Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1774 Discovery and Problems

Hearing Sera's inquiry, Yu Gongming chuckled: "Don't worry, it's not the time for us to take action yet. When the time is right, I will naturally contact you."

"Okay." There was undisguised disappointment in Shiliang's tone, but he didn't bother much. After a few more brief conversations, he hung up the communication.

As soon as he put down the phone, the car that was driving suddenly began to slow down and stopped soon after.

"We're here." Mouri Kogoro said calmly.

At this time, Mouri Kogoro had already parked his car on the side of the road.

This is the location that Yu Gongming carefully selected after checking the map and combining it with the information given by Meng Yu.

Not only is this the only way to get to Wangchuan Mansion, but there is also a commercial building nearby. According to Yu Gongming's estimation, given the distance between the building and Wangchuan Mansion, their observation equipment is sufficient.

The two quickly got out of the car and hurried to the nearby commercial building.

They didn't have enough time, nor were they in a hurry. Perhaps in order to deceive others, the car that organized the transportation of [goods] did not choose the shortest route to Wangchuan Mansion, but took a detour.

This freed up some time for Akira and Hanomiya who came over by the shortest route.

The two quickly arrived at the Commercial Building and went all the way to the roof of the building.

The division of labor between the two was clear. Kogoro Mouri was responsible for confirming whether anyone was following and staying at the door of the rooftop rooftop to be on guard, while Akira Hamiya came to the edge of the rooftop and used a telescope for observation.

He moved his vision and first observed the location where Wakasa found the sentry when he was following Belmode.

"Hmm... It seems that they are all fixed sentries. They seem to be more densely distributed than the [cargo] transfer points, but relatively speaking, the radiation range is not that wide." Yu Gongming silently analyzed in his mind.

"Hey! Are you here? The car is coming soon!" Mengyu's voice sounded during the communication period.

"Roger, it's here." Yu Gongming responded, his vision turned and he was fixed on the road where they parked.

Not long after, a car turned into the road.

"White Porsche, license plate number is..." Mengyu informed Yu Gongming about the car almost at the same time.

Akira Hanomiya immediately started checking and soon confirmed the identity of the vehicle.

His eyes were fixed on the white Porsche, watching it continue to approach Wangchuan Mansion, and finally slowly stopped at the entrance of the mansion.

The door of the mansion opened immediately, and two men in black suits ran out quickly. One of them gently knocked on the window of the white Porsche, and then seemed to be talking to the people in the car.

After a while, two figures in black coats got out of the car and handed the two suitcases to the black suits with both hands.

The black suit also took the suitcase with both hands, without opening it for inspection, and without further communication with the black coat, he just walked back into the mansion holding the suitcase, his steps obviously much slower than when he came out.

It wasn't until the door of the mansion was closed again and the figure in the black suit disappeared from sight that Akira Hanomiya turned his attention to the white Porsche.

At this time, the white Porsche had also restarted, then turned 180 degrees and returned in the direction it came from.

Not long after, the white Porsche also disappeared from sight.

Akira Hanomiya put down the telescope, let out a breath, turned around and left the rooftop, and met up with Mouri Kogoro who was guarding near the door.

"There are some gains. Let's talk about the details when we get back to the car." Yu Gongming said calmly.

Mouri Kogoro naturally had no objection to this. The two of them didn't stay long and returned to the car after a few minutes.

Akira Hanomiya routinely checked whether there was any detection equipment on the car. After confirming that it was safe, he informed Kogoro Mori in detail about what he observed with his binoculars.

Mouri Kogoro looked thoughtful while listening. When Hanomiya Akira stopped talking, he said, "What do you think is in the suitcase?"

Yumiya Ming laughed: "They did not open and inspect the goods in public, and they were so careful when handing over. I am afraid that not only the contents of the suitcase are very important, but also very... dangerous!"

After a pause, his tone changed slightly; "Maybe it's a high-energy explosive; or it's a dangerous chemical with strong toxicity or radioactivity, or... it's a device that activates some kind of powerful weapon?"

"Judging from the information conveyed by Mr. Amuro, this kind of cargo transportation is not limited to this one trip. Therefore, the possibility of the last item is low, and the first two situations are most likely to be the case."

"Same feeling." Mouri Kogoro nodded slightly, and his expression became solemn: "If it is really a powerful explosive or dangerous chemical, then things will be a bit troublesome."

Yu Gongming also rubbed his forehead with some distress: "Yeah, it's even more difficult than that time at the pharmaceutical factory. At least that time, they regarded the bomb as a back-up for the situation getting out of control, but this time, I'm afraid they have already Consider it an inevitable and routine method."

Mouri Kogoro sighed: "Aside from all this, we still can't confirm whether Kuroda and Kazami are hidden in this place."

Yu Gongming pondered for a while: "If the organization wants to use Wangchuan Mansion as the launch site for the final trap, they should let us confirm that they are here."

Having said this, he suddenly frowned: "The most direct way is to let us see Kuroda and Kazumi being detained in the mansion, but here comes the problem. The Kuroda and Kazumi that the organization let us see are really Is it me?"

Mouri Kogoro raised his eyebrows slightly: "You mean...Belmod?"

"Yes." Yu Gongming nodded and said: "Whether she is disguising herself or helping others disguise, she is a good person. Unless she actually rescues them for further confirmation, she will not be able to rest at ease."

"In other words, we are taking the initiative to enter this mansion that is likely to be filled with bombs or high-risk chemicals when the benefits are completely uncertain."

Mouri Kogoro was speechless for a while, and then he said, "It seems we need to re-formulate our action plan."

Their original plan was to use the "conflict" between Black Sakura and them to cause the organization to misjudge the situation, and to use Black Sakura as a pathfinder, and they would wait for an opportunity.

There is no need to kill the enemy, just bring out Kuroda and Kazami.

However, I didn’t expect that the organization would be so ruthless this time, directly turning the Wangchuan Mansion into a “powder keg”!

In this way, no matter how far Black Sakura can go, it will be difficult for them to take action.

Once their people appear, Maori Kogoro has no doubt that the black organization will immediately launch arrangements to completely turn the entire mansion into a hell on earth!

If they don't take action, Black Sakura, who is the pathfinder, will probably not be able to take Kuroda and Kazami away. If the organization is not greedy and directly launches the trap, Black Sakura's people will also be finished!

It doesn't matter whether Black Sakura's people die or not, but there is a high probability that there will be undercover agents that they shot in there.

It would be an injustice if this was explained here.

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