"Assassinate the boss?" Meng Yu clicked her tongue twice: "She really dares to think about it."

"It might just be her excuse, but it's also a pretty reasonable excuse." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"What do you mean? Do you want to take Wakasa with you?" Conan asked.

"Let her come with us." Akira Hanomiya said without much hesitation: "Since she came to you, she has already made up her mind to go to Tottori. In this case, it is better to keep her in our sight, so as not to It only increases variables.”

"Okay, then I will reply to her tomorrow." Conan nodded.

Akira Hanamiya pondered for a while and looked at Conan: "Remember to ask the doctor to help you modify your sneakers and belt, so that they won't become unwearable when the time comes."

"Yes! I will contact the doctor for help later!" Conan responded.

After confirming that there was nothing else, Akira Hanomiya sent Conan away.

"You have to work hard these two days to collect some news from Tottori." Yu Gongming said to Meng Yu.

"No problem!" Meng Yu nodded.

Afterwards, the two of them took a shower and took a rest.


The next morning, beside a road in Tokyo.

Toru Amuro glanced at her phone, then compared the model and license plate of the Mazda in front of her. After hesitating for two seconds, she opened the door and got into the back seat.

Inside the car, the front row was completely blocked by the baffle and the windows were completely closed.

There were already two people sitting on the seat. One of them was Yu Gongming, whom he had just met yesterday, and the other was wearing a black robe and a mask covering his face.

This outfit, which had a sense of familiarity, instantly made Toru Amuro have countless guesses in his mind.

As Toru Amuro entered, the car started to move and left the spot shortly after.

"Good morning, Mr. Amuro!" Akira Hanamiya greeted with a smile.

Hearing this, Toru Amuro also had a smile on his lips: "I didn't expect you, Detective Hanomiya, to come too... Or should I call you sir instead of detective now?"

"I can't afford it." Yu Gongming smiled and waved his hand: "I am here just to ensure that the connection between you is smooth enough and there will be no misunderstandings."

He raised his hand slightly and signaled to the man in black robe sitting on the other side of him: "This is your future contact person."

The man in black robe nodded slightly to Toru Amuro, and then handed over a file bag: "This is your file and transfer order. Check it yourself. If there are no problems, we will re-seal the file."

Toru Amuro silently took the file, looked at the seal with the official seal of the National Police Agency, took a deep breath, opened the file bag, and took out the paper materials inside.

For a moment, the only sound in the car was the sound of Toru Amuro flipping papers.

Neither Hamamiya Akira nor the man in black robe urged, and waited patiently for Toru Amuro to read the file.

Toru Amuro silently looked at each piece of information, and the last trace of doubt in his heart was gradually eliminated.

Many of the information inside were put in by him personally when he was preparing to go undercover. He specially marked some of the information, making it very difficult to forge.

And if you have the ability to forge, there is no need to deceive him in this way.

Ten minutes later, he put the materials back into the file bag in order and handed it back to the man in black: "There is no problem with the file."

The man in black robe put away the file and looked at him calmly: "You can call me Yingyi."

"Just call me Bourbon when you contact me. This is my code name within the organization." Toru Amuro replied.

"Yes." Kageichi responded calmly, and then handed a mobile phone sealed in a transparent evidence bag, which was no different from a commonly used smartphone on the market, to Toru Amuro: "This is a mobile phone for contact, and several records are recorded in it. available contact information, and some emergency plans.”

Toru Amuro took the phone and solemnly replied: "I will keep it safe."

"Then it's your mission to Tottori this time." Kageichi continued to speak, and Toru Amuro's heart also shivered, and his expression became more focused.

"First; if conditions permit, investigate the whereabouts of Kuroda Hei and Kazami Yuya, and find out the causes and consequences of their disappearance; second, try to understand the deployment and plans of the black organization in Tottori as much as possible, and provide obstacles if necessary and destruction; thirdly; cooperate with the actions of the special operations team, and specific matters will be notified separately based on the actual situation."

As soon as Ying said this, he stopped talking.

Toru Amuro quickly went over the mission that Yingyi just mentioned in his mind, and nodded slightly: "I will remember it. If I find any important information later, I will report it in time."

"Very good! Do you have any questions?" Ying Yi asked.

Toru Amuro hesitated for a while and asked: "Is this operation only aimed at the disappearance of Chief Kuroda and Kazami?"

"Not exactly." Ying Yi replied briefly.

"I understand." A flash of realization flashed in Toru Amuro's eyes: "I have no problem."

"Then you can leave." Ying Yi said calmly, and the car stopped at the right time.

"Yes!" Toru Amuro saluted, opened the car door and walked out, gradually disappearing from the sight of Akira Hanomiya and Kageichi.

At this time, the front baffle was pulled open, revealing Mouri Kogoro in a certain disguise in the driver's seat.

"Is it done?" he asked.

"Well, it went quite smoothly. He still understands the rules and knows what to ask and what not to ask." Haguang Hui said calmly.

He looked at Yu Gongming again and said, "After this time, you don't have to worry about the police trying to trick you again."

"Thank you both for your cooperation!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Naturally, he didn't come here just to join in the fun - of course, he was indeed quite curious about Tohru Amuro's reaction.

But more importantly, it further strengthened the impression that he was completely bound to the police.

If Toru Amuro was notified yesterday, there might still be the possibility of bluffing and using information gaps to mislead, then today's meeting has minimized this possibility.

That file is enough to prove the identity of the contact person and the authenticity of the order. And Akira Hanomiya, who can participate in the connection between the undercover agent and the contact person, can he not be a member of the police?

As long as Toru Amuro comes to this conclusion, many of the previous things will have reasonable explanations, and this is an explanation that Toru Amuro has to accept.

Otherwise, should we continue to investigate a guy who is backed by a big boss who can quickly transfer his position?

Stop making trouble, even if Kuroda comes, he may not have the courage.

This is what Yu Gongming wants.

"The goal has been achieved, it's time for you to go back," Haguang Teru's voice slowed down slightly: "We will leave for Tottori tomorrow. You don't have to worry. Go there when you are ready."

Yu Gongming could feel the concern in the other person's tone and nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, we must be careful."

"Well, let's go." Yu Gonghui patted Yu Gongming on the shoulder, indicating that he could get out of the car.

"Take care, too." Yu Gongming nodded slightly in greeting, then got out of the car and left.

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