Facing Wakasa's slightly questioning tone, Akira Hanomiya replied calmly: "Tottori is the headquarters of the organization, and the organization is not defenseless this time. It is not a wise move for us to act rashly."

Wakasa stared at Hanomiya Akira: "Since you want to make a decision before taking action, don't you need enough intelligence support?"

As soon as Wakasa said these words, Yu Gongming suddenly understood that she came here this time not only to express dissatisfaction, but also to test.

Although according to their observation, after entering the hotel, Wakasa stayed in the room the rest of the time except for coming out to have breakfast with them in the morning. However, given her ability, she really had no awareness of their actions yesterday. Yu Gongming didn't believe it.

With a thought in his mind, Yu Gongming put a smile on his lips: "Of course we need intelligence, but we are not responsible for collecting intelligence."

"We have just received some news and are about to discuss it with you!"

Wakasa glanced sideways at Yu Gongming: "Oh? Is that so?"

"Of course!" Yumiya Akira replied without any guilt. In fact, they were just discussing about revealing some information about Wakasa.

"Hmph! Okay." Ruosa said, casually pulling up a chair and sitting down, looking at a few people indifferently: "Then let's talk about it, what is the news?"

Akira Hanomiya didn't waste any time and informed Wakasa about the general situation of Qingshui Coffee Shop.

Of course, he only said that there was a problem at Qingshui Coffee Shop. As for the source of the information, he didn't mention a word.

Wakasa's expression didn't change much as he listened to Hanomiya Akira's narration. Finally, he said, "So, are you waiting?"

"Yes." Yu Gongming nodded and said: "We don't want to be the first to detonate the situation, and it will take some time to let others explore the way for us."

"So now we just need to pay attention to what's going on around the coffee shop and not fall behind if the situation changes."

Wakasa frowned slightly: "Surveillance on the coffee shop - is this the task these days?"

"You can understand it that way." Yu Gongming smiled.

Ruo Sa was silent for a while, then snorted: "I understand, I hope you don't keep me waiting too long."

The smile on Yu Gongming's face remained: "Don't worry, there are people who are more anxious than us."

Ruo Na nodded slightly, said no more, and then left.

Listening to the closing sound of the door, Shinichi's eyes flashed slightly: "Does this guy have no plans of his own at all?"

"It's hard to say." Yumiya Akira said calmly: "We still don't know how she got the news from Tottori. Maybe she did have some plan, but it was too difficult to execute it alone, so she found us."

"Whether she has other plans or not, as long as she doesn't hinder us, it's fine." Shinichi also said.

Meng Yu smiled slightly: "There happens to be a decorative oil painting hanging on the wall outside her room. I have hidden a miniature infrared sensor inside and adjusted the angle. As long as she goes out, unless she deliberately avoids it, she will be Will encounter infrared rays.”

"Didi!" Mengyu's cell phone suddenly beeped, attracting the attention of Yu Gongming and Shinichi.

"Ah! It seems she has just returned to the room!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

Shinichi raised his eyebrows: "You just entered the room now, what was she doing before?"

Yu Gongming also looked thoughtful: "You can't be in a daze in the corridor, right?"

The three of them looked at each other and nodded.

"Mengyu, lend me your detector." Yu Gongming stretched out his hand, and Mengyu immediately and tacitly handed over the machine that looks like a mobile phone to him, which is used to detect electronic equipment.

Akira Hagong walked to the door, put the machine into his coat pocket without taking his hand out, and then opened the door with one hand in his pocket.

He closed the door as if nothing had happened and walked towards the elevator. His right hand in his pocket was silently sensing the changes in the detection equipment.

"The equipment is vibrating obviously, and there are hidden electronic devices within one meter nearby..." He turned his eyes slightly and looked at the oil painting next to Wakasa's room, where the infrared sensor of Dream Talk was hidden.

"The distance is more than three meters, so it can be ruled out." He came to a conclusion in his mind, and kept walking, keeping the angle of his head while moving, and observing the environment within his field of vision.

"Belmod's room has been quietly checked before. There is nothing extra on the walls. There are no suspicious objects found on the walls or carpets in the direction of the elevator... The vibrations are decreasing. It seems that the problem should be around 0812. "

Thinking silently in his heart, Yu Gongming kept walking and came to the elevator room, entered the elevator, and went directly to the hotel's dining area to pack a few lunches and come back.

He first came to the door of Wakasa's room, knocked on the other party's door, and asked if the other party wanted lunch.

After rambling for a while, Wakasa finally refused and took a lunch.

Akira Hanomiya returned to 0812 with the remaining lunch.

"There is an additional pinhole camera above the door of our room." Akira Hanamiya said calmly to the Kudo siblings in the room.

"It seems that she has some objections to our actions without calling her!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

Shinichi chuckled softly: "If she wants to monitor, let her monitor. When the time comes, if you really want to hide anything from her, let Mengyu cover the surveillance screen."

"Nothing!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

Wakasa is a typical fighting sect, and her skills can only be considered average. Moreover, she seems to have considered mobility issues this time and did not bring a laptop, tablet or other equipment.

Then, the only thing she can use to connect the pinhole camera is her mobile phone.

As for that mobile phone, Xinyi had already made a call once before. Although the call time was not long, it was enough for Mengyu to follow the clues and make clues.

She clicked on the tablet a few times: "Hey! Sure enough, it was connected through a mobile phone. Now it's no problem!"

"Then I'll leave the camera to you." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Mengyu happily agreed.


Three days later, in the morning, Qingshui Coffee Shop.

A well-dressed and elegant young man stepped out of the coffee shop, turned around, and walked slowly towards the end of the street.

Several eyes fell on him at the same time, watching him gradually go away.

"Is that guy the pebble you used to explore the road?" On the rooftop of a commercial building a few hundred meters away, Yu Gongming put down his telescope and asked softly.

"Yes, that guy is from Kuro Sakura, codenamed Maple Leaf." Mouri Kogoro's response came from the other end of the communicator: "He directly asked the boss if he had seen Kuroda, and got a positive answer."

"The boss said that Kuroda came here and ordered a cup of coffee, borrowed the toilet, and then left."

"Maple Leaf also used an excuse to enter the toilet to check, and finally found a note on the inner wall of the toilet paper holder."

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