Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1742 Conversation and Monitoring

At eight o'clock in the evening, opposite the Rice Krispies Restaurant, Rost Cafe.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu stepped into the store together. With a quick glance, they quickly found their target.

Afterwards, the two came to the booth where the other party was, and Akira Hanomiya asked with a tentative tone: "Doctor Oda?"

"Is it me, Detective Hanomiya?" Dr. Oda also confirmed.

"Hello." Yu Gongming nodded slightly, and then introduced: "This is my assistant Meng Yu."

Dr. Oda smiled: "I have heard your names for a long time, but now that I have seen them, they are even more famous after meeting you!"

"You're exaggerating, you're just making a living." Since the other party gave him face like this, Yu Gongming naturally didn't show any attitude.

After exchanging pleasantries and symbolically ordering a few things, Dr. Oda seemed to decide to get down to business and said, "Detective Hanomiya, I already knew your purpose over the phone. What do you want to ask me?"

"That's right. I would like to ask, did Dr. Oda find anything abnormal when he was rescuing my father?"

"Abnormal?" Doctor Oda frowned slightly: "Detective Hanomiya, what do you mean?"

Yu Gongming replied: "From your professional perspective, is there anything strange about my father's condition at that time compared with a normal heart attack?"

"Well..." Dr. Oda looked thoughtful. After a moment, he shook his head apologetically: "Sorry, too much time has passed. I can't remember the details of the rescue at that time."

"I understand." Yu Gongming said calmly, and then took out a stack of A4 papers from his backpack: "This is the diagnosis report and death confirmation at that time. Please take a look at it, maybe you can recall something."

Doctor Oda looked at the materials pushed in front of him, his expression suddenly became a little subtle.

You really came prepared!

After hesitating for two seconds, he finally took the information and started to read it.

After a moment, he shook his head slightly: "Based on the data and analysis presented above, your father's various symptoms are indeed consistent with the characteristics of a heart attack. Even if the physical data fluctuates, they are still within the normal range. Inside."

"But my father has no history of heart disease before." Yu Gongming said with a slightly serious tone.

"This doesn't mean anything." Dr. Oda replied: "In fact, heart disease is just a general term that includes many specific diseases, and the onset characteristics of each disease are also different."

"To take the simplest example, if you stay up late continuously, it will increase the probability of acute myocardial infarction and eventually lead to sudden death. Suppose, I mean suppose, that your father-in-law has been working too hard recently, and there is a big possibility of inducing a heart attack. sickness."

Akira Hanomiya was silent for a while, then nodded slightly: "I understand, thank you Dr. Oda for your answer."

Dr. Oda smiled lightly: "You're welcome, Detective Hanomiya, do you have anything else to ask?"

Yu Gongming pondered for a while and said: "Before my father passed away, was he conscious during a period of time, and did he say anything?"

Dr. Oda shook his head slightly: "Mr. Hamiya did have a period of consciousness and did say some words, but I had already relayed these to Detective Hamiya when you came to the hospital last time to get the diagnosis certificate and death confirmation. ”

"It's been so long now, I'm afraid the things I remember may not be as clear as you, Detective Hanomiya."

"That's it, I understand." Yu Gongming nodded calmly: "Then I have no problem. I'm sorry for wasting your time."

"It doesn't matter." Dr. Oda shook his head slightly: "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Okay, the book will be delivered not far away." Yu Gongming didn't try to persuade him to stay.

Dr. Oda nodded to the two of them, then picked up his pocket bag, got up and left.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu looked at each other, and after finishing what they ordered in front of them, they also got up and left.

After leaving the coffee shop, the two of them wandered around like an ordinary couple and walked along a few streets before stopping.

"Make sure no one is following you." Yu Gongming whispered.

"We don't have much on us." Meng Yu also said.

"Where is Conan?"

"He has been following us. I asked him to speed up and join us." Mengyu said, immediately contacting Conan.

Not long after, Conan's figure appeared in their sight.

"How is it?" Yu Gongming asked.

Conan gently pressed the frame of his glasses, and a satellite image suddenly appeared on the lens of his right eye.

"The equipment is running normally, he probably didn't notice it."

In the coffee shop just now, it seemed that Dr. Oda arrived at the coffee shop ahead of Akira and Hanomiya. In fact, Conan, who had disguised himself, had already entered the coffee shop first and witnessed Dr. Oda entering the coffee shop with his own eyes. The whole process of finding a booth and sitting down.

Dr. Oda, who arrived later, naturally didn't pay attention to the child sitting in the seat behind him.

After the arrival of Akira and Hanomiya, Dr. Oda's attention was naturally attracted to them.

Akira Hanomiya's subsequent series of questions, including asking Dr. Oda to check the information, were all designed to further divert the other party's attention.

Conan, on the other hand, took this opportunity to attach a device disguised as a sticker to the bag placed behind Dr. Oda.

In order to reduce the chance of being discovered, they specially prepared the appearance of several colors and chose which one to use based on the actual situation.

"Looking at the speed of position movement, he should be driving." Conan further added.

"Well..." Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "Let's go back as soon as possible. Conan, please continue to pay attention to the situation over there."



Yumiya Detective Agency, in Mengyu's room.

"There's a reaction!" Conan said.

"Got it!" Mengyu agreed, tapping the keyboard with her fingers deftly.

After a while.

"The signal has been successfully captured!" Mengyu said.

Hearing this, Yu Gongming and Conan both smiled.

It seems that their preparations have paid off.

In their imagination, after Akira Hanomiya's specious inquiry, Dr. Oda would most likely confirm the situation there.

If he was using the phone whose number Yu Gongming already knew, then things would be simple. Meng Yu could just hack in.

But if he uses another mobile phone, or even an anti-monitoring satellite phone, then even with Mengyu's technology, it is impossible to complete monitoring only through remote means, and some auxiliary tools are needed.

The sticker Conan put on it is such an auxiliary tool.

It is not only a transmitter, but also an anchor point. Dream Whisper uses this as a springboard to monitor abnormal signals received and sent out around it.

Hence, the current results are achieved.

Yu Gongming took the headphones from Mengyu and put them on his head.

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