Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1746 The truth about fake death

Upon hearing Director Baima's question, the middle-aged man was silent for two seconds and replied: "Yes, I have received the news."

"This matter is originally your family matter. Logically speaking, I shouldn't interfere..."

After a pause, Director Baima continued: "But you also know that this is related to our previous arrangements. I will not interfere in the investigation, but I hope you will take it seriously."

"I understand." The middle-aged man replied calmly: "Since I made that decision at that time, I will naturally not waver now."

"Yes." Director Baima responded softly: "Please be patient for a while longer. We have been very lucky recently and have obtained many key cards."

"It won't take long before your long-term mission is completed. At that time, I can give you the right to choose to leave."

The middle-aged man's expression suddenly changed.

The so-called leaving naturally refers to leaving [Shadow].

It's not a temporary vacation, but a real time to shed your shadow identity and return to normal life!

The director's promise is quite reliable, and they are not an underground organization with no bottom line.

Over the years, old people have left and new people have been added.

And many of those who left are still living well until now.

It's impossible to say that he doesn't have any thoughts in his heart, but the middle-aged man has been through experience and training after all, and with a calm expression on his face, he replied in a half-joking tone:

"I'm used to my current life. It doesn't matter to me whether I come back or not. Let's wait until the mission is completed."

"Okay, let's talk about it then. No matter what decision you make, I will definitely respect it." Director Baima said with a smile.

After the two exchanged a few words, the call ended.

The middle-aged man exhaled slowly and looked at the information again.

Although the director's call was a bit unexpected, there was no need to pay too much attention.

This phone call, in detail, had no substantive content. Without going into detail, it can be understood as a work inspection by the boss on the subordinates.

Of course, there is also some reminder and knocking in it.

He understands this, after all, Yu Gongming's sudden awareness is indeed a big accident, and it may affect the plan, and it also involves him, the person in charge of the shadow.

Yes, the middle-aged man is the leader of the shadows - Shadow One!

And his other identity is none other than Ha Gong Akira's [late] father - Ha Miya Teru!

Frankly speaking, it was not easy to fake death at first.

Not only must people believe that he is really dead, but also he must ensure that Black Sakura will not endanger the people he cares about after his death. He thought about this for a long time, but never came up with a suitable plan.

Until a piece of information appeared, his thinking suddenly became clear!

Another undercover agent investigated and discovered that the reason why his identity was suspected was not because of any clues that Black Sakura had actually caught, but because of a complete frame-up!

It was another senior member of Black Sakura who coveted his position in Black Sakura, so they gathered evidence that he was a police undercover agent.

In this way, the nature of this matter changed from internal picketing to internal fighting of mutual criticism!

And it’s not uncommon for both parties to suffer from internal fighting.

As long as he and the person who targeted him died together, and the higher-ups were aware of the fact of their internal strife, they would naturally not feel there was a problem with their identities, and would not spend any effort to target the people he cared about.

With the idea in mind, and after some discussion with several colleagues who were also lurking in Black Sakura, they finally made a plan.

Try to get the guy who is targeting you to hand over the task of killing you to his companions, while on your side, you will cooperate with other companions to strike first and kill that guy!

On his side, he simultaneously carried out [suspended death] to create the illusion that both sides would lose.

Finally, another of their companions, who also had a high status, deliberately left clues and pretended to be a snipe and a clam fighting. The fisherman who benefited took over the power they left after they both died. Blank, fill in the last holes.

Black Sakura originally adheres to the philosophy of survival of the fittest and the law of the jungle. Although members are prohibited from killing each other in principle, principles are just principles after all.

As long as you can show enough ability and have the ability to kill your superiors without getting caught, the higher-ups won't mind giving you a status commensurate with your abilities.

And they, while demonstrating their abilities, deliberately left clues.

In this way, it will give the top management of Black Sakura the illusion that the situation is under control, further reducing their vigilance.

Such a layer-by-layer design, interlocking with each other, pays off, and the execution is very smooth.

In the end, Black Sakura only received a carefully designed investigation result, and the top management did not delve into it. They just regarded it as another change of power at the middle and grassroots levels.

Not only did it not embarrass the [Fisherman], it even gave him greater power, giving him access to more top-secret information about Black Sakura.

The plan was an unexpected success!

But now, what was supposed to be a perfect ending back then has been noticed to be abnormal!

Even if it was his son who noticed it, who knows where he got the information?

Therefore, he fully understood why the director wanted to remind him of this veteran agent who had obviously experienced many battles.

He was also very concerned about this matter, and in a short period of time, he found out the details of the two people in the dessert shop downstairs from Yu Gongming.

In fact, he has always suspected that it was Mouri Kogoro who gave Hanomiya Akira clues. He didn't mention it directly, but at least he gave a hint.

He also called and asked Maori Kogoro, but Maori showed an attitude of not knowing anything.

With Mao Li's acting skills of pretending to be crazy and acting stupid for ten years, he couldn't tell whether Mao Li was lying.

But he believed in Maori's professionalism, and even if it was revealed by him, it would not be without reason.

The most likely possibility is that Hanamiya Akira himself has noticed something. Perhaps Mouri Kogoro was worried that he would encounter danger during the investigation, so he gave Hanamiya Akira a direct tip.

Therefore, compared to Moori Kogoro, Hanamiya Akira is the focus of his investigation.

Neither Hamamiya Akira himself nor the Hamamiya Detective Agency need to investigate. He has checked the agency many times and it is impossible to leave any pointing clues.

Therefore, we can only start investigating from the people who Akira Hanamiya came into contact with after his [death].

Those who only have a brief encounter due to commissions can be put aside for the time being. Such people basically have no ability and no motivation to tell Yu Gongming any clues.

Among those who have been in contact for a long time, Xiaolan and Mouri Kogoro needless to say. Although Conan's identity is doubtful, he has Moori Kogoro's endorsement, and after all, he is just a child, so he will naturally not care too much.

Then there is Dream Talk, Dr. Ali. Xiao Ai and these people, the first two have innocent backgrounds and have no reason to know such secrets. Xiao Ai's identity is also doubtful, but the situation is the same as Conan. He doesn't think Yu Gongming can get clues from such a child. .

Therefore, he finally focused on Harumi Yasuda, who has an American background, and Toru Amuro, an undercover police officer.

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