Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1765 Identity Confirmation

"It went smoother than expected..." Mengyu muttered, having successfully locked the device on which the information had been entered.

After operating for a while, she suddenly said "Hey".

"What's wrong?" Yu Gongming asked.

"The only hidden file on the phone, the password to open it is the four Chinese characters [Godmother Hot Sauce]." Mengyu replied.

"What's in the hidden files?" Shinichi is more concerned about this.

"It's a set of secret codes." Mengyu replied.

"Retrieve all the secret codes for our contact with Belmod and translate them one by one." Yu Gongming said immediately.

"Got it!" Mengyu made an OK gesture and started operating according to Yu Gongming's instructions.

About ten minutes later.

"Well, this is the most normal word order and logic after translation." Mengyu showed the tablet to the two of them.

"Two o'clock in the morning, hotel rooftop." Yu Gongming read the contents with a thoughtful expression.

"Are you asking us to meet here?" Shinichi frowned.

Yu Gongming looked at Meng Yu: "When you locked the device just now, where was the location of the device?"

"Already left the hotel." Mengyu called up the device's location information: "It is currently moving at high speed."

"In that case, let's go to the rooftop to take a look first." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"I'm afraid it's not appropriate for all three of us to go." Shinichi shook his head.

"Then Shinichi and I will go. Meng Yu, you stay and keep an eye on Wakasa and keep communicating with us." Akira Hanamiya arranged.

"Okay," Mengyu nodded indifferently, and Shinichi didn't raise any objection.

After reaching a consensus, Akira Hanomiya took some necessary equipment and set off with Shinichi.

He took the elevator all the way to the top floor. Before getting out of the elevator, Yu Gongming once again checked the top-floor monitoring system synchronized to his mobile phone with some dream words. After confirming that it was safe outside, he lowered his hand holding the door close button and let the elevator door open.

The two walked out of the elevator, turned a few corners, and came to the stairs to the rooftop.

Yu Gongming looked up and saw a big lock on the rooftop door. It seemed that under normal circumstances, the rooftop should be closed.

"You help me look out for the wind below, and I'll try to see if I can pick the lock." Akira Yumiya told Shinichi.

"Okay." Shin nodded. He was indeed not as skilled as Yu Gongming in this regard.

Yu Gongming came to the door, took out the wire and inserted it into the keyhole to try.

A minute later, with a "click" sound, Yu Gongming successfully opened the lock and opened the door.

He cautiously poked his head into the door, and what he saw was an empty rooftop except for a huge water tank.

Yu Gongming turned around, closed the door, and walked around the rooftop.

"Judging from the distribution of dust, no one should have been here recently." Yu Gongming analyzed in his mind, and checked with the equipment provided by Mengyu. After confirming that there were no other monitoring equipment here, he returned and opened the door. Relock.

"How's it going?" Shinichi asked, looking at the returning Yumiya Akira.

Akira Hanomiya informed Shinichi of the situation and finally said: "There is nothing unusual about the rooftop, and there are not many people coming. It is indeed a good meeting place."

"It's better to be cautious." Shinichi reminded: "Put an [eye] here."

"That makes sense." Yu Gongming also agreed with this. He returned to the rooftop door again, observed it, activated the adsorption function of the gloves, and followed the wall to the ceiling.

Then, he held the ceiling with one hand, and took out a slightly smaller gray disc that looked like a button from his pocket with the other hand. He pressed it lightly on the ceiling, and the disc was firmly attached to the ceiling. It blends perfectly into the same dusty ceiling.

After doing all this, Yu Gongming returned to the ground with the help of the adsorption gloves again and clapped his hands: "Done."

Although the battery power of the pinhole camera is limited, there is no problem in supporting it until the early morning.

"Let's go back first." Akira Hanomiya greeted Shinichi, and the two simply walked back to the eighth floor along the safety stairs.

In room 0812.

"Is there anything unusual in Wakasa?" Yu Gongming asked.

"Since she entered the room, there has been no movement at the door." Meng Yu replied.

Yu Gong gave a clear hum, without commenting on this, and turned to describe the process of their survey of the rooftop.

Meng Yu showed a clear look and said with a smile: "So that's it. It seems that the other party is still very sincere!"

"Then we can't let each other down." Yu Gongming said calmly.


One fifty-five in the morning.

The door to the rooftop was slowly pushed open, and a figure first looked around for a while, then ducked into the rooftop.

Before he had taken a few steps, there was a sudden bang from behind - it seemed like the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

The figure's expression changed suddenly, and before he could take any action, a cold object had already hit his head.

"Don't move!" The low voice in his ears made him instantly give up the idea of ​​continuing to act.

A flashlight appeared in his eyes, and then gradually turned from one side to the front, illuminating her face - it was the lady who lived opposite Yu Gongming!

By the flashlight, she also recognized this young man who had just moved in across from her room today and looked ordinary.

But now it seems that he may have nothing to do with mediocrity.

"Don't get excited, I don't mean any harm." She raised her hands to show her harmlessness.

"Whether there is any malice or not, let us confirm it ourselves." A cold female voice came from behind. Then, the young man in front stepped forward and put the muzzle of the gun on her forehead. From behind, a pair of hands began to touch her body. groping.

Her body stiffened, and then she suppressed her instinct to fight back, silently feeling the weapons and electronic equipment she had hidden on her body being taken away.

Then, a hand reached for her ear.

Her expression finally changed and she said sternly: "What are you going to do?"

The young man in front of her smiled at her: "What? You didn't bring anything to disguise yourself?"

She stared at the young man without saying anything, as if she was waiting for something.

The young man shrugged, took the muzzle away from her head, then touched her neck lightly, coughed twice, and said: "After all, I haven't seen her for a long time, and I always want to confirm again."

What came out this time was the original sound of Yu Gongming.

The woman was silent for two seconds, then suddenly laughed: "It's really you!"

At this time, her voice also changed, and it was Belmod's voice!

The two parties finally confirmed each other's identities.

Belmode stretched out his hand: "Can you return the things to me?"

Yu Gongming shook his head slightly: "Let us keep it for now, and I will give it to you after you leave."

"Okay." Belmode smiled and seemed not to mind at all.

She turned her head slightly and looked back: "Who is this behind?"

"Hi!" Mengyu also temporarily returned to his original voice and greeted Belmode.

"Okay, let's end the pleasantries here." Yu Gongming went straight to the topic.

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