Soon, the project introduction process ended and the next step was entered - the donation ceremony.

The staff placed a donation box in the center of the podium, and the invited guests lined up under the guidance of the waiter to put their donations into the donation box.

Of course, instead of putting in cash directly, it comes in the form of a check dropped into the donation box.

This is also the organizer's request. After all, the donation box will not be too big, and there will be celebrities from all walks of life present, so the donation amount will not be too small.

Even if only some people use cash, the donation box cannot bear it.

After each guest puts in a check, the host will announce the guest's identity and the amount of the donation with the guest's consent.

Kumiko did not queue up immediately, but waited for a while before entering the queue with Akira Hanamiya and Mengyu.

After a moment's thought, Akira Hanamiya understood Kumiko's intention.

Not far in front of them was the team from Fengchuan Design Company.

Kumiko is behind them, which means that they will donate after Toyokawa Company and can observe the donation situation of Toyokawa Company.

Even though Toyokawa Company asked the host not to announce the amount of the donation, Kumiko could still ask her assistant to go quietly to spy - Akira Hanamiya had just noticed that there was one less person in their team.

As for the purpose of doing this, it is not difficult to guess. It is simply to observe the amount of donations from Fengchuan Company and adjust the amount on their own side to ensure that it can surpass Fengchuan Company.

It seems that donations are also part of the competition between the two companies.

"President Karasuma is very good at making money..." Hamamiya Akira muttered to himself.

He believed that a considerable part of this charity donation would eventually fall into the pockets of the Karasuma Consortium.

The final amount pocketed is naturally related to the total amount of donations.

Let Kumiko compete with Toyokawa Company in this way, no matter who wins in the end, he will definitely make a profit without losing anything.

Looking at it this way, it seems that the host has a special meaning when he "counts votes" after the guests donate.

Although displaying is voluntary in principle, others dare to display the amount of their donation openly, so why don’t you? Do you feel guilty for donating too little?

It is not ruled out that there are guests who are really low-key and don’t like to show off, but such people must be very few.

Therefore, for the sake of their own face, or considering not offending President Karasuma, the project proponent, most people will not set the lower limit of the donation amount too low regardless of whether the amount is displayed.

Those who hope to make a name for themselves or impress President Karasuma so that they may cooperate in the future will try their best to increase the upper limit of a single donation.

With such a small arrangement, the total amount of donations may even double from the original amount!

Even if someone can think of this, this is a naked conspiracy!

President Karasuma's own wealth and status are his greatest capital for doing this!

"From the small to the big, the ability of the Karasuma Consortium to attract money can be seen. No wonder it can support such a huge chain of interests of the black organization..." Yu Gongming couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After gathering his thoughts for a moment, Akira Hanamiya returned his attention to Kumiko.

How President Karasuma operates has nothing to do with him for the time being. It is serious to protect Kumiko as a client, complete the commission perfectly, and get the full commission fee.

The team moved forward slowly, and soon it was Fengchuan Company's turn.

The leader put the check into the donation box, said a few words to the host, and then took the people away. The host did not announce their identity or donation amount.

After a while, Kumiko suddenly looked down at the phone, with a smile on her lips.

Hanemiya Akira immediately understood that Kumiko's spy had already sent back the news she wanted.

Not long after, several people also came to the donation box.

Kumiko calmly put a check into the donation box, and then communicated with the staff not to publish the donation information.

After the donation was completed, several people returned to a corner of the banquet hall.

"Everyone hasn't had dinner, right? There's nothing else to do right now. You can go to the dining table to eat something first." Kumiko said with a smile.

"Thank you, president, let's go then!" Several assistants agreed and walked towards the dining table.

"If you want to eat, let's go there together with Miss Kumiko?" Akira Hanamiya said. ,

"Well! Let's go too!" Kumiko smiled.

Yu Gongming and the others came to the dining table and took some food to taste.

Yu Gongming only tasted it briefly to prevent himself from being hungry before stopping. It was not advisable to eat too much food during working hours.

While they were tasting the food, all the guests had completed their donations. The host announced that everyone could communicate freely, and then walked off the podium.

Melodious music sounded in the banquet hall, and the pre-arranged band surrounded the entire hall with beautiful melody.

After several people finished their meal, Kumiko did not do anything else. She just stood at the side of the banquet hall with a few returning assistants, as if waiting for something.

About half an hour later.

A man in a suit and ties, wearing glasses and with a gentle temperament came to a few people and bowed slightly: "Miss Kumiko, the president invites you."

Kumiko nodded slightly: "Okay, everyone, let's go."

"There is no need for so many people." The gentle man smiled and said, "The president only invited Miss Kumiko. The rest of you please stay in the banquet hall."

Kumiko suddenly showed a troubled look and looked at Hanemiya Akira: "Is it true that I can only go there alone? At least let me bring an assistant?"

The man shook his head slightly and said nothing. The meaning was self-evident.

"...Okay." Kumiko said helplessly.

"Please come with me." The gentle man raised his hand and then led Kumiko towards the inside of the banquet hall.

Finally, the two disappeared into the passage that President Karasuma had entered before.

Meng Yu frowned slightly, leaned into Yu Gongming's ear and whispered: "That President Karasuma doesn't have any evil intentions, right?"

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows slightly: "Where do you mean it is convenient?"

"A young and beautiful woman may encounter a terrible situation after being called alone to an unknown environment." Mengyu further added.

"The chance should be low." Yu Gongming understood the meaning of the dream language and shook his head: "The people from Fengchuan Company were also called away just now, and they also left alone."

"This may be some kind of habit of President Karasuma when discussing business, or it may involve some secrets. He doesn't want too many people to know. It is not directed at Miss Kumiko."

Meng Yu blinked: "Well! This makes people even more curious!"

Yu Gongming smiled: "We are just bodyguards. It is a good thing not to know some things."

"That's right." Meng Yu smiled.

The two agreed on this.

The dream language uses "curiosity" to imply whether you need to try to find out the news.

Yu Gongming pointed out the identities of his two bodyguards and believed that their current identities were not suitable for launching an investigation.

Mengyu understood what he meant and naturally gave up.

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