Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 176 The client brought by Xiaolan

Yu Gongming tried hard to control his expression and slowly opened the door.

"Eh? Is it you?" Yu Gongming looked at Xiaolan outside the door in surprise, and Conan standing next to Xiaolan.

"Sorry for disturbing you, Hanomiya-senpai!" Xiaolan smiled sheepishly.

"You guys come in first." Yu Gongming stepped aside.

Xiaolan and Conan changed into slippers and came to the living room with Yu Gongming.

"Eh? Sister Mengyu is here too, and this floor...were you cleaning just now?" Conan said in surprise.

"Yes, from morning until now, I just finished cleaning up." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"What did you come to see me for?" Yu Gongming asked.

When Xiaolan heard this, she looked a little hesitant. After hesitating for a moment, she finally spoke:

"It's like this. A client came to the Maori Detective Agency today and wanted to entrust my father to investigate something. However, my father is still in hospital and there is no way to accept the entrustment, so I brought the client to see him. Hanomiya-senpai."

Yu Gongming was stunned when he heard this, and then asked curiously: "Even if my uncle is hospitalized and unable to accept the commission, there is no need for you to bring the client to me in person, right?"

"Because Meng Yu mentioned to me before that you have to clean up today and the detective agency is closed. I was afraid that Senior Hanomiya wouldn't accept the commission, so I came with him." Xiao Lan said a little embarrassedly.

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows: "Is there anything special about this client? That makes you so interested in Xiaolan?"

"This client was introduced by Aunt Yingli. He seems to be a friend of Aunt Yingli." Conan said.

"Huh? The client introduced by Aunt Yingli to Uncle Maori..." Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows and suddenly looked at Xiaolan meaningfully:

"Xiaolan, Aunt Yingli suddenly introduced the client to Uncle Maori, you must have played a big role, right?

When Xiaolan heard this, her face turned slightly red and she whispered: "As expected of Hanomiya-senpai, I saw through it right away."

"You should have mentioned this to Aunt Yingli before Uncle Maori was hospitalized, right? Otherwise, if you knew Uncle Maori couldn't accept the commission, why would you have mentioned it to Aunt Yingli?" Hanemiya Ming said with a smile.

"Yes, this is what happened two days before my father was hospitalized. At that time, my mother's attitude was still indifferent. I thought she had refused, so I didn't take it to heart. Who knew that today a person who claimed to be my mother The introduced client came to the office..." Xiaolan explained.

"So, in order to save Aunt Yingli's face, you brought the client to me?"

"Well! After all, if Senior Hanomiya takes action, he will definitely be able to complete the commission. Then it will be easier for mom to explain." Xiaolan lowered her head, feeling more and more embarrassed.

"What specific matter does the client want to investigate?" Yu Gongming asked.

"I didn't ask about this. The client is downstairs right now. If it's inconvenient for Senior Hanomiya, I will go and explain to the client now," Xiaolan said.

Yu Gongming waved his hands and said with a smile: "No problem, how can any detective dislike being entrusted to visit? After all, I have to thank Xiaolan for introducing clients to me!"

"So, Senior Hanomiya, you agreed to help?" Xiaolan's eyes lit up.

"Well, wait a minute. I'll change my clothes first. Xiaolan, help me open the door of the office." Yu Gongming said and handed a bunch of keys to Xiaolan.

"Okay! I'm really sorry for bothering you, Senior Hanomiya!" Xiaolan took the key, thanked her, and turned around to leave.

"In that case, I'll go home and change my clothes first. If you want to go out later, remember to call me." Meng Yu said.

After a week of peaceful life, she became a little restless and restless.

"Okay, if it's that kind of commission to find someone and find something, I won't notify you." Yu Gongming said

"OK!" Meng Yu nodded slightly, then stood up and left.

Akira Hanomiya and Conan were the only two people left in the living room.

"Why did you come with me?" Yu Gongming asked doubtfully.

"With my uncle's current reputation, the case introduced by Aunt Yingli should not be simple. I am still very interested." Conan said with a smile.

"Okay!" Yu Gongming shrugged, not surprised by the answer, and then went back to the room to change clothes.


On the second floor of Yumiya's residence, the reception room of the office.

Yu Gongming and the client sat opposite each other, while Xiaolan and Conan stood aside to listen.

The client calls herself Nine-nine Seven Megumi, and she is here to commission an investigation into the death of her husband Nine-Nine Yuan Yasu.

"Eh? Ninety-nine Yuankang, is he the genius magician who passed away recently?" Xiaolan said in surprise.

"Yes, that's my husband."

"I see, I remember that when we were kids, Shinichi and I took pictures with Mr. Yasu Kujiumoto!" Xiaolan said suddenly.

"Yes, I also met Lawyer Fei because of that encounter." Jiujiaqi Hui said with a smile.

"Since I am Aunt Yingli's friend, I should try my best to help. So, Ms. Ninety-nine, you asked me to investigate your husband's death. Was he murdered?" Akira Yunomiya asked.

"No, after investigation, the police believed that he committed suicide." Kujiu Qihui shook his head.

"Do you have any doubts about the police's conclusion?" Yu Gongming frowned.

"Yes." Kujiu Qihui's expression was a little gloomy:

"Because tomorrow is our baby daughter Fumino's birthday, my husband prepared the gift a month ago. He is looking forward to this day very much and hopes to give the gift to his daughter with his own hands."

"My daughter's birthday is coming soon. I really can't understand why he would commit suicide. Besides..." Kujiu Qihui took out two playing cards stuck together from her bag:

"It was found on the table next to my husband's body."

Yu Gongming took the playing cards, turned them over and observed them for a while.

These are two playing cards with their backs glued together. The exposed fronts are the Ace of Spades and the Jack of Spades.

"Is there anything special about this card?" Yu Gongming asked.

"The police had separated this playing card before, and there was nothing on the back. In order to restore the case as much as possible, I glued it back together."

"My husband hasn't performed magic tricks with playing cards in the past ten years. It's really unusual for playing cards to appear next to his body." Nine Nine Nine Hui explained.

"Hmm... It's indeed very suspicious. Then please ask Ms. Ninety-nine to describe the general case." Hanemiya Ming said.

"Okay!" Jiujiu Qihui nodded:

"That day, several of his students and I went to the Rice Krispies Restaurant to perform magic tricks for the guests. Fumino also went to watch. My husband stayed at home alone."

"But when we got home, I couldn't find my husband anywhere, so I ended up in the basement where he usually works..."

Ninety-nine-seven Hui showed a look of pain:

"As soon as I opened the basement door, I saw my husband lying on the ground with a ferocious expression, and his body was already cold."

"After discovering the body, we immediately called the police."

"So what is the cause of death according to the police's judgment?" Akira Hanamiya asked.

"He died of poisoning. The toxin seems to be called aconitine." Nine Nine Seven Hui recalled.

"Aconitine? What is that?" Xiaolan asked doubtfully.

"Aconitine is a nerve-paralyzing poison. It is a toxin extracted from the leaves and roots of a plant called yamabori. It only takes 2 milligrams to cause death. Humans will die within a few minutes after being poisoned." Conan said from the side.

"Eh? Conan, how do you know this?" Xiaolan asked curiously.

"I want to become an excellent detective. This knowledge is what Brother Hanomiya and Brother Shinichi asked me to master." Conan said with a smile.

"So that's it... Then Conan, you have to work hard!" Xiaolan encouraged.

"Yeah!" Conan nodded, smiling secretly in his heart: "This trick really works!"

After seeing Conan respond to Xiaolan very calmly, Yu Gongming continued to ask questions along with Conan's popular science.

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