment and said, "What do you think is the reason for this failure?"

The middle-aged butler pursed his lips. This was the question he had been thinking about.

"Sir, to tell you the truth, there are indeed many doubts about this failure."

"Originally, I was in the game and couldn't see clearly. Looking back now, Black Sakura was indeed completely plotted by us, but those men in black robes seemed to have a good understanding of our plan from the beginning, and It’s not just as simple as detecting anomalies.”

"Their people probably sneaked into the pharmaceutical factory a few days before the start of the plan, or even earlier, and evaded our close inspection. They lurked until the start of the operation without being discovered."

"It is true that a considerable part of the personnel in the pharmaceutical factory are temporarily recruited, but we also have very strict control over these people. They are under our surveillance almost 24 hours a day. Even if they are dropped out of the contract halfway, it is difficult to come into contact with anything important. intelligence."

"Only true insiders of the organization are qualified to know some of the inside information, and their activities are relatively free, but there are also many restrictions. They only know the work they are responsible for and lack understanding of the entire plan."

"We will also check their identities from time to time, using a set of procedures within our organization. It is difficult for outsiders to get a full picture in a short period of time."

"Therefore, it is almost certain that the undercover agents lurking in pharmaceutical factories have extremely deep knowledge of the organization."

"Do you think this, or these undercover agents, might have been lurking within the organization?" the old voice asked.

"I did think so before." The middle-aged butler replied respectfully: "In the past two days, I have been checking within the organization to see if there are any members who have suddenly disappeared."

"The strange thing is that no one who meets the requirements was found."

"Some of those [disappeared people] were members of other forces who had been targeted a long time ago and fled in a hurry when they saw the situation was not going well, such as a group of black cherry blossoms."

"Fortunately, my subordinates have already anticipated this situation. Those details have been taken down and the relevant interrogation work is in progress."

"There are still some...that have already been turned into cold corpses in the pharmaceutical factory." At this point, the middle-aged butler's voice dropped and he looked cautiously in the direction of the high-backed chair.

"Continue." The old voice said calmly, without any emotion.

The middle-aged butler immediately continued: "The investigation yielded no results, and my subordinates did not give up. They found people who survived the operation to learn the corresponding details."

"According to the people in the second team, those men in black robes actually tampered with the password for the secret door into the archives room in the secret passage!"

"Huh?" The old voice suddenly spoke, obviously a little concerned about the news.

The middle-aged housekeeper further explained: "That secret door has been used to this day because of its reliable strength and secret enough opening key when the archives room was moved several times."

"And to change the password, the activation key is also essential."

"In this operation, there were two keys that were clearly used. One of them was kept by the operation commander in the factory, and the other was handed over to the mobile team leader who was on standby for support outside."

"As for the factory commander, before the men in black robes entered the dormitory area in large numbers, he had already hid in the archives room. He still had the key with him and had not lost it."

"In the archives room, opening the secret door also requires a key. This not only takes a certain amount of time, but also cannot be done secretly. Therefore, even if there is an undercover in the archives room, it is impossible to help the man in black robe open the secret door from the inside. .”

"Therefore, if the people in black robes want to enter the archives without destroying the secret door, they can only rely on another key."

"Do the men in black robes have other keys?" The old voice suddenly turned cold: "How could they get the key? Even if they got it by luck, how would they know how to use the key?"

"This is indeed worth pondering!" The middle-aged butler nodded slightly: "Not only are the number of such keys very rare, there are also only a handful of people who know the situation and are still alive."

"Furthermore, the person using this key must also have a good understanding of the anti-theft system built into the secret door. Otherwise, if he is not careful, not only will he not be able to change the password, but he will also directly trigger the defense mechanism and be beaten to pieces by countless bullets. .”

"There are really very few people like this in this world."

The middle-aged housekeeper stopped talking when he said this.

Seeing that the middle-aged housekeeper did not continue, the old voice spoke: "Huh? Why don't you continue? Did you only investigate this far?"

There was obvious dissatisfaction in the tone of the old voice.

The middle-aged housekeeper could naturally hear the other person's emotions, his face suddenly turned bitter, and he said with some hesitation: "There is a person who perfectly meets the conditions just mentioned."

"Stop talking nonsense and speak quickly!" the old voice said impatiently.

The middle-aged butler took a deep breath and said, "This person... is Belmod!"


A gunshot suddenly rang out in the room!

puff! ,


The middle-aged housekeeper suddenly looked painful and covered his shoulders, and bright red blood seeped out through his fingers.

"You... know what you are talking about?" the old voice asked calmly.

The middle-aged housekeeper's forehead was already covered with cold sweat, partly because of the pain, partly because of the tone of the old voice.

The tone of the old voice seemed calm, but the gunfire just now revealed the other party's true mood.

The middle-aged housekeeper knows that if he answers a question carelessly, the consequences may not be good.

He took a deep breath and said, "My subordinates will never dare to tell lies!"

"In this world, there are many masters who can disguise themselves. They may have escaped the scrutiny of the organization, have such a deep understanding of the organization, and hold the key in their hands. Their whereabouts are unknown now. Except for Belmod, the I really can’t think of any other candidates!”

After finishing this sentence in one breath, the middle-aged housekeeper closed his eyes slightly, waiting for the reaction of the old voice.

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