Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1717 Get rid of

Half an hour later, at the door of the hotel.

Two beautiful young women walked out side by side.

The woman on the left has wavy hair, rimless glasses, a soft face, a casual coat, and an elegant and quiet temperament.

The other person has long straight black hair, wearing a sun hat, a khaki jacket, and a shirt with cartoon patterns on the inside, paired with slim jeans and white canvas shoes. Compared with the woman on the left, she looks more youthful and lively.

Kumiko adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose with some discomfort and asked in a low voice, "Are we going to walk out of the front door like this?"

"Yes." Meng Yu nodded slightly and replied in a low voice: "It's easier to be noticed if you are sneaky, and you won't be so suspicious if you go through the front door."

"Don't worry. Our hair styles, facial features, clothes, and even our bodies have changed. Coupled with the difference in the number of people, it will be difficult to be recognized. Just keep your expression natural."

"Okay!" Kumiko responded in a low voice, trying her best to maintain her expression.

Fortunately, she can be considered a successful person in the mall, and she can still manage basic expressions.

Just like best friends on a shopping trip, the two of them walked out of the hotel door, passed the parking lot, and finally left the hotel completely.

Not far behind them, Akira Hanomiya, who was also disguised, followed unhurriedly, partly to reduce suspicion, and partly to make it easier to observe the surroundings.

Soon, he noticed the gaze coming from somewhere nearby.

Yu Gongming glanced vaguely and discovered the location of the peeper.

At present, these guys have certain tracking skills, but not much. Some trained police officers are enough to defeat them. They should not be elites of any large organization.

As he was thinking about it in his mind, the line of sight had been retracted, and it was obvious that no problem had been found.

Yu Gongming secretly smiled in his heart, but he still did not relax on his face. He kept a neither fast nor slow pace and silently followed Kumiko and Meng Yu.

Finally, they reached the end of the road and turned to the right.

Mengyu signaled Kumiko to stop, and after waiting for a while, Akira Hanamong followed them to join them.

"Okay, we are now free from their surveillance." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Kumiko let out a long sigh of relief, and her tense expression instantly relaxed.

Mengyu looked at her curiously: "Miss Kumiko, how big a project is this that makes your competitors so persistent?"

Kumiko smiled helplessly when she heard this: "This project is indeed very important. To put it simply, it is the clothing design order for various activities of the Karasuma Foundation within two years."

"Including dresses for important banquets, uniforms customized by the consortium for employees, etc."

"Not to mention the profits of more than hundreds of millions of dollars involved, the Karasuma Consortium itself is one of the largest conglomerates in Japan and has many interactions with the upper class."

"As long as we can cooperate with them, we will have the opportunity to meet real upper-class celebrities. This is an extremely valuable opportunity for any company in Japan."

Kumiko stopped talking here and did not continue to talk in detail.

"I see, it's not surprising." Yu Gongming nodded clearly and didn't ask any further questions.

It is not a secret in Japanese society that slightly larger companies have connections with those who hold power. After all, there are such things as "political donations", which is destined to have an unclear relationship between officials and businessmen.

Yu Gongming was not interested in the entanglements of interests, unless the black organization was involved.

"Excuse me, where are we going next?" Kumiko's voice pulled Hanamiya Akira out of his thoughts.

He pondered for a while and said, "Let's do this. I'll contact my friend and ask her to book a room for us."

As he spoke, he took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hey? Great detective? What do you want from me?" Sera's cheerful and slightly teasing voice came from the other side.

"Are you in the hotel now?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Here, I'm watching a show! What? Do you want to hang out with me?" Sera asked with a smile.

"That's not true. I am making a commission and want you to book a room for us to stay in tonight."

"Oh? Book a room?" Shiliang's tone suddenly became a little narrow: "You can't be the one taking other girls out to book a room behind Meng Yu's back, right?"

Yu Gongming laughed: "I'm not carrying Mengyu, she is right next to me!"

Seriang suddenly screamed: "Oh! Didn't you deny that you brought other girls with you? The three of had enough fun!"

"Okay, don't be poor!" Yu Gongming scolded with a smile: "Just give me a nice word, can you help me?"

"Okay! What can't you do with this little help?" Shiliang stopped joking and readily agreed to help.

"Okay, I want a two-bedroom suite. When we arrive, we will ask you directly for the room card." Yu Gongming ordered.

"Copy that! Just call me when you get there!" Sera smiled.

After a few simple greetings, Yu Gongming hung up the phone and said to the two people beside him: "Let's go."

"Did you call Seriang just now?" Mengyu asked.

"Well, let her do a favor and try not to leave any traces of us." Yu Gongming replied.

He looked at Kumiko again: "Miss Kumiko, your car is probably equipped with a tracker. For safety reasons, I'm afraid you have to park it there temporarily."

"But don't worry, I will contact the police later. Although those stalkers did not actually do anything to you, combined with the previous kidnapping attempt, it is enough to attract the attention of the police."

"Let me say hello again. They can temporarily keep your car as evidence and take it back after the incident is over. Do you think this is okay?"

"Will it be troublesome to pick up the car then?" Kumiko asked hesitantly.

"No." Yu Gongming shook his head slightly: "To the police, what is really valuable is the tracker that may be installed on the car. The car itself is not closely related to the case. The police have no reason to detain the vehicle." place."

"That's good. In that case, just do what Detective Hanomiya said." Kumiko replied.

"Okay." Yu Gongming nodded slightly.

The plan was decided, and the three of them ended their conversation, walked some distance to a nearby subway station, and took the subway to the hotel where Sera was staying.

Originally, Mengyu wanted to call a taxi so that he could go directly to the hotel door, but Yu Gongming considered that the taxis nearby did not rule out the presence of people who were with the stalker or were bribed by the stalker. To be cautious, he chose Use public transportation to get there.

About forty minutes later, the three of them arrived at the hotel where Sera and his daughter were staying.

"Hey! Are you here?" As soon as he arrived in the lobby, Seriang ran over waving his hand.

Yu Gongming smiled politely at her: "Thank you for your hard work. If you have anything to say, please go up and talk later."

"Okay! Come with me!" Shiliang was happy and immediately took a few people to the elevator.

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