A few minutes later.

In the corridor, a man in a black coat fell to the ground, unconscious.

Yu Gongming searched him enthusiastically, while Meng Yu polished him off.

The progress was smoother than expected.

The small stool that flew out of the room hit the opponent's stomach directly. The huge force instantly staggered him who was unprepared and almost fell to the ground.

Akira Hanamiya took advantage of his adjustment of his body and got close to him, launching a close-quarters bunt.

Akira Hanamiya's fighting skills are already top-notch, and coupled with the mental arithmetic and unintentional calculations, there is no suspense in the situation, and Akira Hanamiya's victory ends.

"Well, let me see, two USB flash drives, three portfolios, some cash and credit cards..."

Yu Gongming took out the man's things one by one and put them aside, and finally checked them again. After confirming that nothing was missing, he clapped his hands and stood up: "That's probably it. I'll leave it all to you, and then Let’s find something to tie this guy up first, and then I’ll go up to the second floor and take a look.”

"Okay." Mengyu agreed, stuffed these things into his backpack, and then searched the house with Yu Gongming.

Not long after, they found rope and tape, bound the man in all directions and sealed his mouth.

After handing over the task of guarding the man to Meng Yu, Yu Gongming went up to the second floor.

At this time, he no longer hesitated, took out the flashlight from his backpack, and scanned the surroundings.

The first thing that catches the eye is the spacious living room. The sofa, coffee table, and TV cabinet all have signs of being turned over. Apparently the man who came up just now has checked it.

However, Yu Gongming checked again. After seeing that there were indeed no clues, he turned his attention to the passage inside the living room. The doors of several rooms at the end of the passage had also been opened.

Yu Gongming searched in order from the outside to the inside.

Nothing was found in the first two rooms, until the innermost room, he finally saw the safe located in the corner of the room.

"I found tools for opening a safe on that guy just now. I wonder if he opened the safe? Or was it that the files and USB flash drives were obtained from inside?"

Yu Gongming guessed in his mind, came to the safe and observed it for a moment, and he understood clearly.

This safe has been broken open, and the traces are very new. It must have been done by that man, and the valuable things inside may have been taken away by him.

Thinking in his heart, Yu Gongming was about to leave. When he glanced with the flashlight, his movements suddenly stopped.

"Wait a minute... was that just now?" Frowning, Yu Gongming pointed the flashlight at the floor under the safe.

After looking closer for a moment, Yu Gongming's eyes flashed slightly.

The wooden floor under the safe is not integrated with the rest of the place!

Something weird!

After changing his mind, Yu Gongming immediately moved the safe away to reveal the wooden floor underneath.



Knocking on the floor in that area and other areas respectively, Yu Gongming already knew what was going on.

He immediately took out a tool from his backpack and tried to pry open that piece of wooden floor.


With a crisp sound, a large piece of wooden floor was lifted entirely, revealing the hidden compartment below.

The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and Yu Gongming quickly opened the secret compartment and started searching.

In a moment, a hard-shell notebook and a CD appeared in his hand.

After confirming that there was nothing else in the secret compartment, Akira Yumiya covered the floor again and moved the safe back to its original position.

He continued to wander around the room, looking forward to making new discoveries.

Unfortunately, until twenty minutes later, he still had no more gains.

Yu Gongming was not disappointed. The notebook and CD alone made the trip worthwhile.

After cleaning up some traces, Yu Gongming didn't stay any longer and returned downstairs.

"How is it?" Mengyu asked in a low voice.

"It's rewarding." Yu Gongming smiled.

Meng Yu also smiled when he heard this, and then said: "Then should we leave now?"

Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "It's time to go, where is that guy?"

"I gave him another shot of anesthetic, and he's still asleep!" Mengyu replied.

"Okay, take him with you and withdraw."

The plan was decided, and the two of them quickly finished cleaning up, and climbed out through the window with the tied-up man.

Not long after, they met up with Conan who had arrived. Under Conan's leadership, they returned to the black Toyota along an uninhabited route.

"Put it into the car first." Mouri Kogoro, who was waiting by the car, greeted.

"Okay!" Yu Gongming nodded slightly, and Meng Yu stuffed the man into the back seat of the car.

After closing the car door, Akira Hanamiya came to Mouri Kogoro and asked, "What's going on with the other person now?"

"That guy woke up once before." Mouri Kogoro said calmly: "I quickly made him understand his situation and conducted a simple interrogation on him."

"What's the result?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Some gains." Mouri Kogoro replied: "According to his explanation, they were ordered to search various assets in Toyokawa to find information about a certain big shot."

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows: "Some big shot?"

Mouri Kogoro shook his head slightly: "Which big shot is that guy claiming not to know? Maybe the man you just brought back can know more specific information."

Yu Gongming narrowed his eyes slightly: "The people behind them have serious intentions... By the way, did he say whose order he was following?"

"He said he didn't know." Mouri Kogoro replied: "He belongs to the same small gang as the one just now. This gang has been working for a big shot for a long time. As for the specific identity of this big shot, only their boss knows."

"Isn't this pure nonsense?" Meng Yu said disdainfully: "If it really involves information about important people, how can it be passed off as an outsider?"

"Mixing truth with falsehood is indeed a technique for dealing with interrogations." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"Although this place is relatively remote, it is not safe enough after all, and I can't force him too much. Therefore, I have not exposed his lies for the time being." Mouri Kogoro also said.

"Well, for more information, we may have to look for things found in Toyokawa's house." Hanemiya Akira said calmly.

"By the way." Conan also came over at some point, looked at Mengyu and said, "Have you found any other properties in Fengchuan?"

"Well, it has been found that he has a total of three properties in Tokyo. In addition to the current villa, the other two properties are secret properties. They were purchased with a forged identity and in the name of others."

Conan nodded slightly and asked, "Do we want to go to these places?"

"I will definitely go," Yu Gongming replied.

After a pause, he looked inside the car: "It's just that we have to deal with these two people first."

"Let's see, we divide our troops into two groups." Mouri Kogoro said; "I will take charge of these two people, while you rush to the other two houses in Toyokawa."

As he said that, he handed a bunch of car keys to Yu Gongming: "For transportation, use the car of these two guys. Just be careful not to leave any traces of yourself."

Yu Gongming pondered for a while and nodded: "Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

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