Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1730 New Gains and Perceptions

The trouble is right above the door!

When the flashlight shined on the wall above the door and saw that there was obviously one less layer of dust, Yu Gongming became more and more sure of this.

The door of this apartment was not very high. Yu Gongming came closer and easily reached the wall with his hand.

Boom, boom, boom!

After a while of beating, Yu Gongming discovered something unusual.

After pressing lightly on a certain area, a rectangular depression suddenly appeared on the originally seamless wall.

The next moment, the depression turned into a protrusion. Yu Gongming pulled on the edge, and the protrusion was opened like a small cabinet.

Yumiya Ming reached inside and took out his hand. When he took his hand back, there was a CD in his hand.

"Only this?" Mengyu asked.

"Well, there is only this CD." Yu Gongming nodded slightly. He was not disappointed. Although there were few things, they were hidden so secretly that the contents inside must be the essence.

"We got the things, let's leave quickly." Mengyu reminded.

"Okay." Yu Gongming also thought that there should be nothing valuable here, and it was really time to leave. ,

"Hey! Be careful! A gray car just parked under the apartment building, and the people who got out don't seem to be kind." Conan's voice suddenly came from the communicator.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu's expressions suddenly became solemn.

The two of them no longer hesitated and immediately destroyed the traces they left as quickly as possible, then opened the door and walked out quickly.

"Go upstairs." Yu Gongming said solemnly.

"Yes!" Mengyu responded softly, without asking any more questions. The two of them immediately walked upstairs, controlling their steps and keeping their voices as quiet as possible.

In a moment, the two of them arrived at the seventh floor - also the top floor of the apartment.

After pushing open the door to the rooftop in front of them and stepping in, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Should we hide here first? Or should we go directly along the outer wall of the apartment?" Meng Yu asked in a low voice.

With their equipment and their own skills, it is not difficult to climb down.

Akira Hanomiya pondered slightly and contacted Conan: "How is our car?"

"Everything is as usual, it should not have been noticed." Conan quickly replied.

"I know." Yu Gongming responded, and then looked at Meng Yu: "Let's go down directly to avoid a long night and many dreams."

"Okay! Let's observe where to go from here first." Meng Yu trusted Yu Gongming's judgment very much, and without asking any more questions, she directly considered the action plan.

Afterwards, the two came to the edge of the rooftop and observed for a while.

"Let's go from here. There is an alley below and there are no lights. As long as we don't shine the flashlight directly, we won't be found." Mengyu suggested.

Hearing this, Yu Gongming came to her side and looked down.

The situation is exactly as the dream language said.

"Then let's go this way!" Yu Gongming immediately agreed.

After a short while, the two of them lowered the hook lock. After confirming that it was firm, they turned over and slid down.



Yu Gongming stepped on the outer wall, jumped lightly, and landed smoothly.

Turning his head slightly, Mengyu was not much slower than him, landing equally safely.

After putting away the hook lock, the two of them were not in a hurry to go out, but observed the surrounding situation.

They were currently in an alleyway, and from this angle, they could see a gray car parked in front of the apartment.

This car didn't exist when they went up before, so it seemed to be the one Conan was talking about.

Yu Gongming contacted Conan and asked in a low voice: "Is there anyone else in that car?"

"Two people got out from the passenger seat and the back seat of the car. There should be someone else in the driver's seat," Conan replied.

"I know." Yu Gongming suddenly had some concerns in his heart, and he and Meng Yu walked in the opposite direction.

After cautiously going around in a large circle, Akira Hanomiya returned to the black Mazda from another direction.

Conan also emerged from the hidden corner: "You are finally back!"

"Well, without further ado, let's go to the next place." Yu Gongming said solemnly.

"Don't you need to worry about those guys?" Mengyu asked.

Yu Gongming shook his head slightly: "No, no matter what their identity is, our goal is always intelligence, we must seize the time."

Meng Yu also showed a look of surprise when he heard the words and said no more.

The three of them quickly got in the car and set off again.

Half an hour later.

Yu Gongming frowned at the figures that sneaked out of a villa, turned around silently, and returned to the car.

"What's going on?" Conan asked.

Yu Gongming sighed: "We are a step late, someone has already arrived first."

Conan also frowned when he heard this: "He moves really fast..."

"How about we wait until they leave and then go in and search?" Meng Yu suggested.

Yu Gongming touched his chin, thought for a while, and shook his head slightly: "Let's forget it. The people in the apartment have already discovered that someone got there first. They may not notify this place. Who knows how they will respond?"

"What if they just evacuated on the surface but actually left someone to keep an eye on them or even set up traps in the house, that would be troublesome."

Conan's expression was a little reluctant when he heard this, but he nodded in agreement: "Yes, we are in a hurry today, so let's not take risks."

"Then withdraw." Seeing that the two famous detectives had reached an agreement, Mengyu naturally stopped singing the opposite tune.

Not long after, the black Mazda drove away from the place.

ten minutes later.

"Hey! Hanomiya, that car behind you!" Conan suddenly said.

"I saw it." Yu Gongming looked through the rearview mirror at a white BMW not far behind their car and replied calmly.

He had already spotted the car not long after he started driving. After turning three intersections and changing speed several times, he found that the car was still hanging in the back not too far away. Akira Hanamiya had already confirmed that there was a problem.

Conan's eyes narrowed slightly: "Their reaction was faster than we expected. In addition to the people you saw, they probably also arranged for people to monitor the surroundings, and then they focused on us who arrived nearby."

"Fortunately, Conan didn't get out of the car, and A Ming also had a disguise, otherwise it would have been even more troublesome." Meng Yu said happily.

"Let's find a way to deal with them first." Yu Gongming said, but still maintained the original speed and did not act rashly.

For a moment, when we are about to reach a certain intersection.

"Sit tight!" Akira Hanomiya reminded the Kudo siblings. He turned the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator. The speed of the black Mazda suddenly increased, and it drifted directly to the right!

And less than twenty meters away, there is another fork in the road!

The black Mazda arrived in a moment, and Akira Hanomiya drifted beautifully again and turned into another road.

Through the rearview mirror, Yu Miyazaki could see the white BMW also speeding up to catch up, but their reaction was slower after all.

When they also turned into this road, they were already more than a hundred meters away from Yu Gongming.

And this more than 100 meters is enough for Yu Gongming to take further action.

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