Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1749 Finalized

The next afternoon, Conan came to Hanomiya Residence again.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu were already waiting in the living room. Meng Yu even placed a lemon pie on the side near Conan.

"Thank you for your hard work. Let's chat while eating?" Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Thanks!" Conan was not polite, jumped directly to the sofa and sat down, picked up a piece of lemon pie and tasted it.

"What did Uncle Mouri say?" Hanemiya Akira didn't ask Conan whether he had already communicated with Mouri Kogoro. His people had already explained the answer when they appeared here.

"That's good news." Conan swallowed the lemon pie in his mouth and replied: "Uncle made it clear that asking the [mysterious force] to investigate was not the director's instruction, but your father's suggestion for personal reasons."

"After getting the results later, he will also ask you to hand them to him directly through Uncle Maori without going through any third party."

Yu Gongming nodded slightly; "It seems that our previous guess was basically correct."

Conan hummed and continued: "He also said that if we really make a decision, he can help pull the strings."

"That's great!" Meng Yu said with a smile: "In that case, how about just finding a place to meet?"

"Yes! You can consider it." Yu Gongming doesn't have much objection to this. Both parties will have concerns about remote communication. Apart from anything else, it takes a lot of effort just to confirm the identity, and there will be reservations during the conversation. Conducive to the exchange of information.

"Then just invite uncle and Xiaolan out for dinner today and discuss it." Conan suggested.

Yu Gongming nodded: "Okay, you can ask uncle if he has time now. Once confirmed, I will book a private room."

Conan didn't waste any time. He immediately made a call and communicated with Mouri Kogoro for a while. After a while, he hung up the phone: "Uncle said everything will be fine tonight."

"Okay." Yu Gong understood clearly and immediately called to book a private room at the Rice Flower Hotel.


Rice Flower Hotel, in the private room on the third floor.

As he put a big lobster into the bowl, Yu Gongming said: "Uncle Maori, we don't have many requirements for this meeting. First, we must confirm that the identity of the person meeting is indeed my father; second, we The only one I want to see is him, I don’t want anyone else to show up or know.”

"He and I will try our best." Mouri Kogoro agreed without much hesitation: "I think this is also what he expects."

"In addition, the time, place, and process of the meeting are all arranged by us. This should be okay, right?" Akira Hanamiya continued.

"I can also agree to this for him." Mouri Kogoro was still cheerful.

Akira Hanomiya's eyes flashed slightly. Judging from Mouri Kogoro's attitude, he must have been angry with his father before.

"In that case, let's discuss the specific details." Yumiya Akira immediately took the topic to the next stage.

At this stage, it is not just a separate conversation between Akira Hanamiya and Kogoro Mouri. Conan, Mengyu, and even Xiaolan are all actively contributing their opinions.

When there were only scraps of food on the table, everyone also finalized the details.

Yu Gongming gently rubbed the center of his eyebrows and sighed: "Obviously it is his father who is meeting him, but yet he is putting so much effort into it. Let me ask you, uncle, why did you think of joining the shadows in the first place?"

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro spread his hands helplessly: "I was young and energetic at the time, but I acted with passion and a sense of justice, and I didn't worry too much."

After a pause, he continued: "However, even now, I do not regret this decision. Although we people cannot stand on the stage, the director has never forgotten the original intention of bringing us together in the first place."

"We are not a knife for him to achieve his personal goals, but we are truly removing unstable factors from this society, ensuring social stability and stability, and trying not to implicate innocent people in our actions."

When Mouri Kogoro said this, his tone was sonorous and powerful, and his chest rose up unconsciously, fully demonstrating his certainty in everything he said.

But the next moment, his body slumped slightly, his eyes turned slightly, looked in Xiaolan's direction, and said in a slightly lower voice, "It's just that I have been somewhat sorry for Yingli and Xiaolan these years."

"Dad..." When Xiaolan heard this, the expression on her face was a bit complicated. She had mixed feelings for a while and didn't know what to say.

"Uncle, you can't do such a dangerous thing for the rest of your life, right?" Conan said, "If you are willing, can you quit?"

"At least make sure that all the tasks on hand are completed." Mouri Kogoro replied.

"Uncle, the task on your hand should be Black Sakura, right?" Hanemiya Akira confirmed.

Mouri Kogoro glanced at Conan: "Thanks to you, there is now another black organization."

"Uh..." Conan naturally noticed Mouri Kogoro's gaze, and his expression suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Meng Yu curled her lips: "In the final analysis, weren't these two underground organizations the first to get involved?"

Mouri Kogoro snorted: "Even so, if you guys weren't so capable of causing trouble, we wouldn't necessarily be entangled with the black organization, right?"

"So it's Conan's problem, right? Isn't the source of this matter that he abandoned his girlfriend and went after gin and vodka?" Akira Hanomiya immediately pointed the finger at Conan.

Conan Maha Miyaaki stopped playing like this: "It was the first time I contacted the director, but you encouraged me to make a phone call and report a false police report!"

Hearing this, Yu Gongming was not to be outdone: "Tch! It's not that you have caused too much trouble. Just say, if we didn't get on the line with the director, how could we alone have caused such a big trouble to the organization?"

"Okay, okay!" Mouri Kogoro waved his hand: "You are all half-weighted. Big brother, don't laugh at the second brother!"

Yu Gongming coughed lightly: "No matter what, it is true that it has caused trouble for uncle. If uncle needs help in the future, just tell us. As long as it is within the scope of our ability, we will never refuse!"

Mouri Kogoro snorted: "You have some conscience!"

He stood up randomly: "Okay, if there is nothing else, let's leave. I will convey the relevant information to the other side."

"Then I'll trouble you, uncle!" Yu Gongming bowed slightly.

Afterwards, everyone left the box and left the Rice Krispies Restaurant. Mengyu and Xiaolan planned to go shopping in the nearby commercial street, and Yu Gongming and Conan accompanied them.

As for Mouri Kogoro, he went back first on the grounds that he wanted to go back to watch Okino Yoko's TV series.

Yu Gongming and others didn't stop much and headed towards the nearby commercial street.

After that, they didn't do anything else. They walked peacefully for more than two hours and bought some clothes and snacks. They didn't go home until 11 o'clock in the evening.

After closing the door, Yu Gongming let out a breath: "Fortunately, no one was following me along the way. Uncle's information should be trustworthy."

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